1. Were among the first to respond to the Tsunami of 2004 and Hurricane Katrina with food, water, shelter, clothing, comfort, etc. and provided relief efforts to every person they came in contact with regardless of religious beliefs.
2. Point to Jesus as the only source of true happiness in today's world of uncertainty
3. Utilise 'worldly' holidays to focus attention on God's love for mankind.
4. Welcome you in no matter how many tattoos or body piercings you adorn your body with.
5. Pray for everything and at a moment's notice. (Isaiah 56:7; Mark 11:17)
6. Don't use 1,000's of publications to promote themselves as God's voice to mankind.
7. Let the bible interpret itself through other scriptures (example: Acts 11:26 and 15:14).
8. Don't pass judgement on other sinners. They let God judge while they minister to people and exhort them to allow the Holy Spirit to lead them.
9. Don't claim to have the 'only' truth from God's Word.
10. Promote moral values that mirror what the bible teaches.