I had several bible study conductors from age 4 to my late teens. They were all odd in their own way.
The 1st was a short middle-aged lady w/ jet black hair who wore cat-eye glasses with rhinestones in them. We were reading the Great Teacher book and I guess i should credit her with teaching me how to read. She talked about demon possession and armageddon, and I began to imagine that demons were everywhere and had nightmares. She called me a "pharisee" and "pharoah" when i didn't sit still or behave, and had trouble saying dirty words like "naked."
The 2nd purveyor of BS was a teenage girl who had some trouble reading and understanding WT publications. I corrected her pronunciation a few times, and she got irritated w. me. She was a nice person, until she got baptized, then became very judgmental and holier-than-thou. She warned me against "idolatry" because I wanted to go to a Shaun Cassidy concert .
The 3rd and final was a Special Pioneer, a 35 year old virgin, who had a lot of childlike mannerisms. She spoke to me in a sing-song manner that reminded of preschool teachers. Studying w. her was very "by the book;" she ridiculed me for reading worldly books and for preparing for college, and had no interest in discussing the divinity of Christ, or theological issues; all she wanted to do was read the paragraph and answer the question. I studied w. her for several hours a week to "prepare for meetings". I later realized she was trying to make her time for the month.
Then my sister was reprooved for smoking, and we all faded away...