JoinedPosts by RichardHaley
Why all the secrecy in Gods organisation?
by Truthexplorer inlooking back and seeing all the secrecy and cover ups throughout wt history such as the secret elders books, the branch correspondence guidelines, the shameful lying and deceipt exposed during the arc questioning, the in-house way of dealing with things, the lack of openness to the media on issues such as blood or child abuse or anything controversial for that matter.
could this relate in some way to russell's alleged past as a freemason?
it seems quite strange that the founder of the bible students quite possibly may have been a freemason, (an organisation well known for its secrecy).
It is only logical that and organization that is manipulative and misleading would also have secrecy in their bag of tricks.Link +1 / -0 -
Fade Fail: Not as Easy as I'd Like
by Hadriel inthis has been tough.
very tough actually.
because i'm so integrated into things including certain tasks which i can't say as it would be a dead giveaway i find myself constantly bombarded by things.. i'm literally a lying every day.
I don't know your circumstances and can only give my personal experience at fading, maybe some of it can help you... or not. I was an elder when I made the decision. I resigned immediately and put it in writing to the boe and the co. I used a legitimate reason, turned in my book and necessary papers at the very beginning of the e meeting and excused myself and left while they were still in shock. After that I didn't hang around with any servants before or after the mtngs. I then stopped commenting at meetings and reduced field service activity. After about 6 months I told the school servant I needed a vacation from the school for a while. Started being irregular in fs and eventually stopped reporting all together. I now occasionally go to a Sunday mtng and that is it. I haven't had much pressure from anyone. All my family is still in and just thinks I am weak. My wife knows the whole scoop and is also waking up. I don't engage in any conversation about jw stuff with anyone, and I am pretty good at changing the subject when necessary. I even work with jws and it has been np. It is amazing how fast they can forget about you. When I feel the urge to say something I don't. Right now my moto is "If you don't promote it you don't have to defend it." Hope things smooth out for you.Link +14 / -0 -
Fleecing the Flock
by Coded Logic inat the last assembly i attended in 2005 the cost was $11,000 per day in yuba city (just over two hours away from our circuit).
this always seemed a bit high for a facility that was built on donated land and whose construction loan had been paid off for 20 years.. i just looked up the cost to rent the redding civic center, which is just as nice if not nicer and a whole lot closer for our circuit, and it only costs $2,500 a day plus $250 for consumables (parking included).
if it would save the brother's and sister's $8,250 a day and they could have the assembly locally why wouldn't they do it?.
I worked on the ycah hall when it was built. I was a teenager and things were less strict back then. It was fun. Was from the Redding area and did attend some assemblies at the convention center. Then our circuit was assigned to go to ycah even though the convention center was still being used for circuits north of Redding. As far as I know, all of N Ca goes there now. It has been remodeled dozens of times and has had some major issues but has been paid off for decades. 12k a day or more now.... transparency would be nice, but will never happen.Link +1 / -0 -
Elders & Ex Elders, did knowing sins of congregation members change how you treated them?
by Wasanelder Once inwhen you found out all the sins of fellow witnesses did it effect how you treated them?
it was shocking when i found out the range of bs these people did to each other.
i don't mean sexual abuse, i mean fraud, theft, infidelity and more.
seeing how full of shit they were. I admit I had no patience with some. They seemed just a day away from being found out as a repeat offender as far as I was concerned
exactly how I felt...There were some though that were rather funny, you know, confessing to something without realizing it until afterwards and then getting all mad about it.
ADVANCED WARNING - April 18th to 24th WT Study
by Nicholaus Kopernicus infebruary 2016 study watchtower"prove yourself loyal to jehovah" - week of april 18th to 24th"15. if a brother treats us unfairly, how should we react?
15 in congregations of jehovah’s people today, it is very unlikely that we would be treated unjustly.
however, those taking the lead among us are imperfect men and could misinterpret our actions.
A lot of imperfect men leading in other religions too! Should I give them the same consideration? Inquiring minds want to know. Morons. -
JW Child Abuse Documentary
by cappytan in
let's set aside our differences for the moment and appreciate this excellent documentary cedars put together that should prove to be an invaluable tool in helping to expose the child abuse issues in the organization.. i was humbled to be able to help with this project on such an important subject, though my part in it was insignificant..
This is an impressive documentary. My wife (still in but waking up) even watched it with me and was appalled by the games the WTS and GB are playing. I don't really care for Lloyd but he hit one out of the park on this one. Thanks cappytan!Link +2 / -0 -
Evolution is a Fact #21 - Footprints in the Sand
by cofty inback in the pliocene epoch a volcano called sadiman erupted depositing a layer of ash across the landscape.
some time later it rained at laetoli in modern day tanzania turning the ash into wet cement.
birds and animals walked across the cement, then sadiman erupted again sealing the footprints under a second layer of ash.. fast-forward to 1976. a team of paleontologists led by mary leakey are searching for human origins on the serengeti plain when andrew hill ducks out the way of elephant dung being thrown at him by a colleague.
Just a side note... obsidian spear points and arrow heads can be accurately dated by the hydration dating method to get exact dates of when they were made.
What's the point?
by punkofnice ini mean, i don't want to be miserable or anything, but what's the bloody point of it all?.
since i left the watchtower cult, i have come to realise that god cannot possibly exist...and if a god exists...god is indifferent to humankind as the least.. in 100 years time i'll be gone.
To make it to the end with your boots still on... so you don't stub your toe when you kick the bucket.Link +5 / -0 -
Thier new Bible translations funny Scripture and how stupid they are.
by Crazyguy inif you go to their bible at genesis 18: starting at verse 3 you will read that abraham sees jehovah yep sees him, with a couple of other men (angel's) then talks to him about getting water to wash his feet.
then he runs to sarah and talks to her about preparing food for jehovah.
so let me get this strait abraham sees jehovah face to face, jehovah has feet and apparently likes to eat human food too.
The Jehovah's Witnesses' Governing Body are Elitists (Here is why)
by Terry inan "elite" group is one which has special privileges not granted to others.. and obscurantist elite, is a group which hides information by virtue of its own claim to be special and a sole source in dispensing necessary truths.. to wit:.
the gb's elitism shines through in articles such as this:.
“thus the bible is an organizational book and belongs to the christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals , regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the bible .
My friend eats at McDonalds... I won't, and yet we are still friends. McDonalds could care less.Link +1 / -0