defd, Re: Leaving JW's and reading the Bible daily
by DazedAndConfused 52 Replies latest jw friends
I agree with what you have posted. Thank you for giving me something I can have an answer for before defd can try to use it.
What I am about to write is for defds' perusal if he was thinking of the same scripture.
Cognitive_Dissident wrote:
Psalms 1:1,2 -
"(1) Happy is the man that has not walked in the counsel of the wicked ones, And in the way of sinners has not stood, And in the seat of ridiculers has not sat. (which is also relevant to this discussion)
(2) But his delight is in the law of Jehovah, And in his law he reads in an undertone day and night.This is not a commandment as was stated. But what I find interesting is that this particular scripture talks about "law" being read in "an undertone day and night." This does not command that we read the Bible everyday.
In Galatians 4:4,5 it states:
(4) But when the full limit of the time arrived, God sent forth his Son, who came to be out of a woman and who came to be under law,
(5) that he might release by purchase those under law, that we, in turn, might receive the adoption as sons.
I know this is in vain, but I am still asking for a scripture that tells us that we have to read the Bible every day.
What would Jesus find in YOU!
I don't know what he would find in me... I sure know what I would find in him! My foot... In his A$$!
Has Def'd ever answered the question as to why he was DF'd? I know several people have asked but as usual the subject is ignored.
Congratulations DnC on getting an answer and I loved everyone elses comments.
Def'd it seems whenever the questions and/or answers get to much for you to handle you don't reply or in this case...go home? Are you by any chance using your employer's computer? Is this within company policy? Do you have permission? If your congregation were to find out you frequent this "Apostate" site (and frequent is an understatement) how would this affect your chances of reinstatement or would it cause you to be DF'd if you're not already? If Jesus were to come to earth now, how would he judge you or feel about you going online, frequenting this site and...stealing time from your employer to do it?
An Inquiring mind would like to know......
P.S. Do you count the time?
Has Def'd ever answered the question as to why he was DF'd? I know several people have asked but as usual the subject is ignored.
But he HAS answered it! Defd pointed out it does not signify disfellowshipped at all but is a use of a childhood nickname "Def D___"
Sorry Ozzie I missed that post...thank you for the clarification........maybe you know the answers to the other ???? because I'm sure a snowflake has a better chance in he## than I or anyone else does of getting answers to and ???? we ask!
well put and im glad you brought it to his attention again incase he missed it.
"We are admonished, encouraged to read to read it EVERY DAY. Besides who besides those who do not believe in God wouldnt WANT to read HIS words DAILY."
...by whom, defd? Anyone with any authority? besides of course the Flatulant and Deceitful Slave Class!
Regarding the Psalm extolling the virtues of reading in an undertone day and night, in addition to CD's insightful comments:
It's a song, right?
I don't believe other religions base heavy doctrine and mandates on the Psalms; they are a collection of SONGS!
Nice, enjoyable, but not all are mandates are they?
I agree that it is an observation that some in the days of the Psalm writer used the power of their belief, as butressed by reading the Law, for good.
OR: is it merely wishful thinking from that wayward Psalm singer, king/lover/killer/liar David? -
Are you by any chance using your employer's computer? YESIs this within company policy? NO
Do you have permission? YES
If your congregation were to find out you frequent this "Apostate";site (and frequent is an understatement)how would this affect your chances of reinstatement or would it cause you to be DF'd if you're not already? I dont care who knows or finds out at my Cong. I do not allow them to LORD it over me. I am not DF'd.
If Jesus were to come to earth now, how would he judge you or feel about you going online, frequenting this site? I think he would say, "DERRICK ! you were playing with fire, but I am proud of you, I know the heart and your's is in the right place and you have done good."