At John 10:30 Jesus said " I and the Father are one" What was he implying? Was it a claim to be Almighty God? What is your thoughts and why?
What was Jesus implying...........................
by defd 87 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh no, not again!
Sorry defd, but this Trinity thing has been done to death here, but here we go again...................
Now, let battle commence!
Sorry ozzie. I donot want to get into a trinity debate myself. Could you delete this topic and i will rephrase my question. I have something else in mind for that scripture other than a discussion about the trinity. I can rephrase the question better to suit what i really want to talk about.
Jesus also said me and my disciples are one. *forget where exactly* but he said it, so Jesus didn't mean to say that he was God almighty. He just meant that they were on the same side.
John 17:21
21 in order that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in union with me and I am in union with you, that they also may be in union with us, in order that the world may believe that you sent me forth.
What i really wanted to talk about was understanding scriptures CORRECTLY(which you seem to be with this one) Alot of times people do not understand script. because they do not consider content or context. Thats what leads to all theses different doctrines amoung the Religions. Perfect example is seen in the thread i started about favorite bible charactor. A few people, not mentioning any names........Jgnat, misspeaches, Totoally got the wrong understanding of an account due to the lack of reading in context. So i purpose a test or challenge if you will, Can anyone tell me what Jesus was really saying. I know that trinitarians use John 10:30 as a scripture to prove the trinity. Now I dont want to get into that discussion for obivious reasons. I would like to know what people feel jesus meant by that statement and explain why by using the BIBLE. Because I know for a fact Jesus was not making a claim to be God. I know what he meant by following the rules of the bible. CONTEXT!
Even before becoming a JW, I knew that Jesus and God (Jehovah or YHWH) were not the same person. It's pretty clear to me.
Thats great Jh but Millions of people see it otherwise. They use this scripture as proof. When in fact Jesus was saying something else.
Actually JH, I wouldn't be so sure. This topic, i.e. Trinity, has been going on for nigh on 2,000 yuears. Who are we to find anything new in it?
But to be fair to defd, he wants us to discuss scriptures in context - have I got that right, defd?
Well, could i add my own? Ta.
I could make it a series, so here's my first contribution:
Try Matthew 24:45-50 - was Jesus prophesying here? Was he referring to the WTS in prophecy?
John 10:30: "One" asserts not the identity (as a single Person) but the essential unity of the Father and the Son.