bookmarked... thanks bluepill2
JoinedPosts by RichardHaley
True Stories from the Tower - Part 1 "From Anointed to Pedophile to Bethelite"
by BluePill2 inbefore i dive into the actual write-up of this experience, let me put some things straight.. i have thought long and hard if i should write more about my experiences during the 10+ years at different branches.
during these years i worked from financial department, service department, home office and different it assignments.
as you can imagine one sees and hears and reads a lot of stuff going through different stations in different countries.
JW.ORG signs to be put on all Kingdom Halls! New directive.
by stuckinarut2 inso i have been told that all kingdom halls are to have a large sign placed prominently out the front..... can anyone confirm this?.
How I Know The Assembly Parts Are Made Up
by lovelylil inwe had a co looking for a certain experience for an assembly part coming up and the elders in my hall at the time sent him to see me, since i usually had good experiences out in field service.. anyway, after speaking with the co, i was sorry to inform him that i did not have an experience that suited the type he needed.
he told me that was o.k.
because he could use me anyway for another part.
I was given a CA part once which required an experience of someone who started a bible study on the very first visit using a specific tract. The tract had just been released the month before so I knew this was going to be tough. I had been through one CO visit with the CO that had given me the assignment and already didn't trust him for other reasons so I made sure to keep detailed notes of every one I called in the circuit just in case. I am glad I did. At the dress rehearsal in front of a large group of JWs who had parts for both the A and B circuits the CO turned to me and said are you ready to give your part now? I said no because I was unable to find an experience to fit the requirements stated. To cut him off at the pass I handed him my clipboard with 3 pages of notes to prove all the calls I made etc. He looked at it for a couple of minutes flipping through the pages while there was dead silence in the hall. I felt all eyes were on me. He then asked "what about sister so-in-so I had call you with her experience? I said the study was not started on the initial call with the tract as required by your instructions. He said that can be adjusted. I said I will have no part in that because it wouldn't be truthful. You could hear a pin drop. After a few seconds he asked the other brother who had my exact part in the other circuit if those sisters would be willing to give their experience in both circuits and they agreed. So that was how it was worked out. I gave my CA part (my last) with an experience that fit the criteria with by sisters from a different circuit.
New Financial Arrangements
by Joe Grundy indear friends.
i never was a dub.
i am not a qualified lawyer or accountant.
As far as I know the KH is still owned by the local non profit org here in CA USA. There is a clause in the local non profit papers concerning what happens to KH assets if the cong is disolved. After liabilities are taken care of any remaining assets are to be sold and forwarded to the WTS. Last time I looked at the local paperwork was in 2008. No longer an E so things may have changed since.
An Indictment against GOD , A blood sacrifice or a non blood sacrifice.Cain & Abel.
by smiddy ini would appreciate your thoughts on this question : why would the almighty god sacrifice one of his creations in blood letting to appease him ?.
does this make any sence at all ?
god is supposed to have created everything living , human and animals , and then he wants / expects a human to execute one of his creations as a sacrifice to him ?.
I have wondered this very thing myself... slaughter of the innocents, even if they are animals. I personally find the whole sacrifice of animals concept repulsive and confusing. Of course this can lead to questioning the validy of larger issues...
Supreme Court ruling- refusing to photo gay wedding is discrimination
by SadElder inaccording to bloomberg news:.
"the u.s. supreme court turned away an appeal from a new mexico wedding photographer found to have violated a state anti-discrimination law when she refused to take pictures of a commitment ceremony for a same-sex couple.. the photographer, elaine huguenin, argued unsuccessfully that she was being unconstitutionally forced to convey a message conflicting with her religious beliefs.
I can't believe I read this whole thread... that's what happens when you can't sleep!
The choice/born that way discussion has always fascinated me. Some things you can't change (born that way) obviously but I think that sometimes the "born that way" argument is used as an excuse for not wanting to make necessary changes in ones thinking or attitude.
I had a business for a little over 20 years and can honestly say that a clients sexual preference didn't concern me, I was more worried about if their check was going to bounce.Link +2 / -0 -
Scriptural Basis for Obedience to GB?
by mrhhome ini have a genuine question for the jw apologist.
what is your scriptural justification for your unquestioning obedience to the governing body and your unwillingness to question their intepretation of scripture?.
I hope this is the right place for this...
by moSIS inplease don't attack me if this is the wrong place!
i know that i definitely shouldn't be on this website, but i am to embarassed to ask anyone at my hall!
everyone would be so nice, but i just feel like i should know the answers already.
That 2nd CO meeting during their visit is being done away with after the 1st of next year anyway, so you will have no need to prepare for another!
Daniel chapter 9
by Doug Mason ini have scanned daniel chapter 9 as it is rendered in english by the hebrew tanakh (masoretic text - mt) and by the greek septuagint (lxx)..
read verses 24 to 27 carefully.. doug.
Congregation By Laws?
by tootired2care inperhaps this was already discussed in another thread, if so i apologize in advance; but i was visiting some family several months back and we get into a conversation about their local congregation.
one of my family members helps with some of the book keeping in that congregation.
after a while he started talking about how the elders received some wierd letter from the society stating something to the effect that the congregation must put together or enforcing something for "corporate by laws" or "congregation by laws" - i'm not sure which.
"Page 3, Article XI - DISSOLUTION
Upon dissolution of the Congregation, after paying or adequately providing for debts and obligations of the Congregation, the remaining assets shall be distributed to Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc."
That is the line that means owned by WTBS.
Dispurse the members to other halls then disolve the non-profit religious corp, sell the property and monies go to WTS.