Terry, buddy....... the answer was so simple until you threw this into the mix:
Remember, the do-over erases the subsequent UN-chosen choice and all its permutations.
Well, I'm going to break your rules and come up first with the one do-over where I would still have four beautiful children because, well, to be honest the question is just not nearly as fun answering with that limtation.
When I was 19, I finally had a few girls who actually thought I was somewhat appealing. (Besides being a JW, who could not fellowship with girls other than in our one congregation town, I was a bit of an ugly duckling.......... by the way, Stefanie, now I'm just gorgeous..... ) However nothing ever amounted from the little extra attention.
So, the one night, while being slightly rebellious....., I was out having a couple of pints at the place where all my evil, non-JW classmates would go. This very beautiful girl came up to me and we ended up hitting it off FANTASTIC. For some reason she thought I was cute and she was pretty much my ideal woman, originally just from appearance and then later her she proved to be very sweet, sincere and fun too. We ended up spending the night together, without .......... you know. She wanted to see me again and felt as strongly towards me as I did to her.
The do-over??????????!!!!!!!!!!! I never called her back. She called a few times and I had to make up a bullshit story to my parents, heaven forbid they find out I almost went all the way with this very nice NON-JW girl.
Hindsight is a hell of a lot more perfect than 20/20. Damn!!!!