Can't just pick one!!!! I love Poe, Lewis Carroll, am a huge poetry fan (mostly 18th & 19th century), huge fantasy fan (got another Terry Brooks lover over here, I've read every single book), C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, Road Dahl (from when I was a wee one!), and the list goes on!!!
JoinedPosts by maybesbabies
Who is your favorite author?
by Happythoughts in.
ayn rand is mine.
just wondering so i can find a new book or books to read *smiles*.
Why Are You All Still Here ??
by xjw_b12 into those who have been here since the beginning:.
i have been a member jwd for close to 2 years now.
i lurked some time before "taking the plunge" lol.
I'm pretty new here, but have steadily become more and more addicted! My sister Xan got me started, and the rest of y'all kind hearted, funny, irreverent, and intelligent people keep me coming back!!!
One of the main reasons I am here is because I like the company of my beeeeeches
And because I'm one of Brummies beeeeeeeches!!!!
What Do You Do Besides JWD?
by pettygrudger inwith so many new ones, and not so new ones, its kinda hard to get to know people.
i'm just wondering, what do you like to do besides post on the jwd discussion board?.
me, during the spring - fall months like my yard & gardening.
LOL, Brummie!!!! You naughty kitten!
edited to say: you'se maaaaaaahhhhhhh biatch now! *starts reeling him in with golden lasso*
Is/was everything demonized
by stillajwexelder indoes anyone here have this experience?
in my old congregation there were a number of sisters absolutely obssesed by the demons.
if a dog barked too loudly when approaching a door on the field service "it is demonized' -- if a refridgerator broke when the co was due round for a meal or after the service "it was demonized".
OMG!! My parents said everything was demonized too!!! My dad even has exorcism stories that he tells us! He has a story about carrying a demonized rug out from a sisters house, and feeling little fists beating the top of his head as he carried it, and another story about staying in a house that a sister had just bought, because she was afraid it was demonized. According to him, a metal sunburst wall clock hanging over his bed started spinning, and then crashed down on top of him, with one of the points landing where his head had been. And they wondered why us kids were afraid of the dark!?!?!?! They also had us constantly calling out "Jehovah" to make sure there were no demons in the house, because "you never know what could be demonized!!".
Child Abuse not grounds for divorce
by RevMalk ini've read, and heard that sexual child abuse is not grounds for divorce according to the watchtower.
can anyone help me in finding documented proof to that effect?
(or even not so documented is a start).
If there was no actually intercourse - I believe a lot of elders would hardline and say no scriptural divorce. If there was intercourse, but couldn't be proven to be the mate, same.
This is actually more along the lines of what I was getting at. I should have spent more time to outline my request.But again, I guess what we're looking at is a vague area, and most likely there is nothing in print.
I've heard and read several accounts where this actually occurred, according to those involved.
Don't know if this will help with the definition, but I have highlighted an area where it includes fondling as sexual abuse. Below this letter is another one that may or may not be useful regarding a divorce. The third letter has a reference saying that the abuse must be reported to the authorities, even if there is only one witness. I have highlighted those portions as well. I don't know if any of this will help, but I hope so!
March 14, 1997
Dear Brothers:
A matter of serious concern was addressed in the article "Let Us Abhor What Is Wicked," published in the January I, 1997, issue of The Watchtower. This concern involves the purity of Jehovah's organization in these last days. It is our responsibility to protect the flock of God from these threatening influences.-Isa. 32: 1, 2.
We wish to take necessary steps that will help protect the congregation, especially our children, from the unwholesome practices that are constantly worsening in the world. We are grateful that the truth has limited the spread of child sexual abuse in Jehovah's organization.
What is child molestation? Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines "pedophilia" as "sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object." (See "Questions From Readers" in The Watchtower of February I, 1997, page 29.) Deuteronomy 23:17, 18 condemns such practices as "detestable." (See the footnotes to verses 17 and 18 in the Reference Bible. Also, it would be helpful to see the footnote on page 10 of the October 8, 1993, issue of Awake!) In harmony with these references, we are herein discussing sexual perversion in which children are the object of sexual abuse, including fondling by an adult. We are not discussing a situation wherein a consenting minor, who is approaching adulthood, has sexual relations with an adult who is a few years older than the minor. Rather, we are referring, for example, to situations in which it is established by a congregation judicial committee that an adult brother or sister has been guilty of sexually abusing a young child or has been sexually involved with a nonconsenting minor who is approaching adulthood.
