Londo111 by far the most accurate comment yet lol
JoinedPosts by sloppyjoe2
Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"
by breakfast of champions inthis is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"
by breakfast of champions inthis is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
I think it will be boring, uneventful, and a waste of time. One elder asked in a group if anyone had a clue what they were going to do at the zone visit. He had no idea, and multiple elders couldn't even come up with the length of time it was going to be. No one knows anything. Don't get your hopes up.
comment from an uber dub regarding the $13.5 sex abuse case will just blow you away.
by joe134cd ini was talking to an uber dub friend last night who lives in the san diego area.
he knew nothing of the $13.5 million dollar law suit.
when i tried to tell him that this is a systemic problem, and that this could perhaps be the tip of the ice burgh.
Prepare that if this does catch legs, JWs will only say it is Satan attacking Jehovah's organization.
preface question:
by mohrb inorder of operations is important, so, i'll ask a question before i make assumptions and start "fixing things.".
obviously, the site heavily encourages the viewpoint of former j-dubs and others who have disagreements with the political posturing of the wbts.
i get that, and see your points.
Do you mean active people who defend JWs on the site? I am active, give talks, go in service, yet would be considered an apostate if the elders knew what I really think.
David Splane Destroys the Very Foundation of 1914- Corp. Meeting New Light
by scotoma inat the corporate meeting david splane discusses the use and misuse of types/antitypes.. the main qualifier of a type is that an account must be represented in the scriptures as a. type of some future event.. he quoted schroeder who said if an account isnt explained in the scriptures as a type than you.
shouldnt use the event as a type.. splane summed up his talk by saying if the bible is silent - we must be silent.. but they go right on celebrating the 100 years from 1914 which was determined by improperly.
going beyond anything written in the bible about nebuchadnezzars tree dream.. the bible specifically refers to the immense tree as representing nebuchadnezzar.. daniel explained it and that should be the end of the matter.. .
I remember some very boring watchtower studies about types and antitypes and jubilees and all that craziness. All those wasted studies I could have been playing as a kid and they just got rid of it anyway. As far as 1914 which has been discussed here repeatedly. 1914 isn't going anywhere at least till after 2034. Even then they can wait a decade or two since JWs don't even know what type/antitype is to begin with.
A few years ago a circuit overseer sent an email to the coordinators in his circuit asking all of them to email him the names of any Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing that were lawyers. The email explicitely said do not tell them that we are collecting their names. I have no idea what the reason for this was for or if it was from the branch or just this one circuit overseer.
I know first hand that standard bethelite lawyers get bethelite pay.
Bad month for the Borg this October!
by Crazyguy inthe month started of quietly then all of a sudden news his the uk about a former jw elder who molested and raped woman and girls.
then just after as the dust started to settle news out of dallas texas where a complaint was filed alleging elders and a circuit overseer molested and abused six or more victim's.
before this news even had a chance to resinate threw the ears of those hearing it another complaint was filed in the state of connecticut of four more alleged victims.
They just passed a resolution not too long ago for funds in cases of emergencies and they used accidents or damage to Kingdom Halls as examples. The letter specifically stated that the funds had no restriction on how they were to be used. I would imagine if the wtbs ever has to start paying for these settlements, that's where it will come from.
What will cause 1,000 year rebellion in Paradise....veggie diet..constant kingdom songs!
by Witness 007 inimagine you somehow got ressurected in paradise.
oh hell no nooooo!
life is one long convention.
Well Adam and Eve didn't know the difference between good and bad. They were made lobtomized! Maybe we will be dumb again!
November 8th Special Meeting
by Chris Tann inanyone have any leaks on this three hour meeting we are having early november?.
This is being called a zone visit. No one knows exactly what to expect other than talks just like the annual meeting. I have heard people say it will be other speakers than just the governing body. Either way its going to be boring, uneventful, a waste of my time, and likely to get every JW around me invigorated for being a part of this awesome organization.