Since it is obvious all religion is wrong why do so many believe?

by jwfacts 64 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SeymourButts

    The predominant message throughout the majority of religious institutions is that, regardless of the maladies which may befall us, as long as one retains their faith in God and his purpose for mankind, they can survive. As long as that faith remains intact, regardless of the suffering, they are reaping life's greatest rewards. Convinced that everything happens for a reason, they muster the strength and determination to overcome. One might find comfort in this view, but in reality, they wouldn't need the promise of some kind of after death existence unless their life was somewhat less than fulfilling. Having a feeling of tranquility in ones existence only due to the belief that you will obtain genuine serenity after death is not only senseless, it means your main goal in life is to die. Blind faith has always been a major contributor in human society. By far, most of the population do not have the capability or resources to validate that which they hold as truth. They happily consume what they are told by the "experts" and go on about their life assuming that these "experts" can provide necessary backing for their views. The problem is that those who furnish this information could be wrong, leading to the propagation of something which is not true. The practice of intentionally promoting false teaching is all too common in our world. Those that control the reigns of society view the majority of people simply as sheep, sheep to be herded in the desired direction. "Faith is powerful enough to immunize people against all appeals to pity, to forgiveness, to decent human feelings. It even immunizes them against fear, if they honestly believe that a martyr's death will send them straight to heaven. What a weapon! Religious faith deserves a chapter to itself in the annals of war technology, on an even footing with the longbow, the warhorse, the tank and the hydrogen bomb." - Richard Dawkins Because of this conformity, it is easy to cultivate beliefs that manipulate and control. With the use of deceitful tactics, it becomes a simple affair to obtain compliance and conformity. Although some leaders actually do have mans best interests in mind, there are those that use this control and manipulation to advance their own agenda. They are very destructive to society in their ability to discourage free thought. Unfortunately, a lot of the population prefer to live as sheep, looking to others for direction as they are unable to handle the responsibility that results from such independent thought. All one needs is to concentrate on what is truly important to them in their life. If one focuses upon the barriers that keep them from finding true inner peace through knowledge and understanding, the larger problems will take care of themselves. Reaching the point of discerning what is truly meaningful in ones life and seeing the conditioned ideals for what they truly are will grant freedom from a great amount of the stress and anxiety of the everyday world.

  • zagor

    "A faith that cannot survive collision with the truth is not worth many regrets." --Arthur C. Clarke

  • Daunt

    Faith has yet to prove itself any further than beleif in Santa Claus. Ain't trying to be funny, faith is just that. Stubbornness and bold claims without suffecient evidence or reason seem to be the only retort to the claim that faith is not suffecient, neccissary, or realistic.

  • SeymourButts
    Your feeble and simplistic assertion shows that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, sorry.


    Your arrogance and condescending attitude only serve to demonstrate your inability to carry on a rational discussion. Until such a time as you can, your pathetic attempts shall be relegated to the file comprising the witless dribble of a mediocre mind. sorry

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    humans are ignorant, no if ands nor butts about it.... however we want to believe we are knowledgeable and many spend a great deal of time trying to be knowledgeble sounding.... and some seem to be very knowledgeable and more importantly they are CONfident about that they say and people want to be CONfident they gravitate to those who are.... there are always those who seem like natural born leaders and always have people fawning[?] all over them.... the Gorilla Alpha Male leader of the pack mentality it not out of our gene pool as far as many would have us believe.

    throughout history there have been many what we now call bi-polar people who while in the manic phase of their disease become super CONfident, sometimes having very vivid hallucinations as well....they become magnets which people are either drawn to or repelled by, there is seldom anything in between with these....and they cause revolutions and sometimes tragedies...often both.

    An example I recall was a Jew in 1666 who in his manic phase started speaking very religious things which drew quite a following thinking he was their long awaited messiah... his followers founded the reformed judhaism movement still existant today.

    how many crazy people have altered the world? who knows, some for good some for harm but mostly because people want to believe that someone knows what is going on so they can have the hope that one day they will know what is going on too.

    many say, when you die, then you will know!


    I doubt it.

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