JoinedPosts by sloppyjoe2
What were Satan and his demons "doing" up in heaven, before being "cast down" in 1914?
by Dunedain ini was just thinking about how the wts has been spouting off for years that satan and his demons were cast down to the vicinity of the earth in 1914, but really, when you think about it, what was the difference before 1914 or after 1914?.
its not like satan and his demons did not have access to the earth.
satan and his demons always were messing with earth.
If you're ever in a discussion with a Jaydub about this, by their own teaching, all of the suffering and problems on earth are because Satan made a bet and Jehovah said you're on. All of it is just one big bar bet. -
Why are these instances so different than 9/11? They were both carried out under the purpose of religious Jihad. 9/11 had over 2000 more killed, yet there was no end to anything. If you were a JW then you sure we're confident it was the beginning of the great tribulation.
You our have to remember according to JW prophecy predictions, even world war 3 isn't a fulfillment of anything. If the UN isn't given power to shut down religion, it has nothing to do with any bible prophecy. Not that I believe that is going to happen either, but you can't pick and choose what you want or think means the end. It has been clearly defined for decades.
Make your predictions!
by Coded Logic inthe more specific the better :) here are mine:.
i predict that within the next two to three years (2017-2018) we will start seeing negative numbers in growth.. i predict that within the next thirteen to fifteen years (2027-2030) the number of jws will be less than 4million.. and i predict that by the time the first person sets foot on mars there will already have been a major split in the organization with either one of the gb or a branch overseer starting a new religion..
I just don't get where people say this "hemorrhaging" of members. In my entire 30 years of being a JW in my city nothing but growth has happened over time. New halls were formed or split and new halls were built. The circuit went from 2 parts to 3 and even now the attendance is almost at the max capacity. Where is this massive members leaving? In my own personal life I don't even know one apostate outside of myself. Most of the people that got df'd in my lifetime eventually came back. Even the young kids that left or got in trouble came back in their late 20s and 30s. -
Make your predictions!
by Coded Logic inthe more specific the better :) here are mine:.
i predict that within the next two to three years (2017-2018) we will start seeing negative numbers in growth.. i predict that within the next thirteen to fifteen years (2027-2030) the number of jws will be less than 4million.. and i predict that by the time the first person sets foot on mars there will already have been a major split in the organization with either one of the gb or a branch overseer starting a new religion..
I do love these predictions of demise for the organization that have been on this board for the past 15 years. I predict the organization will grow as always, changes will be made. People on here will continue to predict it's demise and give reasons why, and it won't happen. The org will be around long after we are all gone. -
Does the W.T have financial problems are are they just rebranding?
by The Rebel init is evident that the w.t has recently re-branded itself, and has become fairly modern in its marketing techniques.
so the organisation is in that respect forward thinking, and the former way of doing things has past.. .
but this rebranding has been done by marketing experts, who maybe realise progress is progress, and that with modernisation many bethelites " even as free volunteers" are possibly no longer required.
There is more to a cost per bethelite than just the monthly stipend they receive. Everything a bethelite is given access to has a reduced price. They get fuel, auto repairs, commissary food, and so on all supplied with a lower price. Food for 3 meals a day 7 days a week, electricity consumption and what I believe to be the highest cost, healthcare. With the 25 percent reduction you can cut all of that out plus whatever these 25 percent do for work can it now be done electronically or by machine? The costs begin to start to build. This isn't a business to be extremely profitable, they merely want to have more money coming in than going out. As far as waking people up, everyone seems to forget that they had lay offs from bethel out of no where back in the early 2000s. People then who had been at bethel for years were reassigned as pioneers, because, the preaching work needed to be done more quickly. JWs have no memory at all, not one I have spoke to even recalls that being the reason the last time this happened. There was no "waking up", all those people just went where they were reassigned and moved on. The same will happen again. -
Does the W.T have financial problems are are they just rebranding?
by The Rebel init is evident that the w.t has recently re-branded itself, and has become fairly modern in its marketing techniques.
so the organisation is in that respect forward thinking, and the former way of doing things has past.. .
but this rebranding has been done by marketing experts, who maybe realise progress is progress, and that with modernisation many bethelites " even as free volunteers" are possibly no longer required.
Stephen Lett told everyone in the broadcast that more money is going out than is coming in. In big business when this happens, cuts are made. Sometimes those cuts help the company stay afloat. Sometimes they even turn the company completely around to be a thriving profitable business again. That's what the 25 percent reduction is. They are cost cutting so that income is higher than expenditures again. When all is said and done, there will likely be no financial problem anymore. -
Our assembly expenses were $16,900 for ONE DAY - Please share yours
by nmthinker in~2300 in attendance.
one day cost of $16,900!.
this was at romeoville, which was built ground up in the 90's and was fully paid for by the illinois circuits!.
The per person charge is the "profit" they make. Actual expenses are tallied into that total cost that are read at every circuit assembly. The entire amount is not the per person cost. The actual expenses are put into that total and THEN they add the per person cost. That per person cost is pure cash money to the branch. -
Our assembly expenses were $16,900 for ONE DAY - Please share yours
by nmthinker in~2300 in attendance.
one day cost of $16,900!.
this was at romeoville, which was built ground up in the 90's and was fully paid for by the illinois circuits!.
I posted this in another thread. Circuit assemblies have a set expense per publisher assigned by the branch. In your case the likely assigned expense was 5-6 dollars per publisher plus actual expenses. So every assembly pays their share of heating, upkeep, renovations, traveling expenses for speakers and then they add the per publisher fee. That's how it's been done for many years. -
Blondie's Comments on the 11-8-2015 WT Study
by blondie inblondies highlights from the 11-08-2015 wt study (july 15, 2015).
excellent general website: .
paragraph 11-15 recreation.
How did got put a conscience in the humans but no knowledge of good and bad? It wasn't until they ate from the tree that a conscience would have even kicked in. -
One day assemblies
by Sour Grapes inthis may have been discussed before.
the costs for using the assembly hall for a one day last saturday was $12,000 with another assembly for the other half of the circuit on sunday, which will ring up another $12,000.
if the assembly was for two days the friends might roll their eyes if it were announced the costs for the two days was $24,000.
You have to know how assembly costs work. There are fees shared by the entire circuit such as flights for speakers, upkeep of the buildings and renovations, televisions or projector screen bought and so forth. Those are tallied up AND THEN the assembly overseer notifies the accounts department of what the cost per publisher the branch has set for the assembly. This either comes by letter or through the circuit overseer. So let's say that the ACTUAL expenses of the assembly for a day are 5000 dollars. The branch then adds a cost of $7.50 per publisher. The his cost per publisher is different based on the location. There are 900 publishers assigned to that particular assembly. 900 x 7.50 = 6,750. Add the actual expenses of 5000 to 6750 and the total expenses become 11,750. THAT is how circuit assembly expenses are factored. Now what jay dubs haven't seemed to figure out yet is that even though two day assemblies are no more, the one day they are there the expenses have remained the same. Even my dad mentioned that they should have gone down, but yet he keeps on donating.