lol...first time ive ever heard of a 'JW wine party'
lol @ ''if you see me, i will be there''
3 Sens 4
there were approximately 25 people there and a few from our hall and no one questioned us about anything, the entire night!
as i was leaving, one of our friends asked me if she would see me at the kingdom hall again.
i answered, "if you see me, i'll be there".
lol...first time ive ever heard of a 'JW wine party'
lol @ ''if you see me, i will be there''
3 Sens 4
I Just looked at your site...well done...
Is the first time I have looked
Just wanted to say well done!
3 Sens 4
you know, you could almost compare the watchtower to tony robbins, with there constant motivating do more service, attend all meetings.
what will the watchtower be using to motivate the current members to keep this crap going ???.
what were the biggest motivating remarks you remember as a loyal jw ??
"Brothers and Sisters, At The Back Of The Assembly Hall is the exit please leave In a orderly manner"
so yesterday i was driving down the freeway talking on the phone with my jw mom.
i asked when she and my dad would want to go out to dinner with me and my boyfriend of 3 1/2 years.
she tells me 'your father and i can't share a meal with you.
Welcome Proudassmonkey
i don't understand how a supposedly loving organization rips families apart and no one has a problem with it.
They Have No Problem Doing it because they arent the loving org they make out they are...
I only left 3 months ago, I understand how you feel does everyone here...
The amount of pain the wts inflicts on people is cruel, monkey
If you want you can email me, if you need someone to talk to or msg. etc at :
[email protected] or [email protected]
3 Sens 4
i am interested to know whether jw's or ex jw's on this board really did believe 100%.
did you have doubts all of the time, did you have some confusion or did you never doubt at all?
i recognise that most on this board will have had doubts at the end but was this always the case when you were a good dub?
No, I didnt believe everything...the thing that I could never take 100% was that all the men on the GB were annointed, because I had doubts `bout the 144,000 teaching alot.
I could never really believe that God would wait ...what?...1700 years or so to pick charlie crackpot to start the wts so they would complete this number..I also use to think bout the christians in the 1st century up..the numbers of them ranked pretty high, so what about them? they died for their faith ...the GB hadnt... but anyway
I also couldnt believe, or wouldnt believe that only JW would survive armageddon and I never believed Jesus didnt die on a cross...but that was due to my catholic upbringing till the age of 12 when my mother left to join the wts...(cringe)
3 Sens 4
i was thinking about some of the old jw urban legends that we grew up with and believed in as jws.
most of the ones i remember revolved around stories about demons, and jws being "attacked" when they would do something wrong.
some of these legends scared the crap outta me when i was little.
1. Star Wars is inspired by Satan (father [lord vader], son [skywalker], and the force [impersonal]; kind of sounds like JW's eh?)
OMG!!! LMAO ...Ignorance, Yer Sounds Bout
2. Here's a miracle herb from Australia that will cure all that ails you plus wash your pots and pans.
And I have never heard of
i'm in a bit of a state at the moment, my wife has just left me about 30 mins ago and took the kids...i don't know where.... ok, some of you long-timers may remember the problems i had with my son ben, who decided that the jw religion wasn't for him about a year ago.
i supported him as best i could through that and he's developed into a fine young man with a more healthy spiritual attitude, investigationg a number of christian churches in the area and finally settled on church of england, which he really likes now.. although no longer a christian myself i have no objection to them pursuing whatever religious path they choose (obviously within reason).
that has been the case with all of my children: ben, 15, charlotte, 14 and chloe, 12. i have never attempted to stop my wife taking them to the meetings although i have voiced to them privately my concerns about the religion.
Im Sorry For What Your Going Thru
3 Sens 4
what are your most successful methods for dealing with their visit?
do you prefer to "blow 'em off"?
or do you attempt to dissuade them from their inanity?.
Well they wont come here ....but maybe when I move...
I look forward to it
Im not sure what I would say
3 Sens 4
is there anything that you miss, since you don't belong to the jw's anymore?
friendship, family, or maybe just the feeling of belonging to some groupe that had you dreaming of a better world?
Some Friends But Thats About It....
Nothing Else
3 Sens 4