Who is a known child molester? The January 1, 1997, Watchtower article "Let Us Abhor What Is Wicked" mentions on page 29 that a man "known to have been a child molester" would not qualify for privileges in the congregation. An individual "known" to be a former child molester has reference to the perception of that one in the community and in the Christian congregation. In the eyes of the congregation, a man known to have been a child molester is not "free from accusation" and "irreprehensible," nor does he have "a fine testimony from those on the outside." (I Tim. 3: I -7, 10; 5 :22: Titus I :7) In view of his past, people in the community would not respect him, and the brothers might even stumble over his appointment.
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What can we do to protect our children and preserve the cleanness of Jehovah's organization? The primary responsibility for protecting our children rests upon the parents. Fine suggestions for parents can be found in the January 22, 1985, Awake! article "Child Molesting- You Can Protect Your Child." Other articles that parents do well to consider are those in the October 8, 1993, Awake! entitled "How Can We Protect Our Children" and the December 1, 1996, Watchtower entitled "Parents, Find Pleasure in Your Children," specifically pages 13 and 14, paragraphs 18 and 19.
What can the elders do to help protect our children? The elders should be alert to the activity of any who are known to have molested children in the past. Individuals who have manifested a weakness in this regard should be sensitive to their need not to be alone with children. They should refrain from holding children or displaying other forms of affection for them. It would be appropriate for elders to give kindly cautions to any who are doing things that may be a temptation or a cause for concern to others in the congregation.-l Cor. 10:12,32.
What should elders do when a former child molester moves to another congregation? As outlined in the February 1991 Our Kingdom Ministry "Question Box" and the August 1, 1995, letter to all Bodies of Elders, our policy is always to send a letter of introduction when a publisher moves to another congregation. It is imperative that this be done when one who is known to have been a child molester moves. The secretary should write on behalf of the elders to the new congregation's body of elders and outline this publisher's background and what the elders in the old congregation have been doing to assist him. Any needed cautions should be provided to the new congregation's body of elders. This letter should not be read to or discussed with the congregation. This information should be kept in the congregation's confidential files where it can be reviewed by any elder. The elders should send a copy of this letter to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in one of the "Special Blue" envelopes.
In the January 1, 1997, issue of The Watchtower, the article "Let Us Abhor What Is Wicked" stated on page 29: "For the protection of our children, a man known to have been a child molester does not qualify for a responsible position in the congregation. Moreover, he cannot be a pioneer or serve in any other special full-time service. " We have had a number of inquiries asking how this applies in the congregation, and this is being given consideration.
It may be possible that some who were guilty of child molestation were or are now serving as elders, ministerial servants, or regular or special pioneers. Others may have been guilty of child molestation before they were baptized. The bodies of elders should not query individuals. However, the body of elders should discuss this matter and give the Society a report on anyone who is currently serving or who formerly served in a Society-appointed position in your congregation who is known to have been guilty of child molestation in the past.
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In your report please answer the following questions: How long ago did he commit the sin? What was his age at the time? What was the age of his victim(s)? Was it a one-time occurrence or a practice? If it was a practice, to what extent? How is he viewed in the community and by the authorities? Has he lived down any notoriety in the community? Are members of the congregation aware of what took place? How do they and/or his victim(s) view him? Has he ever been disfellowshipped, reproved, counseled, or otherwise dealt with? If he has moved to another congregation, please identify the congregation to which he has moved. Was that congregation advised of his past conduct of child molestation, and, if so, when? [If you have not advised them, this should be done now, and you should send a copy of your letter to the Society in a "Special Blue" envelope.] This information should be sent to the Society along with any other observations that the body of elders has. Please send this to the Society in the "Special Blue" envelope so that the factors involved may be given due consideration; this information is not to be made available to those not involved.
