It is called the "annual observance of the memorial of Christ's death". In other words, the whole event is to be observed, not to participate. I wonder where Jesus said that HIs offer should be remembered this way....
pfff....what do I know.
2020-02-s-147--announcements and reminders.
2020-02-s-126-e--memorial chairman.
It is called the "annual observance of the memorial of Christ's death". In other words, the whole event is to be observed, not to participate. I wonder where Jesus said that HIs offer should be remembered this way....
pfff....what do I know.
watchtower has been named as world's most published and circulated magazine in us.
The article says: "More than 50 million copies are sold in a month in major countries of the world where Bible is read. This magazine is published by a reputable agency Jehovah’s Witnesses."
First, the WT is not sold but distributed (placed), free of cost to the recipient.
Second, it is apparently published by a "reputable agency" .... funny, not a religion organization but an agency....and one wonders why it is reputable
What is missing is how many of these free of charge WT's magazine end up unread in the garbage can.
Also, how did they measure popularity ??
Anyway, this is about US made magazines. I wonder if you would look at free newspapers in the UK for example or certain publications in China or India.
current jw growth is slower than during most of their history.
the only probable exceptions are following 1975 when there was a brief worldwide decrease, the late 1920s when around half of the members left the movement, perhaps around the 1917 schism, and various schisms during russell’s time.
there were also periods of sluggish growth during the 1950/60s and around 2000. .
It is understandable the WT has grown as they have a large marketing / sales team at their disposal, the so-called publishers. We all agree that they are not very effective (hours spent versus new JW's) but as they spend a lot of time on it, they manage to grow.
Any organisation who would have so many people at their disposal to promote the organisation, would generate some growth.
Still, interesting to see these differences among some religious organisations.
ok, to start, i no longer believe the scriptures are inspired.
may be some writers were influenced but that does not mean all what they wrote was correct.
does this mean there is no creator?
@stan livedeath
Thank you for your advice. I am not worrying at all and am enjoying my life. However, for those that are struggling to make up their mind or like to hear other viewpoints, I decided to share. If I can help only one person, it was worth the effort.
ok, to start, i no longer believe the scriptures are inspired.
may be some writers were influenced but that does not mean all what they wrote was correct.
does this mean there is no creator?
OK, to start, I no longer believe the scriptures are inspired. May be some writers were influenced but that does not mean all what they wrote was correct. As such, it is my view that none of the so-called religious scriptures (Christian, Islam etc) are inspired by a higher power. Does this mean there is no creator? Should I therefore believe in evolution?
What if .... both is true? I mean, you have a creator and things have evolved over time? The earth is very old and plants/trees as well. So is animal life. And most likely human life.
Religious people in general believe that humans were created in one-go, completely, no failures. Well, why would a creator leave the earth useless for so long? Pure evolution (i.e. big bang) would mean that suddenly everything was there in order to develop into a human being without failure or shortcomings and would also be able to reproduce immediately....what are the odds?
BUT...what if a creator made various efforts to develop something that in the end became a human being? The creator had many years available to allow trial and error. And WHAT IF these efforts would have taken place on various parts of the earth? Why rely only on one human being knowing that many things can go wrong?
In other words, WHAT IF life is the result of creation but has evolved over million years in order to become a human being as we know it? In my view, it does explain a lot, for example why we do become older but are still not capable to beat certain bacteria or viruses.
Anyway...wanted to share... :-)
donations in support of kingdom interests worldwide petra!
The economic landscape continues to deteriorate for most, and we know this results in additional pressure as you work to
provide for your basic needs.Nevertheless, we see evidence that this does not hinder your efforts to ‘abound in kind giving.’
So, for most, current times mean additional pressure just to provide basic needs. not see this as a hinder to abound in kind giving. In other words, we do not care that you suffer under more pressure. We will not help you but you must help us......
2 new talks if you want them.. .
2019-s-34-e-38--how can you survive the end of the world.
in Whose leadership can you trust? the put in last section:
By accepting Christ Jesus’ leadership and “obeying him,”
Why is OBEYING HIM in quotes? If Jesus is supposed to be your leader, then one should obey, without quotes......
Very peculiar.
from the november 2019 watchtower study edition.. how many of you would like to know what the brothers and sisters would respond to this question.
also, if you went into a hall how would you like to respond to the question.. 8. how should we respond to lies?.
8 satan, “the father of the lie,” uses those under his control to spread lies about jehovah and about our brothers and sisters.
of course they never print some of those "lies" as examples. "Lies" about CSA handling and court cases, about wrong doctrines (too many to mention here), about dishonesty in the organisation etc.
when a person is guilty and worthy of punishment, the judgment ‘will already have been bound in heaven jesus said and if they are loosed or innocent it will already have been “loosed in such judicial deliberations, jesus says, “where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there i am in their midst.” .
psalm 127:3.. children are a sacred trust, “an inheritance from jehovah.
jws abhor child abuse and view it as a crime.its recognized that the authorities are responsible for addressing such crimes.jws do not shield any perpetrator of child abuse from the authorities as has been alleged.
All religions are from men. Even the scriptures were written (and copied/rewritten) by men. They all claim to be approved by their God. Religion means power for its leaders. And they all try to.hide their (serious) mistakes and crimes. So, the community can only depend on non-religious organisations to uncover those hidden crimes. Priests or elders or vicars are all employed by their leaders. They serve the organization else they will be removed from their position.
In the world we have something like Intellectual Property and patents, setup to protect the originator that his/her ideas are not copied. If the scriptures should lead to Gods approval, would it not be good that God made sure people could rely on ONE source, that is clearly identified as coming from God, beyond a doubt? As this is not the case, people cannot rely on religion as they all have used the void to present themselves as "true" and have assumes a position of power.
The WT has created its own world and believe that they are above the authorities. The same the Roman Catholic Church had made. None of these so-called religious worlds are any better than the world outside religion.
It is up to humans to fix things. Those who wait on their God to act or fix things are guilty for allowing bad things to continue to happen. People will have to act to protect the weak, the meek, the innocent. Progress has been made but still a lot to do.
two days ago, i experienced a spiritual epiphany while visiting the library of a catholic university: i was shocked to find thousands of religious literatures produced by the catholics and protestants in the last few hundred years.
someone could easily spend a secluded lifetime trying to read them all.
for years, i was told by my religious leaders (jws) that the catholics and other religions did not provide spiritual food to their members.
Regardless the denomination, why write so much? Would the scriptures not be enough? Unless the aim is to control and confuse people by writing so many books etc.