You sound like me a few years ago. I went through early menopause and had all the symptoms you exhibit. I also went off the pill and immediately into was not fun! The hot flashes alone were enough to drive you crazy....sometimes 30 or more a day! Between the racing heart, hot flashes, and mood swings...I really was not myself for about a year. My doctor wanted to put me on HRT also, but all the bad press about it came out right at that time and with my family history of breast cancer, I decided on my own to not take it. I am glad now that I never did. But, you must decide for yourself with your doctor whether HRT is acceptable in your case if that is what you decide to do. I hear now that they suggest that women with really bad symptoms go on HRT for a year. I really am not up to date on what they are currently suggesting.
I hope that you find something that works for you....hang in there....and there is life after menopause, I'm proof.
Mrs. Shakita