Jehovah has been blessing the efforts of his people to get the vital Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work done. Isaiah 52: 11 states: "Keep yourselves clean, you who are carrying the utensils of Jehovah." We must be ever vigilant to demonstrate to Jehovah that we want to keep the organization he uses in these last days fit for this all-essential trust. May Jehovah bless your efforts to that end.
Your brothers,
P.S. to Body of Elders: A meeting of the body of elders should be arranged to read and discuss this letter together. This letter is confidential and should not be copied but should be kept in the congregation's confidential file. Elders should not discuss this information with others. It is provided so that you can appropriately apply the spirit of the Scriptural information in the January 1, 1997, Watchtower article "Let Us Abhor What Is Wicked."
Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237
Phone: (845) 306-1100
February 15, 2002
Dear Brothers:
It was a delight for us to meet with you at the Kingdom Ministry School, held in the -United States branch territory during November and December of 2001. This letter is to provide you with written direction on various matters that were considered at the school. Please arrange a special meeting of the body of elders to give consideration to the direction contained in this letter, as well as to the February 14, 2002, letter to all congregations in the United States, regarding adjustments that were announced at the Kingdom Ministry School.
Congregation Book Study Overseers: While the Congregation Service Committee is authorized to assign publishers to book study groups, it is the body of elders that makes all assignments of Congregation Book Study overseers. As soon as possible after receiving this letter, the elders should review these assignments to make sure that the most qualified brothers are being used.
The responsibilities of the Congregation Book Study overseer include the following: teaching at the book study, taking the lead in evangelizing, assisting all in the group to progress in their ministry, shepherding the group and assisting those who are weak or inactive, and collecting the monthly field service reports. Because the responsibility of being a Congregation Book Study overseer is a serious one, an elder should be used if available. The body of elders will need to exercise good judgment in deciding which brothers can serve most effectively as Congregation Book Study overseers. If needed, an elder might care for more than one group, doing so at different times during the week. This, however, would depend on his circumstances. If an elder is not available, a capable ministerial servant could be used as a substitute until such time as an elder can take over. (om 44) The elders who are most qualified to fulfill all the aspects of the assignment should be used. If an elder is a good teacher but is unable or disinclined to fulfill the other aspects of the responsibility, he may not be the most qualified elder to serve in this capacity.
Ministerial servants who are used as substitutes will be termed "Congregation Book Study servants." They should work closely under the supervision of the elders. Though they conduct the weekly book study, take a zealous lead in the field ministry, and collect the monthly field service reports for the group, they should not take it upon themselves to make shepherding calls on those in the group. However, under the direction of the elders, they can make spiritually encouraging visits on certain ones in the book study group, sharing scriptures and information from our publications. Of course, if a matter of a serious nature comes up, they should not try to handle the matter but should refer it to the elders. Likewise, they should work under the direction of the elders in giving assistance to those in their group who are spiritually weak or inactive. The elders need to make sure that ministerial servants who are used as Congregation
Book Study servants understand how they are to work under the direction of the elders in carrying out their responsibilities.
Book Study Assistants: The body of elders also assigns each Congregation Book Study overseer one assistant. The assistant conducts the book study in the overseer's absence and assists him with other aspects of the assignment. As announced at the school, the book study overseer may arrange to observe the assistant conduct the book study once every two months. This is in addition to occasions when the assistant might conduct because of the overseer's absence. This new provision will enable the overseer to offer constructive counsel to help the assistant improve in teaching ability. Please note that this arrangement applies only if the brother assigned to conduct the study is an elder and the assistant is a ministerial servant. If an elder is serving as the assistant, it is not necessary for him to conduct the book study once every two months so as to be given counsel and assistance.
It is preferred that the assigned assistant be an elder. If there are not enough elders, a ministerial servant may serve as the assistant. If there are not enough ministerial servants, a baptized brother who is a good example in the congregation, though not an appointed servant, may be assigned as the assistant. He would be one who could be used to present demonstrations on the Service Meeting, who would qualify to auxiliary pioneer if he applied, and who might be assigned to care for certain duties at the Kingdom Hall, such as handling microphones, assisting with literature, or serving as an attendant. He should be one who could conduct the book study adequately in the absence of the assigned overseer. If no baptized brother is available who meets this standard, then a book study group might not have an assigned assistant. In that case, the book study overseer would need to arrange for an elder or ministerial servant to care for the group when he is unable to do so.
