Jehovah was the one who "instituted" facial hair - in fact all body hair!
Lettsplain that why don't ya Stephen scary clown-face.
so this week's midweek meeting video about stumbling others has lett spouting and gurning rubbish again.. if you can't take the whole 9 minutes go from 5:50 to get the context and 6:45 for the "beard" mention..
oh, well - at least they shoot themselves in the foot with this doublespeak.
Jehovah was the one who "instituted" facial hair - in fact all body hair!
Lettsplain that why don't ya Stephen scary clown-face.
the owner of the used apple store in derry new hampshire has put on his facebook that republicans are evil and they are not welcome in his store.
he has done tv interviews now saying that republicans simply should not try to come in and he can generally tell if someone is a republican.
it is interesting that a business owner can bar someone because of their political opinions but if a business owner conscientiously couldn’t make a cake for a gay couple,they are in legal jeopardy..
He can bar someone for "looking like a republican"?
Me thinks the law might have something to say about that.
If true, he's shit stirring for attention and media will be happy to oblige.
so this week's midweek meeting video about stumbling others has lett spouting and gurning rubbish again.. if you can't take the whole 9 minutes go from 5:50 to get the context and 6:45 for the "beard" mention..
oh, well - at least they shoot themselves in the foot with this doublespeak.
I'm pro-beard but if a beard is so long it's a "stumbling beard" it probly needs a trim in the interests of public safety.
i met a wonderful man on several months ago.
on our first date, there was amazing chemistry and we ended up having sex.
it was not planned, it just happened.
This guy is an emotionally stunted man-child (eg. sends you to meet with his mum for explanation of his beliefs!) narcissist.
Run, run like the wind and don't stop til you're far far away from him. Honestly no relationship would be better than a relationship with him.
If you want to test what he is just say no to one of his requests or question his beliefs and see what happens.
Good luck.
there are several leaked elder videos in the zipped file.
use 7-zip or whatever program you use to unzip the folder..
Ugh 😣 the Splanesplaining actually hurts.
First rule of billionaire cult club? Never give anything away - ever.
now that we have had a "sneak" preview of some of the videos for the upcoming 2018 jw regional conventions, we have opportunity to stand back and ponder their content, including their use of language - or in this case, their avoidance of certain words.
in this post, i focus on what i think is a "quaint", if not peculiar, avoidance of certain words that seems to have become a jw organization practice: they avoid use of the actual words "gay" or "lesbian" in any of the videos - even in people playing the roles of being gay- or lesbian-friendly.
a case in point is the preview of the video featuring the jw woman purchasing an item in a store where wrist bands are given away with purchases.
You know WT always avoiding straight forward language, ever vague and ambiguous.
Yes, I thought that the portrayal of the shop assistant being pushy about the bloody wristband to be a bit OTT and total scare mongering on the part of WT. It was a completely fictional scene after all scripted, directed and produced by WT to make normal "worldly" people look way worse than they actually are.
Though from the last few years of videos I get the feeling WT in true WT narcissistic style thinks the next war will be gays against JWs.
i have yet to read about the contradictions in the jw teachings on blood, but i have personally witnessed one.
i am a medical professional and have seen hemopure administered for an active jw who did refuse a blood transfusion.
its not fda approved here, but given in special life saving circumstances.
Seems ironic that bovine hemoglobin would be acceptable in life saving circumstances and JWs refer to themselves as "sheep." Seems like the all-powerful all-wise GB have decided the JWs who obey them have more in common with cattle or livestock than independent, logical, thinking human beings and sadly by the time the WT has finished fully indoctrinating them it's probably true.
there has always been less emphasis on jesus, and more on the name jehovah.
if jesus played for the wtbts baseball team, he would play right field.
he would be good enough to start but by playing right field, he wouldn't see too many baseballs hit his way.
Yep, they lure you in with tasty, comforting chips, guac and a cold beer then the main turns out to be dry toast of GB rules and a shitty pudding cup of GB worship for dessert.
when i watch a tv show or movie or even a ball game, i don’t want to be deluged with matters involving politics.
entertainers and sports heros should stick to doing what people pay them for.
entertain us and just do your job!.
Maybe politics has always been inserted into movies and television in the past and I just didn't notice it because it was more subtle. I'm not sure but...
Now, there are things I just can't, correction; won't, watch anymore because it feels like being beaten with a gigantic lefty stick in the most obvious and heavy-handed emotionally charged - fact poor way that it makes me cringe facepalm and angry all at the same time.
Well, you asked.