Mary Ann for sure.
Is that pic in your avatar a pic of you? If that's the case I vote for Incense_and_Peppermints.
Mary Ann for sure.
Is that pic in your avatar a pic of you? If that's the case I vote for Incense_and_Peppermints.
You mean I get to choose??!! Woohoo!!!
I'll still take 1, 2 and 3.... teehee.
i'm just a dumb firefighter, could someone tell me what "bttt" stands for?.
you guys are the best!
You're a firefighter? You've probably met my ex-wife then?
But, seriously, it took me about a year to finally ask what BTTT meant. Maybe you're not an idiot, after all.
if you click on the link below what you'll see is an aerial view of the llano cemetery, located in amarillo, texas -- the place where i'll probably be buried.
the gravestones can actually be seen.
they are the white specks, all layed out in rows.
Containing the remains of between 10,000 and 20,000 people within 5-6 acres (2-2.4 ha) in Lower Manhattan, it is the oldest known African cemetery in urban America. Once called the Negro (or Negros) Burial Ground, it was used from as early as 1712 to about 1795. Barred from the cemeteries of many New York City churches, including Trinity Church in 1697, free and enslaved Africans buried their dead on the outskirts of the developed city beyond Wall St near Collect Pond, where 18th-century free Blacks also owned land. By 1812 builders had deposited up to 25 feet (7.6 m) of fill over the burials, which remained largely forgotten until 1991, when archaeologists unearthed them. Knowing of the possible existence of the burial ground, the federal General Services Administration (GSA) contracted archaeologists to document and remove remains during construction of a $275 million federal office building at 290 Broadway, on one section of the cemetery. Concerned citizens, including many African Americans, organized protests and pressured politicians to halt the excavation when they learned construction crews had destroyed burials, improper storage had damaged remains, and the archaeological project lacked a proper research design and African American involvement. A 1992 federal law stopped excavation of the burials and allocated $3 million for on-site reburial and a memorial. The GSA contracted new scholars to study the remains; artifacts stayed in New York City, but the skeletal remains were transferred to Howard University. Though the identities of those buried remain unknown, analysis revealed that most excavated individuals had been placed in wooden coffins and buried facing east.
Do you care more that the bodies were "buried facing east" or of the plight of the African Americans themselves? Yet another example for you to display your "true" personality!!!
what was the worse thing while you where in the "truth".
for me, it felt that everynight was a meeting night, the relentlous pressure getting to the meetings.. for my husband, apart from the meetings, it was the never ending assiments.
for my teenage son, it must have been field service.
The delusional thought that I was "superior" to all my "wordly" friends. Deep down I knew I wasn't.
But, hey, it was also the same thing that drove me to leave, so it's not all bad.
basically i have been reading the bible lately & doing extensive research on the web and have come across many things in my search...any imput put on various scriptures or sites i would appreciate.... .
first of all i found more than a few religions that resemble the teaching of the jw' can they honestly say they are the only ones with the "truth"?
scriptures i came across in my studies this week (if you have any other translations of these same scriptures please quote them in ur response i have 2 kjvs as well as the nwt that i am using...thanks!
Hi brokenfairy,
funny that scripture right after that as well....about forgiveness...any time i sought sincere forgiveness i was turned away
I thought this quote of yours was quite telling. I feel that you may be on the verge of great revelations. Forgiveness happens from within. It does not come from others and I think you are realizing that it most certainly does not come from the Kingdom Hall.
I agree with others here that you are not really broken. I know your heart is heavy but that is what happens when you are making a big change for the better. Your regular psyche is getting disrupted. Don't let the temporary pain prevent you from experiencing the long-term gain.
Best wishes for you.
probably you all noticed that when disasters strike, news papers sell better.
the tsunami was a good example.
is it that people love to read bad news rather than good news?
Interesting question.
I think that they don't sell as well as they used to. All major changes in human consciousness happens over a long period of time, but IMHO we are moving into a more peaceful human consciousness.
Fifty years ago most parents thought that negative consequences prevented bad behaviour. Fifty years later most parents know that positive reinforcement prevents it much better.
There will always be people that feel they need to feel superior to others but in general I think the trend is going in the more positive way.
here are a few facts that i have recently discovered by doing some research.. the watchtower society uses the date of 539 b.c.e as the date that cyrus took over babylon.
they use the term "absolute date" to define this as an unquestionable point in time.
to do this they had to ignore 586 b.c.e which is the real date for the destruction of jerusalem.. therefore, if jerusalem never lay desolate for 70 years, when does this desolation and fulfillment of this prophecy take place?
Why is scholar not answering me? Can we institute new rules whereby one has to answer questions posed based on one's ridiculous preceding comments? One more try:
You keep arguing the 607 date. IMO, no one can absolutely prove or disprove and even if they could a new theory would be thrown in as to was "jerusalem not symbolically destroyed in 607 after all"?
The questions I have tried to ask you and points that I have tried to make go beyond that. The year 607 is only important in the sense that it leads to 1914, in current JW chronology. Why the fixation on 1914? And could you give me your own personal thoughts as well? I have given you my viewpoint on why 1914 is so important to JW's. I am respectfully asking you to respond or to give me a reason why you choose to not do so?
i have tried to put on a brave face lately but i think i need to release some tears and emotion.
(ok, it's starting already... .
(i have made posts lately as formerout but i am now back on as outbutnotdown, as i had been for a year and a half earlier...password lost.
You hit the nail on the head, sweetie.
Brad, I only have a second tonight but your post caught my eye and I just wanted to join my hugs to everyone's here. We love you, we wish you the best. That you won't keep your kids from their mom despite what's going on with that side of their family is the sign that you truly love them and are doing what's best for them. You sound like an amazing, amazing person. Much love, KittiesWow, said so passionately what I have felt. I have such a HUGE passion for emphasizing the positive rather than the negative. I know it sounds simplistic but it is very REAL to me!!!!! Brad
i have tried to put on a brave face lately but i think i need to release some tears and emotion.
(ok, it's starting already... .
(i have made posts lately as formerout but i am now back on as outbutnotdown, as i had been for a year and a half earlier...password lost.
Thanks for the encouragement. I do agree that I will win the war, I just hope it is not posthumously.
Also, I have experienced living in a dysfunctional family. As much as I have faith that 10 to 15 years later my true intentions will be revealed, I am also fully aware that it would be best for my kids for them to not have to wait such a long period of time.