Name Things that AGGRAVATE You

by minimus 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • gespro

    I am more than likely guilty of the things that aggravate me...I aggravate myself at times

    Stereotypes - for every finger I point, there's always three more pointing back

    People who talk over me or interrupt me in midsentence and think they can anticipate my train of thought. It's not cute anymore. Someone is going to get a punch on the nose one day

    Thought cancelling statements- yep, done that. This is a shortcut in any conversation one may have. "So-in-so is an idiot!" No need to discuss any further, the mind is made up. [see intolerance; predjudice]

    People who think they understand my needs without any indepth searching of my soul and have a neat packaged solution for me like "All you need is a good ass whoopin! You'll be fine". Then again, depending on the context, is not a bad thing....which leads me to

    Bad, passionless sex! A waste of time. AND if we need birth control there ARE other times to discuss this and make arrangements, don't ya think? [And I do mean that for both men and women...guys can take care of business too but we'd be considered too presumptuous if we were expecting sex when we are carrying protection and if we didn't we'd be considered irresponsible....[okay I'm not being fair and I'm off on a rant...come on through it...don't get mad at the multitudes of fine responsible women out's okay now....]Which leads me to

    My brain! My brain aggravates me! It goes on tangants, except MUCH quicker than I can type and for longer periods of time...I think sitting in meetings might've done that to me...I used to take Ritalin. All it did was make me shake...Now I found that I'm traumatized and distraction occurs when I age regress...SEE? There it goes again!!! This brain of mine! Anyone want to trade? YOu'll hear nonstop music in it and sometimes you can't shut it off but, I digress....

    gespro of the 'I hope you understand me a little bit better and have a laugh' class

  • minimus

    Undercover's copycat threads

  • undercover

    ROFLMFAO....ya made me laugh outloud with that one...

  • love2Bworldly

    People who fart and think just because we can't hear it we won't notice ( DUH, we have noses you know )


    Ummmmmm Errrrrrrrrrr Excuse me, it just came out

  • kls

    Dog spit , slobber ,slim,droole . Just one day i would like a day with none of it and have actual clean uncrusty cloths.

  • delilah

    I hate it when another vehicle pulls out in front of a transport, and expects the driver to be able to stop, on a dime, with a fully loaded trailer....uh, DUH!!!! that just ain't gonna happen darlin'....

    I also hate being in line at the store, in an express aisle, 8 items or less, and the person in front ALWAYS has at least 12 items or more......


  • riotgirlpeeps

    People who don't seem to understand it's ok to be quiet if they don't know the answer to something.

    People that think talking louder to someone who doesn't speak thier language will make them understand.

    People that try to skip ahead in lines ( I say try because I do speak up and inform them they have to wait, then of course everyone else with sheep mentality gives them dirty looks and follows suit)

    People ignoring the fact you're obviously in the middle of something and ask "Are you busy?"

    People who forget to bring a lunch frequently and try to glean off everyone else's plates etc

    People who can never say anything positive about thier spouse, I'm sorry but its not saying much about thier own mentality if all they can do is mention how bad they are, if you're that unhappy leave, end of

    People bragging loudly about exploits in cheating or drinking or getting arrested for any number of reasons

    My favorite saying when someone really annoys me:

    "Your IQ is showing"

  • misspeaches

    When my colleagues pick up my blue bic pen and take it away with them...

    THATS MY PEN!!! I only like the blue bic pens... sob sob

  • Apostanator

    I hate it when the Cop is more interested in the work being done rather than directing traffic.

  • Golf

    People who demean and belittle others. No respect for others views and opinions.


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