Defd, I want to ask you an honest question. Why do you visit this discussion board? I honestly would like to know. Because by the tone of your post that started this thread, it does not seem as if you've got much of an open mind toward any belief, or lack thereof, which does not coincide exactly with what you perceive to be a mandate from God, to do things a very specific way. This is more than a little ironic, since you are an active member of a discussion board that is made up of people who the religion you're defending has cast off, and view as beneath contempt.
Do you post here with the intention of getting some to realize what you consider to be the "error in their ways"? Do you ask questions with the honest intention of listening, with an open mind, to their replies; or are you simply asking questions to try to "teach" us, and "realign" our thinking? Because it seems very much like you are employing the field service tactic (which I'm sure we all used to use) of asking your "householder"(us) questions, and then only listening for answers that fall within the narrow scope of "acceptable", or "sheep-like", responses; completely ignoring and being unwilling to try to truly understand someone else's point of view, and accept it as just as valid as your own.
You are obviously brave enough to frequent an "apostate" discussion board, so why not take the next step and let go of the need to judge others based on your beliefs. The world's a much nicer place when you don't have to worry about "helping" people "see" that they're wrong.
Please let me know, as I am curious to hear your answer.