Horror film shower scene!

by ButtLight 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight

    Yes, I had one yesterday!

    I was here alone yesterday morning, and heard a loud bang upstairs. My cats glanced towards the steps as did I. Then a minute later, I hear another noise, and both cats run to the bottom of the steps looking up like they wanted to pounce. I was a little freaked, but ignored it. So one of the cats ran upstairs, and jumped on the dryer (he always lays there). Then I hears some other noises, and look up, and it wasnt the cat. This went on for a long time till I finally got enough nerve to grab a knife and go look. I swear I was in a horror flick, walking slow, checking closets, and then of course I have to check the bathroom! My heart was pounding so hard knowing I had to fling open that damn shower curtain!! And of course, nothing! So I go back down stairs. Then my daughter and her friend came home, and both of them heard it. (at least 3 times) So we all go up and look, and the only thing that wasnt normal was that the door to the attic was pushed slightly open. So my daughter goes to work, and I started thinking maybe someone came in the house when I took the kids to school! So I grabbed my clothes, and told my daughters friend to wait till I changed. I go in the bathroom, and one minute later she come flying into the bathroom screaming, "lets go now"! She heard more things. Now we are both locked in the bathroom, not wanting to come out. I asked her If I should call the police, and she said yes. So I do, and they said to go outside and wait. Two cop cars pull up, and 3 cops get out. Then they called for backup. Backup came, and they went in, and then another car for backup comes. We sat outside in the truck for a half hour. They come out, and say nope, no one is in there. Two of them came out all dirty from crawling around in the attic. lol Boy did I feel like an idiot! And I told them that, but they all agreed, better safe than sorry. And that I need to feel comfortable in my own home.

    So we sluffed it off as the wind blowing the attic door up, and the wind for the noises. We shut all the windows, and heard nothing. Until thismorning. Everyone leaves, and the shi* starts all over again. The windows are shut, and its not windy. grrrrr. And they are different noises each time, some faint, some really loud. But everytime my bf comes home, the noises stop. Whats up with that. He is home now, and nothing!!!!!!!! But you watch tomarrow, when Im here alone............................. Also, my daughter told me that yesterday morning when I left, the cat was going nuts and growling (which she never does) at things that werent there.

    Of course now my mind starts thinking demons! And thats because I borrowed two books monday night from schne_belly, "crisis of conscience", and "Jehovahs Witnesses". So I looked on the back of the second book, and at the bottom it gives a list of other books written by the author. "The Ouija Board" and "A Doorway to the Occult" and "Cults and the Occult"!!!!!! Im starting to wonder if its the book. Am I letting my imagination run wild from what I learned from the jw's? I guess I could take the book back and see what happens............by the way, if it is that, I am going to have to hurt ya schne!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just kidding! You may not want it back now lol!

  • Legolas

    Wow Buttlight I wish I could be there with you to investigate the house! I bet alot of others would love to be there as well!

  • ButtLight

    Ummm, I DONT WANT TO BE HERE! I have had many spooks before in my old house, but never here. So, Im trying hard to think of other explanations, so far I came up with nothing!

  • Elsewhere

    Hmmm... have you considered the possibility that you’re insane?

  • ButtLight

    yeppers, that was my first thought!!!!!!!!!! But, then my cats, and my daughter, and her friend would have to be also!

  • Legolas

    LMAO....I wouldn't want to be there ALONE either but with others!

  • Elsewhere

    In the past I would hear a "bang" noise every few seconds during storms with a lot of wind. I eventually found that my patio storage door was ajar and swinging in the wind. I just pushed it firmly closed and the noise went away.

  • ButtLight

    I made something for my reletives, (witnesses) and brought it over there yesterday. She is home alone, and just called me, cause she is hearing noises upstairs, like someone is walking around up there. She kept me on the phone while she check it out. No one there. Hmmm. We also talked about a web site that our kids go to, and wonder if it could be that. They wont allow theirs to go on it anymore. I need to check into that too. Its just wierd that she is having almost the same problem as I am! And I told her yesterday about it. ????

  • daystar


    If you really want to believe, you're going to believe no matter what anyone says. My experience has been that any so-called "entities" only have power so long as there is a conscious or unconscious power of Will fed into them. Unbelievably, it is usually it is the will of the one being affected.

    I am one of those people whose nature is so close to earth, that unusual phenomena rarely shows itself around me. For example, many years ago I dated a girl who practiced magic as a witch. She swore that there were entities she called the Watchers who followed her around, no matter where she was or how far away from home she was, and simply... watched her. She was going to be moving to my area to live with me and I assured for, for an unknown reason, that they would not be following her to my town. Sure enough, they remained tactfully away while we lived together. Once we split up and she moved back to her hometown, not surprisingly, they returned.

    Now, I have no special unusual powers, except perhaps the power of suggestion. She believed what I told her. This was something by my design. I didn't tell her of my skepticism toward such entities. In fact, I did just the opposite. I convinced her that I was very familiar and was powerful enough to keep them at bay. By her account, I did.

    In your case, there most likely is a very normal, usual explanation for what you experienced. I might add that I have been in contact with much, much more controversial books than the two you mention and have yet to have had any "demon" experiences. Check your premises sweetie.

  • ButtLight
    Check your premises sweetie.

    Are you being a smarty pants? I know they exist, cause I have had problems before, but maybe they pick on me for some reason? I have heard that certain people attrack attention from them, dont know if its true or not!

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