might it have been the "spiritual food we were partaking of?"
most embarrasing thing ever at a meeting ...
by alliwannadoislive 116 Replies latest jw friends
The "Pain in the rear" happened in my congregation years ago, we had a family named "Rumph" (pronounced without the 'h') and of course the brother called on "Sister Rumph in the rear" to comment.
Back when we used to actually play the music on records (I can't wait for someone to ask "what's that?") good old Uncle Oliver, the legendary Oliver Reagan, had just finished his public talk. Ok before I get to the record story, his public talk was a hoot.
Even then in the early 80's he was pretty old. He was trying to give an illustration about that little critter that eats nuts and came up with the word "chimpunk" instead of "chipmunk". Well he rambles through the illustration constantly saying chimpunk and finally my grandmother, his neice, hollers out "THAT'S CHIPMUNK, OLIVER!!". He just nods and keeps going, this time saying "chimpunk" just to antagonize her.
Ok, after the talk during the song in between the public talk and watchtower study, I was running the record player and he was standing in front of it singing his heart out. He kept moving back and leaned his elbow right on the record. Everyone turned to look at me and I was struggling to push his arm off the record player, he was still singing.
mike. -
My cousin was conducting the Watchtower Study and for some reason skipped a paragraph. So his wife caught his eye and began mouthing the words "You skipped a paragraph" and he finally seemed to understand her. He left the platform and walked to the back of the hall to check his zipper.
When he returned to the platform, he had finally got it and told everyone "Skipped sounds a lot like zipped".
One brother who was a total dumbass was giving a demonstration on the Service Meeting. Talking to the "householder", he read a scripture and went to offer the literature. Instead of placing his Bible back in his briefcase, he held it between his thighs while offering the literature. Me and my mom just lost it.
(it never took much to crack the two of us up at meetings)
On some "family" demonstration at a convention once, (Slayer you may remember this one) the family was about to go to the meeting but "mom" decides that since "Little Timmy" is sick they should all stay home. She calls "Little Timmy" and out walks one of the Falconberry brothers, standing a good six feet tall and weighing in probably around 300 pounds trying to keep a straight face. All six thousand people watching laughed so hard I thought the session would end early.
One brother's conluding prayer rambled on so long that one of the elders interrupted the prayer to say "that's enough, brother ------".
mike. -
bendrr ... are you like this all the time ? - i gotta pop around and have a drink with you matey ...
waiting ... spiritual food gone off huh ? ... burp ...
(bty i'm a locked out alliwannadoislive ... :( ...)
Speaking of troublesome acronyms...
One CO decided to talk about pioneering and focussed on married couples.
Spoke of these yuppies who are really Dual income - no kids. Yep DINK's. "Do you realize how many 'dinks' we have in this circuit?"
A few of us spoke to him afterwards about finding another acronym. LOL
I have told this before here. My most embarrasing moments were while I was School Overseer. Asked "why are gynecological issues important to Bible students today?" meant to say geneological.
Then my public talk referring to multi celled orgasms... (3 times before I realized what I was saying..)
This isn't really an embarrassing-funny story. More like embarrassing-horrible.
Imagine you're a sister who has just moved to a new congregation. Your typical nincompoop elder: Totally worthless, lousy speaker, yadda yadda yadda... is giving the announcements before the service meeting, and prepares to read the accounts report. He pulls the letter from the envelope and starts to read. "Sister so and so is spiritually weak. She has been pulling away from the friends..." Imbecile elder goes on reading for two full paragraphs. The other elders try to signal him, to no effect. Finally they cut the sound to the mic and he goes on reading. He'd been reading the letter that the sister's old body of elders had sent along with her publisher card.
Hmmm -
Well,I gave someone an embarrassing moment lol..
I remember when the Insight books came in and we were to pick them up at the lit counter.
I went up to the side of the counter where Bro S(handsome guy) was standing. Nudged my elbow on his arm and said very low and throatily..."Hi Bro S,got a little (pregnant pause, last words in a husky whisper) insight for me?
Poor Bro turned all red,dropped 4 of those heavy books on Bro T's toes next to him,tried to grab them,knocked down the contribution box . He was all red and sweaty looking LOLOLOLOLLOlTina Kid in the Hall Daze lol
Lets see,
There was the time I was working the sound system and the record player cord got stuck under the turntable and the music sounded like something out of the Outer Limits.
Or the time I completely forgot I was doing the sound and was talking to another brother in the back of the hall and the elder on stage had to tell me to go start the final song, which I had to find the right record, get it on the player and put the needle arm in the right place all while everyone was waiting.
Or the time my mother and I couldn't stop laughing while giving a presentation on the stage and the brother said, Hmmm, I guess that's one way you could do it.
Or the time when I was pioneering and one brand new sister's kid wet her pants on the corner of the neighborhood.
Or the time I was going door to door with an annointed brother and he told the householder he would make great fertilizer after armageddon.
Or the time my friend Julie Zeitz (who could cross one eye while staring straight at you) got me completely cracked up while I was the Watchtower reader.
And yes, believe it or not, I was assigned the talk from the youth book on masturbation and homosexuality. Guess they wanted an expert on the subject.
yucking hugs
Heck Tina! That story made me react the same way as that poor, awkward brother! Can you please put a content rating (eg G, PG, etc!) on your posts from now on? LOL
Q: How do you know a Dub loyal to "Jehovah's Organisation" is lying?
A: Their lips are moving. -
A brother giving the talk. His zipper was down. A brother in the audience was trying to surreptiously let him know it was down, Finally the brother giving the talk realizes it's down so he turns around from the audience to put his zipper up and when he turns back to face the audience he had zipped his necktie in his zipper, and couldn't standup straight.