Jesus as Manager and Founder of Christianity
by jgnat 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Narkisso's link regarding the history and context of foot washing is self-explanatory.
"Shining One", really, you need to work on your reading comprehension skills or we will go round and round. As I've said before, all interpretations of scripture must go through the law of love first. So said Jesus. And he got in a lot less trouble working through more puzzling sections of the scriptures than centuries of scholarly study. At the time.
Shining One
Where does the 'law of love' lead you when Jesus told us that all of the law and prophets would be fulfilled? If a 'Christian' does not accept the AUTHORITY of scripture then where is the basis to apply the law of love?
Rex -
I rest on the authority of Christ's sacrifice, instead. Christ through his short life fulfilled all that was written about him in the law and the prophets. Why don't we follow the ancient dietary laws or sacrifice the blood of bulls and goats at the temple? Because those laws were abolished by Christ. Besides fulfilling the prophecies of his coming, Christ raised the law beyond a set of rules for behavior. He took those rules and pushed them so high nobody can reach, Matthew 5:17-47, finishing off with a command for us to be perfect.
Mat 5:48 Darby Be *ye* therefore perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Which, of course, we cannot do by ourselves. Why would Jesus give us an impossible command?
Rom 13:8-10 Darby Owe no one anything, unless to love one another: for he that loves another has fulfilled the law. For, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not lust; and if there be any other commandment, it is summed up in this word, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Love works no ill to its neighbour; love therefore is the whole law. Galatians 6:1-2 CEV My friends, you are spiritual. So if someone is trapped in sin, you should gently lead that person back to the right path. But watch out, and don't be tempted yourself. You obey the law of Christ when you offer each other a helping hand. Collosians 2:7-9, 14 CEV Plant your roots in Christ and let him be the foundation for your life. Be strong in your faith, just as you were taught. And be grateful. Don't let anyone fool you by using senseless arguments. These arguments may sound wise, but they are only human teachings. They come from the powers of this world and not from Christ . God lives fully in Christ. And you are fully grown because you belong to Christ, who is over every power and authority. God wiped out the charges that were against us for disobeying the Law of Moses. He took them away and nailed them to the cross.
If a 'Christian' does not accept the AUTHORITY of scripture then where is the basis to apply the law of love?
it doesn't matter. Allah is the only true god.
Tetrapod, let's start a thread claiming the two of us are married...just for fun.
the law of love?
Is universal...with humans...Your beloved brother Paul even wrote it in your "Holey book".
Romans 2 : 14-15a- "For whenever people of the nations that do not have law do by nature the things of the law, these people although not having law are a law unto themselves. They are the very one who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts."
I just love how "christians" feel so special about their ability to love...and think no one else knows how or does.
If there was a JC and he was here, he'd have nothing to do with you.
u/d (of the get away from me you workers of lawlessness class)
Shining One
You still have not answered the questions at hand. You cannot answer directly, can you?
> Don't let anyone fool you by using senseless arguments. These arguments may sound wise, but they are only human teachings. They come from the powers of this world and not from Christ.
What do you use as a basis (since you deny some scripture as inspired) to judge an argument to be senseless, as they are 'human teachings'? Are you using your own guidelines, you cannot be using the 'law of love', since you deny the infallibility of the scriptures that contain the guideline!
>I rest on the authority of Christ's sacrifice, instead. Christ through his short life fulfilled all that was written about him in the law and the prophets.
Matthew 5:
17. Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Why don't we follow the ancient dietary laws or sacrifice the blood of bulls and goats at the temple? Because those laws were abolished by Christ. Besides fulfilling the prophecies of his coming, Christ raised the law beyond a set of rules for behavior.
This is exactly the scripture I am referring to. The reason that the civil and sacrificial law is no longer a requirement is the advent and crucixtion of Christ, you should know that. You put up another 'smoke screen' instead of answering my direct question.
> He took those rules and pushed them so high nobody can reach, Matthew 5:17-47, finishing off with a command for us to be perfect. You cited this below:
Galatians 6:1-2 CEV My friends, you are spiritual. So if someone is trapped in sin, you should gently lead that person back to the right path. But watch out, and don't be tempted yourself. You obey the law of Christ when you offer each other a helping hand.
If you deny any part of the scriptures, then how can you judge what is sin and what is not sin. How do you avoid being a legalist or conversely, give license to sin? You also neglected the context if the passage.....btw, this is teaching that tells us the proper way to correct someone who is caught in a habitual sin.
19. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.20. For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Again, if you deny scripture in the first place, then do you not put yourself in grave danger to attempt to teach others what is correct and incorrect, according to scripture? How in the world can we reach this unattainable perfection. You are right, WE cannot. But that does not give us an to excuse sin. What it does is teach us to rely on Christ's sacrifice. To accept Him as our Lord and savior. Yet you make fun of 'evangelicals', even deride them for trying to reach those who may be lost! You deride those who would see their fellow man gain eternal reward instead of 'stroking their heads' and NOT warning them about hell! How is that any example of 'following the law of love'?
2 Timothy 3
1. But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.2. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,3.without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,4. treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God--5.having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.6. They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires,
7.always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.
Does any of this context sound familiar?
8.Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth--men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected.9. But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.10. You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance,11. persecutions, sufferings--what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, the persecutions I endured. Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them.12.In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,13.while evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.14. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it,15. and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
Paul is talking Old Testament here, you cannot deny scripture and then turn around and pretend you are a Christian! None of the New Testament and certainly not any of the gospels even existed at this time! The 'law of love' is based soley on Old Testament teachings. Jesus should know, He wrote the book!
16. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
That is the final nail in the coffin for your false argument. When are you going to admit your error? You cited Paul four times, yet I would be willing to bet that there are teachings of Paul (who always referenced Old Testament!) that you deny as well, right? I hope and pray that you come to your senses. You are putting too much faith in man's reasoning ability and not is God's word.
Rex -
Shining One
You really need to quit using 'JW exgesis' and start analyzing scripture more than one verse at a time.