Thanks for sharing your story tiff, sad as it is.
It's interesting that he went a bit weird after the convention. Maybe 3 days of guilt-inducing talks messed with his mind? Maybe he thinks 'the end is near' and he needs to put things right with Jehovah? (Oh dear)
He sounds emotionally immature. I say that because he simply cannot be himself.
He is/was one person with you, and a completely different person to others (family, other JW's).
He hasn't decided yet who HE wants to be, who HE really is.
He sounds very unhappy now that your relationship has ended. I think he is in turmoil too.
He has the power to decide to walk away from the JW's, but he doesn't seem to realise that yet. Other people are influencing him. I think he (unnecessarily) feels powerless.
He clearly does not want or enjoy the JW lifestyle but is feeling pressure to conform, due to family ties.
From what you have written, you sound as if you could both be very happy together... except that freakin' cult is messing him up, deep inside his mind.
Bottom line: If he remains oblivious to the fact that he's in a mind control cult, you have no happy future with him.
Please let us know how things work out.
Take care.