defd- taking bets on how long it takes for him to become apostate...

by in a new york bethel minute 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    haha i hope this doesn't come across as mean or jerky or libelous... but i can totally see Defd becoming apostate... he posts here a lot which means he reads even more. to me it's just a matter of "seeing it when you're ready to"... kind of like those 3D art things that were popular in the mid-90's... it's invisible until you make deep focus and at the same time blur your eyes to what you would normally see


  • Rayvin

    So.. how long are you guessing?? I need more info.. how long has he been having questions? For me it took about 2 yrs to really start seeing the picture.

  • kid-A

    I think our LOVE-BOMBING just may work on defd!!!! LOL

  • colorado5591

    according to Borg laws and mandates, his prescence on this board is apostacy in itself.....right???

    Yes, bomb with love as he will need it if the borg collective becomes aware of his fraternizing with apostates. At least he will know he has somewhere to turn.

  • Perry
    kind of like those 3D art things that were popular in the mid-90's... it's invisible until you make deep focus and at the same time blur your eyes to what you would normally see

    Committing that to memory. Thanks NYBM.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute
    So.. how long are you guessing?? I need more info.. how long has he been having questions? For me it took about 2 yrs to really start seeing the picture

    well he's been posting since february of this year, and he has like 700 posts under his belt.

    according to Borg laws and mandates, his prescence on this board is apostacy in itself.....right???

    true enough, but let's look at it in terms of his belief system... when does he finally take the blue pill (or is it the red pill)?


  • littlerockguy

    It would be hard to say since I dont know what posts he reads, what he has read or found out or what part of the JW doctrine that he holds onto more than others. It may not even be anything that he learns or reads but what he experiences that will cause him to have doubts. I quit going to meetings around 1997-98 but would not post here until earlier this year let alone think about reading "apostate material" like Ray Franz book.

  • GetBusyLiving

    He already is.. he just doesnt know it yet.


  • mrsjones5

    How much to get in on this bet? Is this going to be structured like a football pool?

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute
    How much to get in on this bet? Is this going to be structured like a football pool?

    you get the satisfaction of knowing another has bitten the proverbial dust... but in a good way!


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