Size of Congregation Book Study Groups: Though it was suggested at the Kingdom Ministry School that the size of the group should be kept to approximately 15 persons, we should not make this a hard-and-fast rule. There are other factors and local circumstances that should be taken into consideration. These may include distance, lack of book study locations,
--- transportation available, and a lack of qualified elders or ministerial servants who could be used to care for the group and conduct the study. However, ideally the group should be kept small, as was suggested.-See the April 2001 Our Kingdom Ministry Question Box.
Field Service Reports and Records: The new provision for publishers to submit field service time in increments of 15 minutes is for those who are very limited because of advanced age or because of being shut-ins, confined to nursing homes, or incapacitated. It is also for those who are temporarily limited, perhaps being unable to move about during a month because of serious illness or injury. The Congregation Service Committee will determine which publishers qualify for this arrangement. The secretary should keep track of fractions of hours that are submitted and carry them over to the following month if they total less than an hour. Whenever the sum of these fractions adds up to a full hour, the secretary should include that hour with the congregation's total that is reported to the branch office on the Congregation Report (S-1) form. However, an infirm brother is counted as a publisher in the congregation report each month that he reports at least 15 minutes of field service.
Inactive publishers are part of the congregation and need help. (Psalm 119:176) Such inactive ones should be assigned to book study groups. To enable the elders and the circuit overseer to give adequate attention to such ones, the last Congregation's Publisher Record card for each inactive publisher should be kept indefinitely. The file of Congregation's Publisher Record cards should be divided into two sections-"Active" and "Inactive." The section for active publishers should be arranged alphabetically, with the cards subdivided into sections for regular pioneers, baptized publishers, and unbaptized publishers.
The box at the Kingdom Hall for collecting field service reports will continue to be used. It may be useful to the secretary in gathering the field service reports collected by the book study overseers. Individual publishers may put their reports in the box at the Kingdom Hall if they desire or are otherwise unable to give them to their book study overseer.
Shepherding: When making shepherding calls on publishers, there is no need to tell them specifically, "This is a shepherding call" or, "We will be making a shepherding call on you." When you are checking with publishers to see whether they are going to be at home on the day you intend to visit, simply let them know that you have in mind stopping by to visit them. While the body of elders may indicate who needs a visit, there is no need to make shepherding calls on fellow elders or publishers who are spiritually strong. However, making a brief visit and encouraging them for their faithfulness and zeal would be in order. Of course, if an elder or a publisher becomes spiritually weak or in special need, then other elders may call upon him to assist and give encouragement. Elders should concentrate on helping those who are weak, those irregular in meeting attendance or field activity, and those who are ill or depressed and in need of spiritual encouragement. (Romans 15:1, 2; 1 Thessalonians 5:14; James 5:13, 14) There is more than enough to do in giving personal attention to members of the flock who are in spiritual need.-See Our Ministry, page 45, paragraph 2.
Cautions Regarding Shepherding of Sisters: Elders and ministerial servants must never meet alone with a sister to whom they are not closely related, regardless of whether the meeting is for the purpose of shepherding, sharing Bible advice, or simply giving encouragement. (Of course, this does not mean that it would be inappropriate for an elder to talk with a sister while in the full view of others at congregation meetings or in field service.) It is especially important never to meet with a sister alone when the sister being assisted has been a victim of abuse, suffers from depression, or for any other reason is in a delicate emotional state. A woman in such an emotional state may be more vulnerable and may be prone to develop improper feelings toward an elder meeting with her. A situation can develop in which a woman, who should love her husband, parent, or child, transfers her feelings to her counselor because he is the only person she views as treating her with love, care, and concern. In a congregation setting, a married sister may wish that her husband would treat her as considerately as a certain elder does. Such circumstances could pose a danger for the elder, particularly if he keeps seeing that same sister, week after week, in continued shepherding sessions. She could develop romantic feelings for the elder. So that this does not occur, it is the course of wisdom to have different pairs of elders involved in shepherding such a sister. This would serve as a protection for the elders, as well as for the sister, because it is possible for an elder to develop improper feelings for a sister he is comforting or counseling. Jeremiah 17:9.
