I have some quotes from several respected bible linguists regarding the New World Translation:
Dr. Julius Mantey - "A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament" calls the New World Translation "a shocking mistranslation".
Dr. Bruce Metzger, late professor of New Testament at Princeton University -"a frightful mistranslation", "erroneous", "pernicious", and "reprehensible".
Dr. William Barclay asserted that "the deliberate distortion of truth by this sect is seen in their New Testament translation... It is abundantly clear that a sect which can translate the New Testament like that is intellectually dishonest."
Dr. Robert Countess, who wrote a doctoral dissertation on the Greek of the New World Translation, concluded that the translation "has been sharply unsuccessful in keeping doctrinal considerations from influencing the actual translation... It must be viewed as a radically biased piece of work. At some points it is actually dishonest. At others it is neither modern nor scholarly."
British scholar Dr. H.H. Rowley asseted, "From beginning to end this volume is a shining example of how the bible should not be translated." he also said this translation is "an insult to God."
My conclusion as to the intent of the New World Translation translaters is they worded it in such a way that it virtually strips Jesus of His absolute diety and places the average Jehovah's Witness in the unenviable position of being forced to acknowledge two Gods instead of the one God of the bible, as demonstrated at John 1:1 in the New World Translation.
John 1:1
In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.