If you'd like, I can add some lube and move it around for you.
god, I have been laughing all day by all the funny posts, my "jah" hurts!!!!!!!!!!
by Legolas 44 Replies latest jw friends
In my town, we're having the opposite trend. We used to separate the recycables into different containers, one for newspaper, another for cardboard, another for cans, another for jars and plastic, etc. But now the city decided to no longer have them separated and starting this fall we're supposed to just put them all in one bin....old spaghetti jars with newspaper, I guess?
I have a better idea....I'm gonna run for office on this idea: I say put all your trash in one can, like the old days...it gets taken to one big dump and prison inmates rumage through all the trash looking for recycling. Then more inmates clean the recyclables and then even more inmates sort them and box them for the recycle truck to pick up. The recycle trucks save gas 'cause they don't have to come to your house, they just go to the main collection spot. You don't have to worry about what is and what ain't recyclable. And it keeps prisoners busy so they don't have time to lay around and watch TV.
i wash most of my garbage before taking it down to my local recycling centre. it doesn't have to be spick and span, but mostly rinsed.
Actually if you live in Dallas proper you can get about anywhere you want with public transportation. Elsewhere would know this if he didn't live in BFE... Alas though we do not have good recycling systems yet. Paper pickup on 1 Thursday a month and no aluminum recycling, which I have found the perfect solution for...I set garbage bags of cans on the side of the road and within minutes someone has snatched them up....I suspect it is either poor people supplementing their income or soccer moms trying to buy gas for their SUVs...
District Overbeer
I used to think you should recycle everything that is recyclable. But I no longer think so. Take paper for example... it costs more money, takes more energy, and does more environmental damage to recycle it compared to just letting it decompose in a land fill. Trees are a renewable resource and they use "tree farms" now for paper anyway, so it's not like we're tearing down rainforests to make newspaper.
I don't remember if there's a net loss when recycling plastic or glass, but it wouldn't surprise me. I'm not excited about plastic sitting in a landfill indefinitely, but if there's a net loss in recycling something then maybe we shouldn't be doing it. Aluminum cans there is a definite net gain in the recycling process and, as Elsewhere pointed out, that's why they actually PAY you to recycle cans.
Just something interesting to think about.
I have a better idea....I'm gonna run for office on this idea: I say put all your trash in one can, like the old days...it gets taken to one big dump and prison inmates rumage through all the trash looking for recycling. Then more inmates clean the recyclables and then even more inmates sort them and box them for the recycle truck to pick up. The recycle trucks save gas 'cause they don't have to come to your house, they just go to the main collection spot. You don't have to worry about what is and what ain't recyclable. And it keeps prisoners busy so they don't have time to lay around and watch TV.
nice. i like the way you think.