Caution must also be exercised when talking to sisters on the telephone. It is extremely important that elders not permit telephone calls to develop into personal conversations of consolation that could lead to improper consequences, expectations, or dependency. If a sister starts calling you especially a single or unhappily married sister-indicate that the matter needs the attention of at least two brothers and that both of you need to hear her concerns in an appropriate setting. Be courteous and considerate but lovingly firm about the need to include another elder in dealing with the matters at hand.
Assisting Those With Marital Problems: Since marriage is an arrangement of divine origin, elders take seriously reports that a marriage is in danger. Yet elders realize that they may not know all the circumstances. The ultimate responsibility for a decision to separate from or divorce one's mate rests with those who have taken the marriage vows-not with the elders. Elders should show loving concern and help such ones to reason on Scriptural principles by referring them to the Bible and Bible-based publications. They can also explain the consequences that may occur in the congregation if an individual contemplates action that is clearly contrary to Scriptural principles. (w88 11/121, par. 7) But they should never say: "Your situation doesn't meet the criteria for separation. You have no grounds. Therefore, you can't leave him or her!" Nor should they ever tell a person: "You should leave your mate." Such statements assume authority over a person's right and obligation to carry his or her own load. (Galatians 6:5) They go beyond what is written and authorized for elders. The Family Happiness book, page 151, states: "Well-meaning friends, relatives, or Christian elders may wish to offer help and counsel, but they should not put pressure on a victim to take any particular course of action. That is his or her own decision to make."
Reminders Regarding the Handling of Cases Involving Child Abuse: (1) As directed in the July 1, 1989, letter to all bodies of elders, you should immediately call the Legal Department for direction if you learn of a case of child abuse. Child abuse would include sexual abuse, self-evident physical abuse, and extreme neglect involving a minor. (2) If the alleged victim is now an adult but was a minor at the time of the abuse, please call the Legal Department. (3) If you become aware of a past case of child abuse and you are not certain
whether the elders involved at the time called the Legal Department for direction, please call the Legal Department for assistance as soon as possible. (4) Child abuse is a crime. Never suggest to anyone that they should not report an allegation of child abuse to the police or other authorities. If you are asked, make it clear that whether to report the matter to the authorities or not is a personal decision for each individual to make and that there are no congregation sanctions for either decision. That is, no elder will criticize anyone who reports such an allegation to the authorities.
Judicial Announcements and Restrictions: When a judicial committee decides to reprove a repentant wrongdoer, they should consider very carefully whether to announce the reproof to the congregation. (ks91 123) While there are many situations in which it would be wise to announce the reproof to the congregation, two were specifically mentioned at the Kingdom Ministry School: (1) If the offense was adultery and the innocent mate has not yet forgiven the guilty one, a Scriptural divorce and remarriage(s) could still occur. It is therefore possible that the act of adultery will become public knowledge. As long as that potential exists, a decision to announce the judicial reproof would be appropriate. (2) If the offense involved the sexual molestation of a child, an announced reproof would serve to protect the congregation, indicating that not all is well with the repentant wrongdoer.
Restrictions are always imposed when a person is reproved judicially or reinstated.
When a reproof is announced, the judicial committee decides whether the restrictions should also be announced. (w81 9/127, par. 29) When a reinstatement is announced, however, the restrictions should always be announced.-See Our Ministry, page 149, paragraph 3.
It is not necessary to involve the entire body of elders in the removal of restrictions except in an unusual -case., If the wrongdoer is still associated with the congregation that took the action, the original judicil committee will remove the restrictions as warranted and advise the body of elders. If any of those brothers no longer serve, the body of elders will select replacements. If the wrongdoer moves to a new congregation while under restrictions, the body of elders of the new congregation should be informed of the restrictions and of what spiritual progress the individual has made. This will enable them to continue supervising the restoration of his privileges. (ks91 124, pars. 7-8, and 131, par. 4) The new body of elders may select two or three elders to care for this responsibility.
