I'm not very computer savvy. I tried to download, then found I had to enter my email and create a passcode to download "4Shared." I did that. Now that it's on my desktop, where do I find the elder letters?
JoinedPosts by Bonnie_Clyde
Tons and tons of Elders letters.
by callitquits76 ini have tons of elders letters which were part of a website about 7 years ago and if my memory proves correct it was taken down due to bullying by the society.. i was wondering if these letters were still out there somewhere, because if not i'll upload them.
they are all in catergories.
might be useful.
"Short Notice" Talks or Demo's
by Think About It indid you ever have to give a "short notice" talk or demonstration?
didn't it put alot of pressure on you to come up with something, because someone else cancelled out or you could have been informed sooner?.
i was all the time put in this situation.
Several years ago, Clyde and I walked into the KH, he looked at the board and realized he had the instruction talk (first talk on the program). He quickly looked over the material, walked up to the platform and gave the talk. Nobody would have ever guessed it was impromptu. Clyde was amazing that way.
When will we have Armageddon, according to the last new light?
by dgp ini'm just curious: has the watchtower said when we will have armageddon, or they are avoiding to give any date, or are they avoiding noticing that all the signs are there to suggest that there is a specific date we should look forward to?
any dates?.
Armageddon has already come. It was in 1975--it just came invisibly.
What's your plans on the JW Memorial night?
by dissed infor the last 13 years, we haven't attended and didn't even care about it.
but since we became card carrying members of jwn in september, we have an interest in what are friends here on jwn are doing.. for us?
we will be watching 'dancing with the stars'.
My daughter-in-law took our granddaughter (6 years old) to the Memorial last year. I tagged along although I hated every minute of it. Granddaughter hated it too, because when asked this year if she wanted to go, she said "NO WAY!" Well I'm not going either--ever again.
Interestingly, I noticed last year that the attendance was much lower than I remembered--it had been two years since I'd been there. Guess there's only two things I'm interesetd in, the overall attendance and if there are any partakers.
Somebody got into my computer
by Bonnie_Clyde ini was typing a "word" document the night before last, and a very strange thing happened.
as i was typing, i glanced up to the top of the document and somebody must have been typing words.
a whole bunch of words were appearing that didn't even make any sense.
I was typing a "Word" document the night before last, and a very strange thing happened. As I was typing, I glanced up to the top of the document and somebody must have been typing words. A whole bunch of words were appearing that didn't even make any sense. At one point, they even backspaced and started typing over. I realized that I was still connected to the Internet so immediately pulled out my Verizon wireless card. Right away I did a full scan with Malware and Symantec and didn't detect any viruses. Yesterday, I called a couple of computer techs I know who had no clue what happened. They asked is I "share" with anyone else. I said "no." I called Verizon, and the guy said their connection was secure. Finally, I talked to a Verizon lady who asked if I had a password for my wireless card, which I do not, yet but I'm going to ask for one today.
From now on, I'm going to be much more careful about disconnecting as soon as I'm done with the internet or checking my emails. In fact, right now I'm at the library using their computer.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 03-21-10 WT Study (REAL CHRISTIANS)
by blondie inchrist's true followers (5).
true christians (3).
Killing and eating babies, and then downplaying the perpetrators' standing in the congregation after it gets in the newspapers, is not righteous.
WTWizard - will you tell me the story on this? I've never heard of it.
Does anyone remember when the Watchtower website first opened, it wasn't mentioned in the magazines or at the meetings for a while?
by slimboyfat ini seem to remember that from the mid-ninties onwards there were articles in the km and watchtower warning about the dangers of the internet.
as a result it seemed to come as a bit of a surprise to some witnesses i knew when the society opened up their own website.
but as i recall, when the society first opened the website, they never mentioned it in the literature or at the meetings.
In March 1997 I was visiting my son in Colorado, and he showed me the WT site. I was still learning about the internet, and he showed me how to type "Watchtower" into a search engine. Then he said, "be careful, you could end up on an apostate site." I remembered that warning and was careful for about a year and a half, but my son had sowed the seed. One day I couldn't resist typing in the search words, "1975, Franz, Jehovah", and that was the beginning of my exit.
More "sex texting" on Facebook...Circuit Assembly
by dudeson inso my congregation just had their circuit assembly on 3/14.
recalling the thread about "facebook sex", i told a non-witness friend at work that after this assembly is over he would notice one of our mutual friends would either lower his time on fb or delete it altogether.
sure enough, come sunday night, his profile was gone.
The WT always has to be against something. I remember a long time ago when they spoke against TV (Satan's eyeball), then it was color TV, then VCR's, computers, cell phones, and I forget what else.
Are you taking Fosimax, Boniva or any other bone saving drug?
by restrangled inif you haven't heard, there is now a link to snapped femurs in woman who have been on these drugs for a few years.
not only that, it has been found to kill the jaw bone.. the following link below is just one of many reporting on this problem.. my own mother in law snapped her femur and now will never recover fully.
she fell from a standing position in her own drive way.. explained from another site: these drugs stop the body from reabsorbing old bone.
I took Fosamax for about a year. Against my doctor's advice, I stopped taking it about 3 years ago when I read about a report that it might make the bones bigger, but makes them more brittle. I'm taking 1500 mg of calcium a day, plus magnesium and vitamin D. Also working out at the gym about 4 hours a week--much of that is with weights.
When I was 20, I remember older people saying, "If only I knew what I know now, I would have done things differently." I remember thinking, well I want to do things right now so I don't regret my later years. Now 40+ years later, I regret over and over the decisions that I made back then. I chose not to get my 4-year university education which all tuition would have been paid. I chose to waste 2-1/2 years of my life as a pioneer (back then 100 hours per month--1200 a year). I also regret getting my parents involved. My father became one of those judgmental, hypocritical elders that we talk so much about. Recently, our daughter turned against me when she detected that I was fading from the organization. Looking back when I was 20, I remember a few non-witness people advising me to get an good education, but I didn't listen. I had the TRUTH.
The best thing I did was marry Clyde. He is a wonderful man, but I didn't always appreciate him because he wasn't as "zealous" as I was, and it almost caused our marriage to fall apart. It only got better when I got out of the big "O". I'm also very happy that our two sons and two daughters-in-law are no longer in the borg, and my grand daughter will have a normal life. Life can still be good....