Real Christians.....

by Honesty 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • oldflame


  • heathen
    3. Utilise 'worldly' holidays to focus attention on God's love for mankind.

    I think the holidays are a marketing scam mostly , to get people out buying crap they don't need , I don't think the focus is on spending time learning the truth about these things .

  • LittleToe

    I have to admit, the term "real Christian" makes me shudder. I've heard it so often it has lost it's meaning, only to be replaced with a trigger.

    Unfortunately the term "Christian" also has connotations for many people, especially those who were raised as a JW. I got over that one because I simply don't see "God" as an anthropomorphised vengance-wreaker, regardless of what some literature seems to indicate is the view of some.

    If a list has to be longer than the two laws of love, then methinks it is already taking on pharisee-like connotations. Anything and everything else should be individual and spontaneous (as are the two laws of love, themselves).

  • jaffacake

    I believe LT has understood the real message underlying all scripture. Christ himself summarised 'the law and the prophets' in exactly the same way.

  • jaffacake

    I think the list that started this thread is pretty good, although I like LT's suggested shortening.

    On the other hand, fundamentalists select such a strange list of beliefs and claim they are the fundamentals of Christian faith? What is really fundamental to Christian faith? I like a version I read by a theologian I respect:

    • existence of a creator God
    • revelation of the unlimited love of God shown in the life and death of his Son
    • the hope that all might share in the redemption of the world accomplished by God, in and through Jesus Christ & the power of the Spirit
  • Qcmbr

    is there a risk in such unfettered interpretaion of Love thy neighbour? Jesus himself gave teachers and priests etc.., contrary to the desire for hippy free love religion my reading of the scriptures points to a highly ordered church structure and rule set.

    Sacrament - do this in remembrance of me.
    Baptism - except a man be born of the water and of the spirit he can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God.
    Priesthood - No man taketh this honour unto himself.
    Revelation - Flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee but my Father who is in heaven.
    One way to do things - He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold a thief.
    No division and all roads lead to heaven ideology - One Lord, One faith, one baptism.
    Preaching - go ye into the world and preach my gospel.
    A body of faith - in the latter days some shall depart from the faith.
    Law - ..the doers of the law shall be justified.
    Commandments - if ye love me keep my commandments
    Actual required action - faith without works is dead.
    Sabbath day worship - sabbath was made for man not man for the sabbath

    List of Jesus' commandments Matt 5:20-48,22:21, 22:23-47, john 3:3-7, john5:39

    Real christians are those who try to do God's word. Anyone else is by definition an imposter.

  • LittleToe

    I prefer the "hippy style" to that of other "imposters"...

    Gotta love dem Mormons!

  • Qcmbr

    But LT what parts of the commandments I identified are sacrificed for ultimate spontaneity - do you accept a sabbath, baptism, need for prayer etc..? Just interested. When do we cease to be Christian and move to free love floating - is there a bare minimum required to be Christian.

  • Qcmbr

    I love them mormons too:)

  • LittleToe

    Q:Tell me which part of those were involved in the life of the thief on the cross, and you'll perhaps have your answer...

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