Caution Regarding Photocopiers: Some photocopiers keep an electronic copy of whatever is copied. To ensure confidentiality, elders should never use commercial photocopiers to make copies of documents that contain confidential congregation information, such as the
S-77 form. Even when using photocopiers at their workplace, elders must be extremely careful to avoid any breach of confidentiality.
Appointed Brothers Who Move: Elders and ministerial servants who move to a new congregation with a favorable letter of recommendation and who have a favorable recommendation from the elders of the new congregation but who have not yet been officially reappointed may be used to handle instruction talks, parts on the Service Meeting, public talks, and so forth, according to their qualifications. Of course, elders who move do not function in an official capacity as elders (such as by serving on judicial committees or attending meetings of the body of elders) until they are appointed in the new congregation. However, appointed brothers who move with a favorable recommendation are permitted to attend the following spiritual programs: (1) They may attend the meeting the circuit overseer conducts with the elders and ministerial servants during the week of his visit but only the portion during which the circuit overseer considers the outline from the branch office. Thus, generally, these brothers will leave at the same time as the ministerial servants. However, if the outline includes additional information for the elders only, brothers who were serving as elders may stay for that material as well. But they are not to be present when recommendations and local congregation needs are discussed. (2) They may attend the meeting the district and circuit overseers hold with the elders (and, at times, the ministerial servants) during the week of a circuit assembly, but they should not attend the circuit elders' business meeting, which is often held in conjunction with that meeting. (3) They may attend the Kingdom Ministry School, if one is held before they can be reappointed. Please note that if a brother who has moved to a new congregation is not recommended for reappointment when the circuit overseer visits the congregation, he would not be eligible to attend the spiritual programs mentioned above on subsequent occasions.
New Appointments of Elders and Ministerial Servants: When the body of elders receives notice from the branch office that a brother has been appointed as an elder or a ministerial servant in the congregation, the presiding overseer should assign two elders to meet with the brother before the appointment is announced. The atmosphere during the discussion should emphasize the seriousness of the matter. It should not be handled in a hurried or casual manner. In every case, the elders must ask the following questions: Is there anything from your past or in your personal or family life that disqualifies you or that would prevent you from accepting this appointment? Is there any reason why your appointment should not be announced to the congregation? If the brother reveals that there is, do not announce the appointment. Return the S-2 form or S-52 appointment letter to the branch office, and provide a complete explanation as to why the appointment should be annulled. If the brother accepts the appointment, the elders might direct his attention to information provided by the faithful and discreet slave class that will help him fulfill his new privilege of service. Matthew 24:45.
Reviewing the Qualifications of Appointed Brothers: If an elder's wife or child (either a minor child or an older child living under his roof) is involved in serious wrongdoing, the body of elders should review the brother's qualifications and determine whether he qualifies to continue serving. (w96 10/15 21, par. 7; w88 3/124, par. 5; w84 5/15 30-1; w78 2/131-2; w72 126) The elders should meet as a body, with the brother in question present, to consider the matter, using the following procedure: (1) Make sure all the facts are presented. Maintain an atmosphere that is conducive to such a discussion. (2) Allow the brother adequate time to express his feelings and to answer any questions. Ask him for his view of the matters being discussed regarding his qualifications. (3) Ask the brother to leave the room while the elders continue their discussion and make a decision on what they will recommend. (4) Invite the brother back into the room. Inform him of the decision and the Scriptural reasons for the decision. (5) Give the brother the opportunity to comment on the decision. This allows the elders to hear the brother's defense of himself if he chooses to make a defense. Thereafter, they can make the final decision, having heard his side of the matter. (6) If the elders decide to recommend his deletion and the brother disagrees with that recommendation, he may submit a __ _letter stating why he does not accept the recommendation. His -letter-would-be included with the_ elders' letter of explanation to the branch office.
If the qualifications of a ministerial servant are being reviewed, the same basic procedure is followed except that rather than having the brother present during the meeting of the body of elders, it would usually be sufficient for two elders to speak with him in advance to hear him out. They would meet with him again afterwards to inform him of the decision and to give him the opportunity to express himself. If he disagrees with the elders' decision, he may submit a letter stating why he does not accept the recommendation.
