I'd like to say that from the first day one is born, that person lives in his final days. Why, every day the person lives, that person comes close this his/her end. On average these last days last some 75 years.
My answer to the above: if the bible verses that are used for the "last day" prophesy were written say between AD 35 and AD 100, what would all the people who read these verses during say AD35 and AD 1900 have thought? Also that they were in the last days? If so, their hope was idle as the world is still around.
Then I would say: if I would join your organisation out of fear of being destroyed, would my choice be out of love or fear? Should people choose to worship a god out of fear or out of love? If the latter, it does not matter in which period we live, as the choice will be made out of love. So, therefore, your doomsday message will only attract people who will have fear, fear to be destroyed.