For sure!!!
This is the best / dumbest thing the GB ever did!
As we have often said, it is just one click away from "real truth"
i’d imagine that if you have a ipad or ipad that some witnesses will get into trouble.. what say you?
For sure!!!
This is the best / dumbest thing the GB ever did!
As we have often said, it is just one click away from "real truth"
has anybody heard anything about this new store?
[link removed].
I cant understand HOW a business like this is able to justify being in existence???
A store (or two) that have products JUST for JWs?? What town is this? How big is the town??
Seriously? This doesn't seem right.
a friend and client and former politician just called me.
he knows people in the media and had offered a few months back to see if anyone would be interested in doing a story on what i'm doing through my podcasts this jw life" and "shunned".
of course i was excited but things take time and you never know if they'll pan out.
Awesome news Mike!
Keep us posted!
for a long time, i was convinced jehovah witnesses were just people preaching the word of god in a different way than other christians.
i was shown the real truth over the past few months.
i've been friends with this guy for over 5 years.
First, Hello and Welcome!
I'm so sorry that you have had to ride this roller coaster!
Sadly, all you have described is typical of the way that the Organisation can guilt the JWs with manipulation and fear. You are right - This is not normal behaviour. However, unless the one being manipulated sees it for all it is, there is little chance of you shining a spotlight on the inappropriateness of the cults behaviour.
Cult specialists use the BITE method of describing this:
Behaviour Control
Information Control
Thought Control
Emotional Control
Ask yourself, "does all of this indicate that the Organisation is a high control cult?" If the answer is yes, then this is your chance to look at things in the cold light of day and see whether or not you want to waste your life chasing someone who is bound to such a highly controlling group.
Much love!
watchtower telephone booksdownload1999
I'm sure I can dig up my old ones from the Australian Bethel circa 1994-1999....
to help me deal with periodic back and neck pain and stiffness, she suggested i sleep with a pillow between my legs.
i bit my tongue, she wouldn't have gotten it anyway..
Sadly 99% of average JWs have no idea about the whole ordeal of those appalling bethel videos...
It is truely a miracle to see how the GB has kept such garbage from the masses of average witnesses!
i have been watching this video.
at about the 4:40 mark, the footage shows a big black tank with two windows (they look like windows).
at the 4:46 mark, you can 2 of the tanks already in the ground and they being installing a third one.
Yes, good point Tara!
i was musing over this scripture at proverbs 3:27.
"do not hold back good from those to whom it is due , if it is in the power of your hand to do so".
this passage has often been used to show that if we have the means, or opportunity to do good, or to assist others in need, we should act.
Well said @ Wake me!
Yes, It is mind-blowing to think that us "mere imperfect humans" seem to have a higher sense of morality and love than the Almighty, in whose image we were supposed to have been made!
If we as humans find conduct such as this unacceptable, how can "God" tolerate or excuse such?
i have been watching this video.
at about the 4:40 mark, the footage shows a big black tank with two windows (they look like windows).
at the 4:46 mark, you can 2 of the tanks already in the ground and they being installing a third one.
Wow...interesting footage!
There he is, living like a king in his manor. Living off the dime of all the poor witnesses worldwide who financed it!
what do you think would happen to jehovah's witnesses as a religion and as a people?.
It all comes down to control.
IF the GB maintain the control, and hold such power over the individual members, then the religion will continue in some form.
BUT, if the GB lose their grip of control (if members see them as the powerless men behind the curtain and not as "gods spokesmen") then things will disintergrate...