I cant believe it. I always imagined you such a macho beast
Alright now you are making fun.
WHo am I kidding. Even transparant, sarcastic, or insincere efforts to boost the fragile male ego are welcome.
by Check_Your_Premises 40 Replies latest jw experiences
I cant believe it. I always imagined you such a macho beast
Alright now you are making fun.
WHo am I kidding. Even transparant, sarcastic, or insincere efforts to boost the fragile male ego are welcome.
The thing is we say we want sensitivity in a man, but not weakness. A difficult task for any man.
Most of us men appreciate a woman who actually knows what she wants.
Most of us men appreciate a woman who actually knows what she wants
Did I miss a major news story somewhere? Such a thing exists?
Ok, I have now completely run a very important and potentially helpful thread right into the ditch.
CYP - Casey Jones
Yeah, I'd better bail out now 'cas I have far too much to say on that subject.
I was going to give you hard time but didn't want anyone to take offense or turn it into a gay thread.
Your wife is a lucky lady. I think you are trying to figure out a woman's psyche. There had been some discussion on the difference between a male ubm and female ubm. I wonder if you also think about your own wife's feelings and attitude towards you. By seeing the change in us female ubm's, you can see there must be some counterpart to your wifes feelings as well. What is the org doing to your wife's mind? How the heck to women think? How often do we hear that? Men often say they don't 'understand' women. Do women really understand men? Sure, we just pass off things as stupidity! just kidding.
It depends on the time of the month, what we want changes day by day hour by hour, didnt you know that ?
Now im going to get a ear bashing from some girls, I know
Oh good, Carla is here to save this thread from my juvenile meanderings.
you can see there must be some counterpart to your wifes feelings as well.
COuld you clarify this. I didn't quite follow you here. Are you saying that my wife feels the way you lady ubm's feel? Or are you saying that women are just as confused about men as men are about women?
Glad I didn't type my smart ass comments, see, now I can take the higher ground.
No, hell, I hope your wife doesn't feel like female ubm's.
Now this is making me Laugh out Loud. C_Y_P, by necessity, is becoming the man every woman wants, and what do we do? Has his beloved wife clued in to the treasure buried in her field? HAHHAAA
I think most women know what they want, but have not learned the art of DIRECT INSTRUCTION. We're too subtle. Major pet peeve I have with my fellow females, is believing the man should KNOW WHAT WE WANT. Settle down. They don't know. Tell them. Slowly and clearly. With pictures, if need be.
Glad I didn't type my smart ass comments earlier! see, now I can take the higher ground.
Hell, I hope your wife doesn't feel like female ubm's! I honestly don't think jw's think that deeply about relationships. Why should they? They can just look up how they should feel about any subject. My only point was that there are obvious changes when anybody gets involved with the org. Your wife must be struggling with what the hall says about ubm's in general. Even if they don't point blank say we are evil, we are somehow less, unclean if you will. Just meant that you must wonder if the org affects us umb's, surely it must affect your wife's feelings. And I thought you were somewhat trying to figure out women in general. Women confused about men? no, we only wonder how our men can be so dense about things.