This One Is For Scholar And His Celebrated WT Scholars

by Honesty 68 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • lawrence

    Scholar, do you hear yourself? Humble men are not celebrated! BTW- I spoke with Bruce Metzger many years ago in New Jersey (Princeton) after having read a few times his N.T. Textual Criticism book. #1) A True Scholar. #2) A rational man. Now Scholar, who of your celebrated false prophets fits that characterization? C'mon tell us WHO are you so enamored/deluded with? C'mon we're all friends here. Just drop a few names.... It's Friday, take off the tie, and loosen up...

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    The point Scholar I think is this, there is such a thing as technical proficiency and credentials. When you go to a physician Scholar, do you go to one that read Grey's anatomy once and a few books on medical science or do you go to one with diplomas on the wall that certify that the physician attended an accredited medical school, did his residency etc.?

    The point is the critics of the NWT have credentials that show they have been trained in ancient languages and translation, the individuals at Bethel have none.

  • confusedjw

    It's funny really.

    Scholar is critical of Gentile Times because it hasn't been peer reviewed, but when the NWT is reviewed by experts it's all "jealousy over the brilliant translation" - but if peers of Jonsson were to be critical of his work those experts would be "dead right" wouldn't they Scholar?

    Then there is the issue of secrecy.

    Scholar do you agree with Fred Franz and his statement under oath that "Jehovah is the editor of the Watchtower"? (of course Scholar won't answer this)

  • z

    translate the Bible in accurate, modern speech in order people of many tongues could access its wondrous truths.

    What are you talking about just open Genesis and see right in the beginning the change the mining

    Rouwch Alohime in Hebrew rouwch is wind or spirit not active force .

    (sry for spieling )


  • Midget-Sasquatch
    Celebrated WT scholars boldly attest to the genius of the NWT Committee in producing the the most brilliant translation of the Bible ever made. The comments made by spiteful scholars clearly demonstrate their jealousy over the fact that

    You still give an amusing performance scholar. But don't go playing it up too much, cuz it'll detract from the realism of that persona.

    Later. Your friendly neighbourhood bad actor.

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    I had this discussion with my sister where I questioned the credentials of the folks who did the translation and she said that wasn't important and that I placed too much emphasis on secular learning. Later in the same conversation I asked her why her kids were not attending the JW school (there was one in her community at the time) and she responded, oh I'm not sending my kids there, none of the teachers have degrees. Needless to say I just sort of looked at her like this .

    Never underestimate the power of denial.

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Yeah, I have to agree, the T word is poised on my lips with regards to Scholar. But in his defense, it appears he has been around a long time, that is sort of unusual for someone looking just to yank some chains.

  • The Chuckler
    The Chuckler
    What is precisely your point? All that you have done is post the comments of critics on the scholarship of the NWT. Celebrated WT scholars boldly attest to the genius of the NWT Committee in producing the the most brilliant translation of the Bible ever made. The comments made by spiteful scholars clearly demonstrate their jealousy over the fact that the Lord raised up humble men to translate the Bible in accurate, modern speech in order people of many tongues could access its wondrous truths.

    If I had never read any posts from Scholar and didn't know he was a JW apologist, I would have said that the comment above was the most sarcastic reply I have ever seen on this forum.

    It oozes pride, pomposity and arrogance. It's tone is patronizing and dictatorial. Scholar does not even to bother to defend his precious translation, just runs roughshod over all criticisms.

    It speaks volumes about the intellectual honesty of this cult.

    PS - Congratulations - this is the first post I have ever seen from Scholar, without a spelling mistake. Did you get someone from the Writing Dept to check it for you first?

  • undercover
    Celebrated WT scholars boldly attest to the genius of the NWT Committee in producing the the most brilliant translation of the Bible ever made.

    Who are the "celebrated WT scholars"? Names, please. Critics of the NWT are named. Let's see the supporters names.

    Who is the NWT Committee? How can anyone attest to their genius when no one knows who they are?

  • lawrence


    The use of "active force" is so funny. z- as kids we would have laughed in Hebrew School, and that is at 6 or 7, and we have adults bantering this bull and then defending it (I once was one). The bad news... you're on page 1, and it goes on for a thousand more pages... then we get the numberings of J1 through JOFF in the NT, with renderings of Friar Tuck from the Spanish into Norwegian and then converted to Pig Latin and translated into Franz's Paradise. Cults dull the mind, they did that to me too.

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