Total Fluff - Sewing

by mrsjones5 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • MidwichCuckoo
    Really good chili.

    I like to cook it all...

    I have a bloke that makes a super chili - and one that makes a great Thai curry too, which is just as well because the last time I cooked, it looked like there'd been a road traffic accident in the kitchen.

    However, he needs to brush up on his dressmaking skills - the last skirt and blouse he made for himself MUST have been bad, as people were staring when we went out.

  • ArtfulDodger

    Poor chap . . a cross-cooker ? . . must be a pain to try to cook in that little black number and the sling-backs . .especially on his hot-dog stall

  • sunshineToo

    Um....I think I kinda do.

    I know how to sew by hands, but using a sewing machine is not easy for me. I took 3 lessons a year and a half ago. I can make very simple things, but I still need to work on sewing straight lines.

    Speaking of chili, I can make a very serious chili and BBQ ribs.

  • ArtfulDodger

    ... A "serious chili", Sunshine ? . . .as opposed to . .err . . a joke chili ? . . one made with haddock instead of beef - and cinnamon instead of chilis ?

  • Sparkplug

    I sew. Less now that I dont have to make dresses for the girls for meetings...That is a good thing. Now when I sew it is for enjoyment,

  • greendawn

    I don't sew but I know several women that do and it's amazing the beautiful fashionable things they can produce. It saves them a lot of money since in the shops they would cost a lot more than when made at home.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    ArtfulDodger - the 'hot-dog stall experience' was ALWAYS in the nude - just added to the tension (for him) and excitement (for me).

    Have any of you ever done a bit of sewing on your lap only to find you've sewn something to your trousers? Or is that just me?

  • mrsjones5
    Have any of you ever done a bit of sewing on your lap only to find you've sewn something to your trousers? Or is that just me?


  • herewegoagain5

    Does anyone know if a dress slip pattern even exists? I can't find a full length slip at any of the stores in town - I can only locate half slips which I don't enjoy wearing. So, I thought that I would try my hand at making my own using a pattern. But I can't locate such a pattern. Can anyone provide suggestions?

  • Preston
    You go Preston!!

    I respect any man who can handle a sewing machine


    Thank you Ms. Jones - Preston

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