New Textbook for the Theocratic Ministry School: Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education will not be featured in the school curriculum until January 2003. Until then, Theocratic Ministry School overseers should refrain from using it when publicly counseling students. Counsel should continue to be given from the Theocratic Ministry School Guidebook, and the current Speech Counsel slips should continue to be used until the adjusted format for the Theocratic Ministry School goes into effect in 2003. Elders can take advantage of the months ahead to read the book and become familiar with it.
Continue Progressing as Spiritual Men: The key factor that will determine the success of all these new arrangements for the congregation will be the continuing progress of the elders as spiritual men. A spiritual man is God-oriented. He endeavors to see things from "the standpoint of our God" and goes on "perceiving what the will of Jehovah is." (James 1:27; Ephesians 5:17) As we keep heart and mind "on the things unseen," we grow in spiritual discernment and insight. (2 Corinthians 4:18) It was David's spiritual outlook that enabled him to see beyond the physical man Goliath and know that the unseen heavens would give him the victory.
What is_ the lesson for elders? Ask yourself. `Do my decisions reflect my implicit trust in Jehovah and reveal my conviction about unseen realities? Although I had spirituality when I was appointed, am I continuing to demonstrate that I am convinced of invisible realities? Have I continued growing as a spiritual man?' Several weeks have now passed since the elders attended the Kingdom Ministry School. Would it not be a good time now to analyze personally whether there is still a need to refine your schedule for Bible reading, personal study, and meditation? Is your family benefiting as you continue to progress as a spiritual man? Many brothers will feel spiritually benefited as they contemplate and imitate your fine example.
Please be assured of our continual prayers in your behalf as you carry out your weighty responsibility to shepherd the flock of God entrusted to your care.-1 Peter 5:2, 3.
Your brothers,
of Jehovah's WitnessesChristian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
2528 Route 22 Patterson NY 12563-2237
Phone (845) 306 1100
May 24, 2002
Dear Brothers:
At Psalm 144:15 we read: "Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah!" We see tile truthfulness of this inspired statement when we associate with our brothers and sisters al conventions, assemblies, and congregation meetings. We enjoy a warm atmosphere of peace while we benefit from tine spiritual encouragement from Jehovah and his organization. (Psalm 29:11) What a contrast to those of the world who lack true spiritual guidance and a solid hope for the future! --Isaiah 65:13.
What enables us to maintain our happy spirit? For one thing, we fear Jehovah and we deeply respect the admonition in His Word, including what the Bible says on sexual matters. (1 Corinthians 6:9,10; Hebrews 13:4) At first, it was not easy for some of us to bring our Lives info harmony with Jehovah's elevated standards. We had to make significant changes in our lifestyle before we could qualify for membership in Jehovah's clean, spirit-directed organization- Was it worth the effort? Absolutely! How happy we are to be living in harmony with God's righteous requirements!
In recent weeks, the press in this country has focused attention on the way accusations of child abuse are handled by various religious organizations. Such reports may cause some sincere individuals to ask about the procedures followed by Jehovah's Witnesses, Therefore, we believe that it will be beneficial to review with you our Bible-based position, so that you will "know bow you ought to give an answer" to any who may inquire.-Colossians 4:6.
Simply stated, we abhor the sexual abuse of children and will not protect any perpetrator of such repugnant acts from the consequences of his gross sin. (Romans 12:9) We expect the elders to investigate every allegation of chili abuse. Even one abused child is one too many. However, in evaluating the evidence, they must bear in mind the Bible's clear direction: "No single witness should rise up against a man respecting any error or any sin .... At the mouth of two witnesses or at the mouth of three witnesses the matter should stand good." (Deuteronomy 19:15) Later, this requirement to consider testimony of two or three witnesses was confirmed by Jesus. (Matthew 18:16) Thus, although they investigate every allegation, the elders in not authorized by the Scriptures to take congregational action unless there is a confession or there are two credible witnesses, However, if two persons are witnesses to separate incidents of the same kind of wrongdoing, their testimony eon be deemed sufficient to take action:--l Timothy 5:19, 24, 25.
