The 1914 Doctrine and The Threat of the Egibi Business Tablets

by VM44 349 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jeffro

    Scholar, you funny little man.

    You insult my form of posting, trying to suggest that it doesn't disprove your precious Society's weak doctrines, and then you go on to dismiss the latest post of Alleymom, whose character you claim to respect, and who has privately applauded my patience in intelligently replying to your dogma.

    Almost everything you post is either a contradiction or a lie.

  • exjdub

    Well Folks, this is absolute proof that what goes around comes around (or Karma, if you prefer). I repeatedly have it proven to me that I am now paying for the many years of my stupidity and arrogance wasted in the "Spiritual Paradise". I don't know why I did it, but I read up to page 7 of this thread, which is as far as I could physically go. I have a few observations, from a simpleton's view:

    Jeffro: Although I have never met you, and only recently have read your posts, I think you show great character. How you could put up with Scholar's name calling and condascending manner, without returning in kind, is an amazing feat that is far beyond me. I am incapable of putting up with insufferable, arrogant, blowhards.

    Scholar: You have most certainly broken the record for the repeated use of "Watchtower's Celebrated Scholars". Although just a simple man, even I know that repeating a phrase over and over again tends to have the opposite effect that you most likely are looking for. Every time you use the term (after the first 20 times), without providing the names of these scholars, feels like water torture. I flinch every time you use the description. It proves to me once again that people who are arrogant "intellectuals" with specific agendas, as opposed to open minded, intelligent people debating the merits of their argument, have huge gaps with reasoning skills and common sense in other areas. You lack a tremendous amount of common sense. You also avoid direct questions, which is a sure sign of a faulty foundation for your arguments. Even you should know that "backward engineering", trying to prove a theory from a fixed conclusion, is dangerous ground. I think you, and the WTBTS, have proven this conclusively.

    In conclusion, I just would like to say that I am sorry for the stubborn arrogance that I displayed while in the Borg. I am embarassed that I spent 30 years in New England, spreading garbage and lies, smugly thinking that I had the "Truth" and "Everlasting Life". That is the biggest burden that I carry. I was an ass. And I was an ass that hurt dear family members that were "not in the Truth". I now spend much of my time trying to repair the damage that I caused. That being said, I have run into a bunch of people, like scholar (especially Dubs), who are just interested in hearing themselves talk. I guess what I am saying, in a long winded way Scholar, is: You, Sir, are an Ass of the highest order. I hope you find a cure.


  • scholar


    Your insults are of little consequence. You lose this discussion because of your ignorance and your predujice which blind you to past and present scholarship. As I have said before you need to travel and read more and go to Brisbane and use the big libraries there so that you will learn something.

    scholar JW

  • scholar


    Your insults are of little consequence. You lose this discussion because of your ignorance and your predujice which blind you to past and present scholarship. As I have said before you need to travel and read more and go to Brisbane and use the big libraries there so that you will learn something.

    scholar JW

  • scholar


    Now it seems you know me oh so well and are now fully qualified to write my biography and that of celebrated WT scholars. If you can't stande the heat of the debate and get out of the kitchen and good riddance to you. I have little time for deserters of the true faith and by the way have you found the true religion?

    scholar JW

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    Scholar - I just recently started posting here, but have been lurking a long time, and I must say I really feel sorry for you you are a scholar in your own mind, you tell others to research and study to learn, but you should apply those words to yourself, you should study about ancient civilizations prior to the Hebrews like the Sumerians, their Myths and beliefs and you will see that the Hebrews borrowed alot of stuff from others, this was a common thing back then, just take an idea change the name and tweek it a little and adopt as your own. For example the Epic of Gilgamesh and the similarities on the flood account, go to wikipedia and type YHWH and see what comes up. It seems that the Jewish people were not monotheistic in the beginning which is why we have the El, Elohim and Yahweh references, I know the WTS excuses, but I am sick of lies, and will no longer believe in what a group of priests put together by vote and called the word of God, to control the masses, this happened when the OT was put together, and when the NT was put together also.

    Scholar, read, research go to the library, don't be afraid, once you no longer believe in the Armaggedon Crap, and the Tribulation Crap, it's really a relief, and very liberating.


  • Jeffro
    Your insults are of little consequence. You lose this discussion because of your ignorance and your predujice which blind you to past and present scholarship. As I have said before you need to travel and read more and go to Brisbane and use the big libraries there so that you will learn something.

    It is not "predujice" to point out facts and indicate how an interpretation is badly flawed. On the other hand, it is prejudicial to try to twist snippets of various works out of context to try to fit your own interpretation while ignoring the full weight of what the original sources say.

    I have no need to read more on a subject I know well, just so I can try to rationalize all of your rediculous assertions.

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    I have just started posting here. Whereas this is a rather deep subject and I have not done the research that others here have, I would like to know if, Scholar, has read the books written by Charles Taze Russell. The Finished Mystery. In these books he initially came up with the date of 1914 from measurements in the Great Pyramid of Giza. In fact, he was so into the pyramid studies that he had a pryamid erected at the foot of his grave. Of course, he came up with this date after the previous dates that he had said would bring about God's Kingdom, some of which were in the mid to late 1870's. Also, you might want to do research in some of the older literature where it is stated that 1925, had more scriptural proof than even 1914 did. For your recollection that was why they built the home for the resurrected prophets. It really sickened me to find out that such a fundamental date was initially believed in because it sort of coordinated with some measurments in a pyramid.

  • exjdub

    Now it seems you know me oh so well and are now fully qualified to write my biography and that of celebrated WT scholars. If you can't stande the heat of the debate and get out of the kitchen and good riddance to you. I have little time for deserters of the true faith and by the way have you found the true religion?


    You are so enamored with yourself you don't even realize what you posted:

    I have little time for deserters of the true faith

    If you have "little time for deserters of the true faith" then what are you doing here arguing with apostates? Once again you show your complete lack of common sense and your hypocrisy. Before you jump down the rabbit hole, at least the only one that is left for you, let me cover it for you. You are here arguing with apostates for the benefit of those JW's who may be on this site, right? You and I both know that's not true. The real reason you are here is for your vanity. You like listening to yourself. It's called mental masterbation. Now go argue with the Witlesses because you can't hold the jockstrap of the people who have kicked your ass on this thread. The true faith I have is: You don't have it.


  • exjdub


    One more thing. You still have not answered a direct question: Who are the "celebrated WT scholars"? I would be a celebrated JWD apostate if I could get you to answer a direct question.


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