Qcmbr, I am compelled to respond to this comment of yours:
Real christians are those who try to do God's word. Anyone else is by definition an imposter.
I have been accused of this, in depth, lately. So you can understand my sensitivity to this issue. Way back when I was investigating the roots of JW'ism and my own faith, I took a good look at Orthodoxy and the Nicene Creed. The JW's say the rest of Christendom got it wrong and rejected the creed. Most of the rest of Christianity has kept faith to the creed, saying it was the best defence against the heresies that were dividing Christendom at the time. The whole concept of Orthodoxy was, "what are the marks of a Christian"? So we can spot the frauds.
I tried looking for a similar short-list of beliefs for JW's and really didn't find it. AlanF helped me see what the core doctrine of the JW's is. "Believe everything the Faithful and Discreet Slave says." Any JW who denies this doctrine is by definition, not a JW any more. If the WTBTS directed that blood transfusions are no longer considered "eating blood", faithful JW's would adjust their thinking tomorrow. If the WTBTS directed that Jesus has visibly returned and is a monkey in the Moscow Zoo, faithful JW's would have to adjust their thinking.
To try and follow everything literally as written in the bible leads to much error, in my opinion. What are the principles and foundation of our beliefs? Be true to those. Everything else follows. I am still an Orthodox Christian. I follow the Nicene Creed. I am no imposter.