This is an endless debate that frankly will never be settled. If one wants to make Jesus God, there are verses one can use to make the case. If one wants to say Jesus isn’t God, there are verses one can use to make that case. It’s just a debate back and forth of this verse says this and well that verse says that.
JoinedPosts by sloppyjoe2
Is Jesus a Created Being? Debate with a Pastor
by raymond frantz in
—colossians 1:15 from the nwt says it plain as day: “he is the image of the invisible god, the firstborn of all creation.” that’s not vague; it’s got a punch.
“firstborn” and “creation” sit side by side, and in greek, that second word is “ktisis,” which means the physical stuff—trees, stars, you name it.
Do children still get destroyed at Armageddon?
by Anony Mous ini know back in the day, that was taught, that if the parents were going to be destroyed, so would the children.
i just can't easily find reference to anything.
this thinking has been used to justify some egregious behavior towards children and their parents such as exclusion of children from jw family - why worry, the end is near, all will work itself out then - the end didn't come though.
If children were going to grow up and rebel, they were predestined to do so. If Jehovah can “see” what they will do in the future, that’s predestination.
Why Did God Create Us?
by Sea Breeze injesus is the creator god, but why did he create us?
what say you?.
No “believer” is going to agree with my perspective. If the God everyone speaks of does in fact exist, the reality of our story and reasons for being here have nothing to do with any holy book. God created us just to do it. The main experiment was sex and reproduction. If it wanted people to worship it, it could have created 10 billion humans in a snap as a figure of speech. There is no plan, there is no end goal. There is no fall of man or redemption. God is not benevolent. That being could correct any of the myriad of problems that humans have and does not do so. I would not be surprised if God moved on to thousands and thousands of other experiments and has no interest in what happens on earth anymore.
PRESIDENTIAL predictions...let the prognosticators have their say!
by Terry inmy only prowess in making predictions stems from my 77-years of life in the united statesgrowing up under president truman, eisenhower, kennedy, nixon, .....etc.
etc.i was a widdle kid sitting in front of a tiny black and white tv set when the very first broadcastsof political conventions, deal-making, debates (nixon vs kennedy), assassinations (jfk, rfk, martin luther king, etc.
) i grew up with duck and cover under my elementary schooldesk, the cold war, the iron curtain, the korean war, the vietnam war and i went to federal prisonas a jw conscientious objector while hippies, flower children, political activists protested and universitystudents were fired up on by troops.i grew up reading newspapers (2 of them).
I hope Harris wins. Not because I think she is a good candidate or agree with her policies. Harris winning and democrats winning the whole government is exactly what American's deserve. They voted for free money and higher inflation whether they realize it or not. They voted for open borders and whatever that brings to this country in the future. In fact the majority of american's still want this. The republican party is so inept they are just as culpable and deserve the outcome this will bring for all of us. Republicans are not conservative, they ramp up spending just like the democrats do. They speak out of both sides of their mouths when they're in power and when they aren't. Since Donald Trump was the best they could produce for a viable presidential candidate, they deserve to lose. They're unable to adapt to the will of the majority with things like abortion. They deserve the collapse of their party. At least with democrats in control of government, the collapse of our system will happen sooner.
Biden calls Trump supporters garbage
by moomanchu ina comedian in a comedy sketch at a trunp rally joked that the island of puerto rico is a floating island of garbage.. what to do???
potus pappy joe to the rescue!!
he sounds the alarm, comes out swinging and calls trump supporters, actual people, garbage.. .
In the end, what does it matter what Biden says, they kicked him out. I have no idea who is advising trump, or if anyone is. They failed miserably yet again. Megyn Kelly summed it up very well. They only appeal to his base, and they push everyone else away. When Trump loses, it's his own fault.
by Raimundo ini wanted to share with you a letter that is circulating in some spanish-speaking congregations.
it is about the covid-19 vaccine and the governing body.
there is an english translation that i got today and i put it in the links.
Why would the governing body care or waste time on something like this? They run a corporation worth who knows what in control of millions of people. This letter is insignificant to them and so is the person. A board of a company worth the same amount of money wouldn’t waste any time caring about things like this. I don’t know why people think their letters matter.
Jehovah’s Witness deserved the right to refuse blood transfusion, Europe’s rights court rules
by Bangalore injehovah’s witness deserved the right to refuse blood transfusion, europe’s rights court rules'.
This is the right decision. Adults should have the freedom to choose whatever treatment they want or don't want.
Ages of each user here?
by ukpimo ini'm interested to know the age demographics here.
it must be significantly different to other exjw forums.
it would be a damning report for watchtower if most of us appear to have left for decades.. you don't have to mention your exact age, you could always say "in my 50s".. i am in my 70s.
41, been on here since 2000.
Who told the first lie?
by nicolaou inthis is a continuation of the discussion which sprang from an unrelated topic.. so according to genesis, who told the first lie?
god told eve that if she ate from the tree of knowledge she would die that very same day.
in response to that statement the devil told her she would not die.. eve ate from the tree and did not die.
Peace for a Thousand Years—And Beyond! | Simplified (
Found this article. Paragraph 12 says death will be no more during the millennial reign which is what I thought I had learned as a kid. Also says the resurrection will happen in the millennial reign which is the opposite of what the bible says.
Who told the first lie?
by nicolaou inthis is a continuation of the discussion which sprang from an unrelated topic.. so according to genesis, who told the first lie?
god told eve that if she ate from the tree of knowledge she would die that very same day.
in response to that statement the devil told her she would not die.. eve ate from the tree and did not die.
Do you have any article links where they talk about it? I currently can't find much at all about it.