What if someone is a proven child molester? The article "Let Us Abhor What is Wicked!" published in the January 1, 1997, issue of The Watchtower had this to say on page 29: "For the protection of our children, a man known to have been a child molester does not qualify for a responsible position in the congregation. Moreover, lie cannot be a pioneer or serve in any other special, full-time service." We take such decisive action because we are concerned with maintaining Bible standards and protecting our children. (1 Timothy 3:2, 9, 10) Everyone in the organization is ex-
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pected to meet the same requirements, namely, to be clean physically, mentally, morally, and spiritually.-- l Corinthians 7: 1; Ephesians 4:17-19; 1 Thessalonians 2:4.
We have long instructed elders to report allegations of child abuse to the authorities where required by Law to do so, even where there is only one witness. (Romans 13:1) in any case, the elders know that if the victim wishes to make a report, it is his or her absolute right to do so.----Galatians 6:5.
At least since 1981, articles have been published in our journals, The Watchtower and Awake!, with a view to educating Jehovah's people and the public on the need to protect children from child abuse. Besides the above-quoted article, there was the article. "Help For the Victims of Incest," which appeared in the October 1, 1983, Watchtower. Awake! has featured such articles as "Your Child is in Danger!" "How Can We Protect Our Children?." and "Prevention in the Home" (October 8, 1993) as well as "Child Molesting-Every Mother's Nightmare," in its January 22. 1985 issue.
We believe that we have a strong, Bible-based policy on child abuse. Over the years, as we have noted areas where our policy could be strengthened, we have not hesitated to follow through. At Kingdom Ministry Schools the elders receive ongoing reminders regarding this policy and related matters. And we continue to urge the elders to follow closely the procedures that we have established.
The moral cleanness of the congregation continues to be of vital concern to the "faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45) As we keep applying Scriptural principles in our lives, our happiness will increase. We trust that these reminders will be helpful to you as you share the Kingdom hope with right-hearted ones. We have much to look forward to in the way of spiritual refreshment as we attend the "Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers" District Conventions. What a happy prospect! Yes, there is no doubt about it: "Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah!"-Psalm 144:15.
Your brothers,
Christian Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses
Note to the presiding overseer: Please have this letter read at the first Service Meeting following its receipt. The letter should be read by one of the elders, All Scriptures that are cited but not quoted should be read.
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Enough of the "World's Most Gorgeous Woman" Stuff All Ready
by berylblue in.
ladies, i present to you.... .
lol @ aztec & elsewhere!! Here's one hottie who can NOT go with out mention!!!!
But of course, no one holds a candle to this guy!!!
Enough of the "World's Most Gorgeous Woman" Stuff All Ready
by berylblue in.
ladies, i present to you.... .
Second runner up, Hugh Jackman!
But of course, he's sexiest as Wolverine!!!
Enough of the "World's Most Gorgeous Woman" Stuff All Ready
by berylblue in.
ladies, i present to you.... .
Talk about heart pounding hunks!!! It's Ewan all the way for me!!!
If You Could Write Articles For The Watchtower What Would The Titles Be?
by minimus inif you had the power to print millions of watchtowers & awakes and you could see to it that the articles that you wrote got to all the readers, give a sampling of what the articles highlighting "spiritual food" would say.
"As shepherds of the flock, is it O.K. to have sex with sheep?"
"The faithful and discrete slave--are your slaves discrete enough?"
"Spoil the rod, spare the child!"
What Do You Do Besides JWD?
by pettygrudger inwith so many new ones, and not so new ones, its kinda hard to get to know people.
i'm just wondering, what do you like to do besides post on the jwd discussion board?.
me, during the spring - fall months like my yard & gardening.
I spend most of my time online, don't watch tv except for football. Since I moved to OH three months ago the majority of my time is spent looking for work (and wishing I was back in Seattle!). I mostly just read about politics and news online, but since I came on this board about a month ago, it has begun taking up more time than politics!!! Hopefully in the near future (read:when I'm employed) I'll get back to my old hobby of painting. Canvass and paints are hard to come by with no $$$!!!!!