YES! many of those "experiences" you have all listed sound so familiar.
It really shows the stupidity of JWs who perpetuate such myths.
how often have we heard some sort of sensationalist urban legend as jws?.
here is an example i was told as a kid:.
the experience of a sister who knocked on a door and was greeted by a big fierce looking man- intimidating and mean.
YES! many of those "experiences" you have all listed sound so familiar.
It really shows the stupidity of JWs who perpetuate such myths.
now that we have stepped away from the jw faith, how do you feel about the bible itself?.
what about those awkward sections of scripture?
how did you rationalise or justify those sections?.
Now that we have stepped away from the JW faith, how do you feel about the bible itself?
What about those awkward sections of scripture? How did you rationalise or justify those sections?
What is the most troubling section of scripture you have come across?
how often have we heard some sort of sensationalist urban legend as jws?.
here is an example i was told as a kid:.
the experience of a sister who knocked on a door and was greeted by a big fierce looking man- intimidating and mean.
How often have we heard some sort of sensationalist urban legend as JWs?
Here is an example I was told as a kid:
The experience of a sister who knocked on a door and was greeted by a big fierce looking man- intimidating and mean. She did her presentation, not knowing he was a serial murderer and rapist.
Later when questioned by police and asked why he didn't attack the sister, he says "what? With those three big men standing behind her?"
And...the urban legend of "angelic guardians" being with the sister at the door was spread!
THEN I heard as an adult that this same story has been regularly quoted by Mormons who say it happened to one of theirs!!
So, have you heard of any other urban legend fables?
i wonder sometimes just how jws try and comprehend what perfect life would really be like if "adam and eve" had not sinned?.
how would we live?
what would the realities be like?
I heard a good quote today that said "for something to be truly valuable, it MUST be a limited item"
Think of gold. If we could pick it up off the ground everywhere, it would no longer be precious or valuable.
Same too with life. It is precious, BECAUSE it is finite. It ends, so we know we need to enjoy it while we live.
If endless perfect life was here, it would therefore no longer be precious or of value.
an elder in quebec, has just quit as a jw.
he did so by emailing nearly a thousand jw’s with the explanation for why he and his family are quitting.. i have spoke to him quite a bit, interesting guy.
he’s quite the loss to wt, he’s an elder with a serious career in chemistry, a professor no less.. catch his story here, apologies if this has already been posted;.
We KNOW that the witness gossip mill will spread negative and defamatory things about them anyway. So why not get in first and state the facts far and wide?
Trust me. I simply sought to fade quietly and be the same kind person to all the JWs I know.
But the elders got in first and spread slanderous mistruths and gossip thatmaligned my name and spread...and now I'm treated worse than a serial killer. Yet I'm not DF or DA, nor have never been in any judicial meeting or visited by elders...
So if I had my time over, I would send emails en masse too!videos from the summer jw conventions ("be courageous) show the "urgency" about the end racheted up several notches.
paranoia rules supreme!.
curiously, though, very few, if any, statements in the convention program about 1914 and the overlapping generations.
GB : "What date? Huh? Don't know what you mean...never said anything about that...oh! Look over there! It's a new cartoon with your friends Caleb and run along now and play nicely"
what is your thought on this particular scripture?.
how do you think a jw would respond to this if shown?.
king james biblei form the light, and create darkness: i make peace, and create evil: i the lord do all these things..
Ah yes, it's a matter of taking the bible literally - except when the message is uncomfortable or does not fit their narrative. Then they just REDEFINE what the word means...
Good thing human biblical apologists are here to help the Almighty correct his biblical oversights!
not quite a week ago, @lost in the fog created a thread entitled: do you have this illness?.
in my year of being on this forum, i have browsed many a disillusioned thread of ex-jehovah’s witnesses expressing similar symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder when detailing their awakening - my own story included.
Bumped for those who missed seeing this great post the first time around...
they will come back to you and deny your request, ask them to ask the service department to get organizational procedures.
if still denied refuse to attend with out your lawyer present.
and then ask them who has fairer judicial practices satan's world or jehovah's earthly organization.. no recordings allowed, and definitely no lawyers!
Great point Carla!
i know someone who's family is very spiritual and says that her brother only pioneers and does not want to become an elder for various reasons, probably not wanting to deal with people's problems, and also the tremendous workload they put on them.
is this considered refusing advancement by god, or just choosing your own way?
he has not been "tapped" to become one, but he merely hasn't strived to become one..
I was asked on two occasions and told i was being considered as the next Elder.
The cong here is very much a "boys club" dominated by a bully elder. So there was no way I wanted to be part of that.
I simply said "Thanks, but I feel that I can be of more support to the brothers and sisters remaining as an approachable Ministerial Servant rather than being an Elder. I dont need the stripes on my sleeve."
They took that as an attitude against was all downhill from there.
I support anyone who chooses to not take on an appointment.