Orlando makes a better pirate, Odrade.
*backs up to avoid swinging Odrade fists*
we've had so much of the gorgeous women, so who would be the world's most gorgeous man in your view?
Orlando makes a better pirate, Odrade.
*backs up to avoid swinging Odrade fists*
her ladyship and i are absolutely delighted!
number 1 son and his charming lady have formerly announced their intention to marry in the coming year.. they've been visiting us for the last few days accompanied by my 6 month old grandson, charlie, a most cheerful and gurgly little boy who is guaranteed to bring an indulgent smile to anyone who catches his eye.. the wedding itself promises to be a truly grand affair with top hats and tails and god knows what else.
as for the venue of the wedding...wow!
That place is gorgeous! So unfair. We need places like that in the States.
in just one line, i reckon its learning to not take yourself toooooo seriously.
and finding something to laugh about.. whats your secret?.
Not being a Witness.
we've had so much of the gorgeous women, so who would be the world's most gorgeous man in your view?
I have to say...i HATE him as a blond in Lord of the Rings...but in real life....DAMN!!
former church leader sentenced for sexual abuse
a former spokane valley church elder has been sentenced to 90 days in jail for sexually molesting a girl in his congregation over eight years.
There was an elder in my old hall....ended up that he'd been molesting his two daughters for a long while. The older daughter let the cat out of the bag when she realized he was molesting the younger one as well.
He was arrested, however, he was NOT DISFELLOWSHIPPED! He was made to step down as an elder, but they only reproved him. The daughters got a restraining order on him, and his wife divorced him.
But, in true, "loving congregation" actions, the two daughters were told to deal with it if he managed to "just happen" show up at a meeting on our side of the hall. (Ideally, he was supposed to attend meetings at the other side, to respect the restraining order, etc). Of course, that didn't happen, and not one elder stepped in to stop him from coming to our side, and undoubtably making the two girls' lives hell.
The "brother" is now back in full standing, and WELCOMED INTO PEOPLE'S HOMES with OPEN ARMS, AROUND THEIR SMALL CHILDREN!!! While, the wife is basically shunned, and the two daughters have had really difficult lives. The younger ended up leaving the Org., but she's really self-destructive.
This type of thing happens all the time. It's unforgivable that people like these particular elders are let back into people's lives, like they have done NOTHING wrong, because, hey, JEHOVAH forgave him. He won't hurt another kid NOW....
even if tarot is fake, it can be an interesting tool to help a person learn mroe about themselves, by triggering certain things or symbols to make us reflect and ponder, and perhaps give us a sense of hope.
dreams and wishes is what keeps us going after all, not the problems of today or the issues of tomorrow.
so, here is a link for you, regardless of your belief, maybe something you read will trigger something and make you think about who you are and what you want out of life, not 10 years from now, but this very moment.
You're right, same guy. He is, however, dead.
I wonder if this new following will spread salmonella like the last one.
i discovered this site today, and had some fun with it typing in the real names, then the aliases of posters here.
e-man posted a similar thread a month or so ago, but this is a lot more fun, as long as your name or phrase is not too "exclusive"
have fun!
Well, i can't post my REAL name....but, some of the answers are dang funny, so here they are:
__ is eligible for $16. (wow!)
__ is certified as a clinical social worker in the states of arizona and new york.(i am??)
__ is ready to ride her father's carriage to visit her beloved grandma who lives across the river down the road. (now this is just strange)
__ is also very passionate about her music and i really hope she makes it big someday. (hmm...i better practice my piano)
__ is in need of much rest. (you can say THAT again!)
__ is a terrific place to practice. (um...no comment?)
__ is 70 feet high. (holy cork!)
__ is proud to be a part of the las vegas music scene. (i guess i DID make it big, after all!)
__ is a lothario of a ladies' man who can barely contain his rage once he realizes what life is really like for the fairer sex. (what the?)
__ is made of quartz. (ooh kay?)
__ is watching over you. (this is a little stalker-esque)
__ is going to come in and do a lot of the same things we saw tonight. (haha!)
__ is a true "rising star" in aka sport kite competitions. (god, may i never be THIS boring)
and finally:
__ is the consummate femme fatal who embodies all that is sublimely feminine. (damn straight!!)
Now for LUNA...
luna is a firm believer that nice guys finish first. ()
luna is dead. (well, that's not nice)
luna is indulgently delicious. (yes...yes i am)
luna is not only an exciting performer who communicates the entire spectrum of emotional color inherent to the art of flamenco. (ole!)
luna is willing and able. (what is going ON here??)
luna is always packed and there is good reason. (again, what is going ON here??)
luna is very willing and easy to ride. (see above)
the evil apostate fan club
what if there were such a thing?
{cue daydream sequence and music}.
LOVE I'm in the Jehovah's Witness Protection Program!!!!
Too funny
this is the latest "test the nation" intelligence test.
it requires no general knowledge, so anyone who can speak english can give it a go: http://www.bbc.co.uk/testthenation/iq/.
there is a section that asks what city you live near to, if you're american it's bristol and you're in the south west!!.
Well, i only got 110.
But, to be fair...i took a normal IQ test and was 133.
All those British Measurements and currency were messing w/ me.
well ive been studying with the jehovah witness for about 3 yrs now and im really thinking about making myself a publisher and i want to know is this website real and why are people talking about hiding their names what are they hiding it for shouldnt you be happy that youre studying with the jw and the jehovah called on you.
and what's up with all the swearing havent you thought about keeping up good lanquage in case someone visits this site and see that and whats up with the half naked pictures of women whats really going on
Wow, Azzie!
That's a great "quiz".....
Scary how many people are still in and just won't see it for what it is.