defd, Re: Leaving JW's and reading the Bible daily

by DazedAndConfused 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • DazedAndConfused

    The other day you created a thread with this question:

    Does anyone who Left Jehovahs Organization, still read the bible daily? Honestly do you? Or is it collecting dust read the bible daily? Honestly do you? Or is it collecting dust on a table or shelf somewhere?

    Someone made the comment that they had thrown away Bibles and WT publications, to which you replied:

    "That is typical of ones who left God"

    I will close this with quotes from Luke 6:37,38: (37) "Moreover, stop judging, and you will by no means be judged:..." (38) "...For the measure that you are measuring out, they will measure out to you in return."

    Edited because of spelling. Edited again because formatting was way off after the first edit.

  • PaulJ

    Well put D n' C.

  • mrsjones5

    Well said D&C

  • JustTickledPink

    I would also liken it to reading your instruction manual on your new TV or new car, you read it, learn how to use the item and that's it. No need to read the instruction manual over and over every day.... better to put the information to use than to read about it.

    You are also given policies and procedures when you start a new job, read them, stick to them, get to work. If I spent an hour every day re-reading my employee manual my boss would fire me.... it's all about putting things into practise.

  • jillbedford

    Unfortunately the WTBTS has led us to absolute conclusions. How very sad!

    I still read the true Bible as often as my poor, imperfect personality can. Which is 4 to 5 times a week. I gain insite and wisdom still.

    Don't be so judgemental. Jesus ransom sacrifice forgives our shortcomings.

    Do the best you can!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Good observations, D and C.

    I also never get a reply from defd. I see several others that do not get one either. I am not sure if he has 'marked' us or perhaps disfellowshipped us? I get the same treatment from all JW's now.

    My question is this; If Jesus walked among us today would he find the self-righteous judgmentalism of the witness clan to be close to the humble, loving, teachable spirit he encouraged? Or would he condemn them just like he did the self-righteous religious leaders of his day? I think we know the answer -and so does defd and others like his self.


  • defd

    Well put D n' C. Well put? To be frank that is a sorry analogy. For one we are talking about GODS word. We are admonished, encouraged to read to read it EVERY DAY. Besides who besides those who do not believe in God wouldnt WANT to read HIS words DAILY. People have no problem hearing Satans words daily!

  • jaredg

    i stopped reading the bible and instead took up reading the gnostic gospels, the koran and other eastern religious books. believe it or not but the bible does not have a monopoly on god.

  • defd

    My question is this; If Jesus walked among us today would he find the self-righteous judgmentalism of the witness clan to be close to the humble, loving, teachable spirit he encouraged? Or would he condemn them just like he did the self-righteous religious leaders of his day? I think we know the answer -and so does defd and others like his self.

    I agree. Not ALL JWS are like that though. Now lets apply that ? to YOU! What would Jesus find in YOU!

  • coolhandluke


    My man, it seems so often that your feelings of righteousness for the path you have chosen pass through the filter of wanting those around you to share what you feel and what you believe. It is my humble opinion that this was not the path that Jesus took. His beliefs were subject to himself and his father. They needed no justification/ratification/acceptance/affirmation. Why do you project your own brand of loathing on those who do not share your beliefs? What do you mean to accomplish? I am not asking these things from a self righteous point of view nor one of condescending. The point I have come to in my life is that I know nothing. That leaves me free to know everything.

    "The less I have the more I gain/Off the beaten path I reign/Rover, Wanderer, Nomad, Vagabond./Call me what you will."


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