I attended all eight days of the 1958 international assembly at Yankee Stadium and the Polo Grounds--it was the only assembly that year in the entire world. There was a record-breaking 253,000 in attendance. I was 16 years old, new in the "truth", and very indoctrinated. I was young and in good health and had no concept of how difficult it must have been for older people or mothers with children.
Freddy Franz gave several discourses over the week. I remember thinking I didn't really understand what he was saying, but I knew he was God's representative and that eventually everything would make sense. Besides, my mind was tired as Freddy was always the last speaker of the session.
As we would leave the stadium every night, newspaper boys were selling their papers with headlines about our assembly, and we were convinced that this assembly had notified the world that we were truly God's organization and that the nations should take notice. For the next several weeks after the assembly we had to distribute leaflets about the resolution we adopted condeming Satan's world (and I think the United Nations). I remember how embarrassed I was when I knocked at a door and one my teachers answered, but I had to give her the leaflet. Somewhere in my closet I think I still have a copy of that resolution.