in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth.. 2. and darkness was upon the face of the deep; this was due to a malfunction at the lots road power station.. 3. and god said, let there be light; and there was light, but eastern electricity board said he would have to wait until thursday to be connected.. 4. and god saw the light and it was good; he saw the quarterly bill and it was not good.. 5. and god called the light day, and the darkness he called night, and so passed his gcse.. 6. and god said, let there be a firmament and god called the firmament heaven, freephone 999.. 7. and god said, let the waters be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear, and in london it went on sale at six hundred pounds a square foot.. 8. and god said, let the earth bring forth grass, and the earth brought forth grass and the rastafarians smoked it.. 9. and god said, let there be lights in heaven to give light to the earth, and it was so, except over england where there was heavy cloud and snow over high ground.. 10. and god said, let the seas bring forth that that hath life, flooding the market with fish fingers, fishburgers and grade-three salmon.. 11. and god blessed them, saying, be fruitful, multiply, and fill the sea, and let fowl multiply on earth where prince charles and prince philip would shoot them.. 12. and god said, let the earth bring forth cattle and creeping things, and there came cows, and the bbc board of governors.. 13. and god said, let us make man in our own image, but woe many came out like spitting image.. 14. and he said, let man have dominion over fish, fowl, cattle and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.. 15. and god said, behold, i have given you the first of the free yielding seed, to you this shall be meat, but to the ec it will be a beef mountain.
Yes Hamas, he is dead - he died a few years back now - I can't quite remember when.
I used to like his programmes which began 'Q' something or other. There was Q6 and Q7 that I can remember.
And I loved "The Phantom Raspberry Blower of Old London Town" on "The Two Ronnies" - anyone remember that? It was supposed to be about Jack the Ripper - with a twist!
I was going to say that I now have time to think for myself and do what I want to do. I can spend time with my non-JW family without feeling guilty (even though they are SUCH bad associates ) and I can start to plan to do things in the future that I have always wanted to do - like working for my favourite charity - we know how much the WTS despises anyone doing anything for charities (except if it is for them!) and I can start to relax and I won't feel so tied up in knots and my head won't hurt so much. I don't know about you, but I get pretty sick trying to be a good JW.
"My hubby, if he had an item, would never have T just concentrated on his item - then eat bedtime really. Not at all good for ones health/weight."
That rings so many bells. My hubby often has items on the school and he can never eat before the meeting - he eats when he gets home. I remember getting in from work once. I just sat in the chair and closed my eyes and thought "What am I doing? I'm only going to keep hubby happy - why don't I just stay here?" But I didn't - still went to the KH and hated every minute!
I hardly go now - I just find it quite traumatic and upsetting - many reasons
What used to get me was getting home from work at 7pm, gulping down a cup of tea, grabbing a sandwich and back out the door for the meeting at 7.30pm on a Tuesday and Thursday. I always ended up with indigestion and felt too exhausted to pay much attention to the waffle from the platform.
For people that aren't JWs, they don't realise what a killer it is. Then there was FS every Sat and Sun am - I don't know if I have it in me to ever go back to any of that again.
Why not recommended? If it gets you the job, lie...lie....lie! That's what I have always done - always tell the interviewer what they want to hear. And I have always found work by doing this. All you want is to get a foothold in the door. It's really no big deal - the personality tests really are pretty stupid and the results are totally flawed. So if you want to get the job, tell them what they want to hear. You're not seeking their friendship or a soulmate for life - you just want a job - so do whatever is needed to get one.
That's such a shame SFJ, because you probably were the best person for these jobs.
The trouble is, most HR managers don't have the brains they were born with (sorry if anyone here works in HR). They rely too heavily on silly tests and also on whether they like the person or not, never mind if they can do the job.
"...on some tests, it's easy to spot in which way you are expected to answer if you want to appear "normal"."
Exactly what berylblue said. You can either give truthful answers to personality questions, or give the answers that you think they want. Choose options that show you are calm, hard-working, get along with everyone, prepared to go that extra mile, thorough, accurate with excellent attention to detail, trustworthy, can work alone, can work as part of a team, excellent communication skills, lots of energy, confident, reliable, other words do what I did and lie through your teeth
Thanks Flowerpetal and Zev - your comments are useful.
Stacy - the anonymity is the reason I have the courage to post. I hope one day to be able to give my real name and my complete JW story without this stupid fear of being rumbled.
It is a mine of information - you can find out so much stuff that is otherwise hidden. I lurked for a while and had to pluck up the courage to post, but now I love it. The people on here are wonderful and, whatever the query, someone always seems to have the answer or can point you in the right direction.
The majority of JWs I know would love to be able to say what is on their mind, voice doubts, slag off the elders or whatever, without fear of being labelled a bad associate. It's just such a relief to know there are others who feel the same as I do - and I always thought I was the only one because nobody in the KH would ever say anything bad about the organisation. In the end you start feeling that you are the one with the problem and you sink deeper into depression (at least I did) I know now that this is because of the fear it instils in us - I am so grateful to Simon for this place - it is a real haven and I think it has just about saved my sanity (I hope!)
I am still a JW married to a JW. He is a 'proper' (for want of a better word) JW and I am just going through the motions. I am irregular at meetings - haven't been for a while, and I never go on field service any more. Having said that, I still have doubts about whether this is the 'truth' and whether I am making a mistake in leaving, but then I think of the horrible way they treat people by DFing and DAing and then I think it can't be true.
Still pretty confused at the moment, but hopefully things will settle down soon. Whenever I think I have gotten things staight in my mind, my husband will talk to me about some point from the meeting and then I get confused again. He has a great knowledge of the Bible and can run rings around me.