I actually discovered this site after searching for info on persecutions. As a person studying with J.W's and as a person actually raised by one, but who fell away, I would just like to remind you guys of the love that is in our congregations! Yes, so many of us have had embarrassing situations arise, however, the loving kindness of our brothers allows these little embarrassments to be forgotten. We are of course, all imperfect, and well, a fart can slip its way out accidently...or perhaps intentionally! It's an immature christian attitude that finds this amusing. But guys, why I'm really commenting is, this site disturbs me. I have read the articles on Ray Franz etc and am deeply grieved that so many have taken his words to heart and fallen away. Jehovah has his means of protecting his word, though many have tried to discredit or distroy it. And there are always new interpretations coming to light, as Jehovah has told us, we would receive food at the proper time. Therefore when we are able to understand and grasp the scriptures in their proper light, it is revealed to us. I spent years hating J.W's and blaming them for my child abuse, as yes, even I was abused by a friend of the family, who could only have been a J.W, but who my mind won't allow me to remember. I am not bitter anymore, I have realised that it is purely this system of things and the days we are living in. This does not mean I excuse the behaviour, but I leave it in Jehovah's hands to mete out the judgment. After all, we humans are famous for our error!!!!!! And Jehovah, cannot lie
most embarrasing thing ever at a meeting ...
by alliwannadoislive 116 Replies latest jw friends
Pierced Angel
Hi Ramona,
Sorry to hear about the abuse and that you had to suffer. There are many here who have lived through similar things on these boards and it helps to talk about it when you feel up to it. You shouldn't have to wait until the new system to feel better, Jehovah doesn't expect you to not get help if you need it. He wants you to benefit yourself, remember?
Did you actually read Ray Franz's books or just articles about them? You can look up all the references in his books and see for yourself that it's not made up. By the time many people decide to let themselves crack open one of his books, they're already convinced that something's terribly wrong with the religious teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses. The extra information gleaned online and in the books just helps to reinforce what we already know in our hearts.
I'm a better person now and will not let myself return to being a witness. I'm working on a "real" relationship with God and I feel so much more able to do that now.
Thanks for your concerns for us. I feel the same for you and hope you'll join in on some more conversations.
"Too much of a good thing, is wonderful."
Mae West
Hello Ramona, and welcome to the board.
Thanks for your concerns, and sorry for the suffering you have endured.
Actually though, maybe you can address some of the things you mention here in an original post. (just select "POST NEW TOPIC")
We're just having fun with lifes embarassing moments.
Glad to have you here.:-)
Boozy -
A brother giving the talk. His zipper was down. A brother in the audience was trying to surreptiously let him know it was down, Finally the brother giving the talk realizes it's down so he turns around from the audience to put his zipper up and when he turns back to face the audience he had zipped his necktie in his zipper, and couldn't standup straight.
LOL, Disengaged, who the heck was the speaker!...Jerry Lewis?!
Jim Lad
We'll I'm not trying to be a prick but I've heard that S.H.I.T. one before years ago and am convinced that this is one example of JW Urban Legends.
An embarrising moment for me was when I was a teenager and my little twin sisters were about 2yrs old sitting in the front row at the public talk. I like so many was living a bit of a double life. Anyway, one sister dropped a book during the meeting and said loudly with so much exasperation..."Ah! F***!". Many heard, even the speaker paused to look at our christian family. My mom gave me the filthiest look I'd ever seen in my life!
Okies lol.Will do :>. Just an addendum to that story. This brother was my sons study conductor. He got snagged somehow right before he finished college. WHile loving the 'trooth' it was obvious to me,(after the honeymoon period,yanno those wacky zealous first years lol)that this poor guy was struggling to make logical sense of it..... ansd since I was on my way out,I decided to have alittle fun putting a 'human face' on things at the hall. Good news is he left a few months after I did YYYYYYYAYYYYYYY! (not cuz of me of course) but it was good news! Tina Rating this post G for Steph lol -
I've done the pantyhose stuck in the skirt thing myself. I was only 13 or so and SUPER embarrassed. Of course, my parents always made me sit on the front row, so I'd pay attention. So walking all the way to the front with my butt hanging out for all to see!
The other time was when I was "reading" a comment when I was around 8 or so. The phrase should have been "shimmering city" and I accidently said "simmering shitty". If you could only see the look of horror on the sister's faces. My dad was doing everything he could not to crack up. But he was new in the truth and still had his sense of humor back then!
PS: Ramona - welcome! I hope you stick around and read a little more. You'll find we aren't really that bad.
Hi ramona
Welcome aboard!1
I will respectfully disagree with you. It takes a mature person,one pretty well rounded who is able to laugh at the inanities of life. And also a mature one not to take experiences that ARE funny so seriously. Enjoy the board! Tina(((billy)))))))) that was funny lol simmering shitty lol luv,t
OMG -- I am still laughing with tears streaming down my face...thanks to all of you!!
It is slow at work so here I am ...sitting in the middle of tech support...laughing my fool head off -- no point in trying to explain to anyone...no one would remotely understand unless they had been "there" -- !!!Thanks again...:-)
Once my brother was given the privilege to give a 10 minute speech a Tuesday night. He got so anxious he started cracking up and he couldn't stop! He went on trying to give his speech with tears in his eyes , sometimes glancing away toward his friends who , of couse, made things even worse by cracking up themselves. The entire hall was either discreetly laughing or whispering their outrage! At long last the elders got so upset they asked him to go back to his seat! I so wanted to laugh but I was mortified!!
My brother ended up losing his "privileges" for a loong while.