Which one is your favorite and why?
McDonald's v KFC
by pornmidget 44 Replies latest jw friends
KFC is my favourite but as it tends to be more expensive I eat McDonalds much more.
yucko, neither! The only time I eat fast food (extremely rarely) its a Wendy's spicy chicken. Very tasty. I absolutely detest McDonalds food and KFC (IMO) is overpriced.
------oops I see you are both Brits and you may not have Wendy's over there. You have to have something better though. omg!
I rather Burger King or Harveys
McDonald's because they have Diet Coke and KFC only has Pukey Diet Pepsi.
I had a meal once in Kenny Rogers chicken restaurant , that was in Malaysia. Theres nothing like eating Chicken whilst listening to "Islands in the Stream".
I like KFC for the chicken and biscuits. McDonald's is great when you're in a hurry and only want to spend $3.
McD's only if they will make a Big Mac with tons of special sauce so that it's dripping and oozing all over the table and through your beard.
That said, nothing is more chewy and will stay in your stomach longer than KFC's mashed potatoes, so score them points for that.
I had 18 Burger King "chicken fries" for dinner after the Bills' football game, why I can't explain, and I doubt there exists similar "food" anywhere in the world. They, in combination with BK BBQ sauce, are probably about the worst stuff you can put into your body and something tells me in 15-20 minutes my body will be expelling them instead of trying over and over to digest that barely edible deep-fried bread and bird.
KFC, but I can't eat it to often with my cholesterol levels.
KFC in the UK is totally different from KFC in North America. McD is pretty much the same (they don't do poutine or pancakes and maple-syrup here though) bu we don't have the KFC "buffet" type "eat-all-you-can-until-you-have-been-on-jerry-springer" meal.
Still, I think KFC is tastier and I hate McD and all they represent with a PASSION (corporate globalisation).
Subway is the nicest though