The 3 smallest people in the bible...
Samuel read the law in the kings ear.
Peter slept on his watch.
let's face it when we find ourselfs in a tight corner, if we can be quick witted, and come up with a quick as a flash " quick witted" reply, we can defuse a controversial an embarrassing situation instantly.
for example oscar wilds wit is legendary and these comments could defuse any situation:-.
" i dislike arguments of any kind.
The 3 smallest people in the bible...
Samuel read the law in the kings ear.
Peter slept on his watch.
i am a male, born into the jw cult(ure), baptized as a teen, now mid fifties.
most of my life i dreamed of hugging pandas and lions, punctuated at times by nightmares of armageddon or jw drama and politics.
still going through the motions for still-in wife.
Welcome Dreamerdude and wish you the best.
Our situations are similar, my wife is still in but is starting to see much of the cult for what it is. I have been up front with her from the beginning but didn't push any issues with her unless she starts the conversation. Like most women the child abuse is a hot issue for her. She didn't have much trust in the elders as it was but knowing they wont warn members who the predators are in the cong really pisses her off. She feels being vague with local needs or marking talks is bs in this area. We have a df daughter and some have told her that she needs to treat her as if she was dead. She is not buying that whatsoever. The stupid way members and even the gb are acting is doing more to wake her up than I could ever do.
Just take your time and move at your own pace and things will work out. Become a ghost in the cong if you still have to go. When you go show up late, leave early, don't comment... it doesn't take long and no one will even notice. There is always grand-standers waiting to move into the void left by you.
i think that's the correct phrase?
anyway when i first came here, that little picture that "the rebel" hides behind, was a self portrait of a very sad man, who simply had too much knowledge.
now i feel after 7 months here, i should repaint that " avetor" give some happiness to the eyes, and a contented smile to the lips.. in short my " avetor" was a self portrait of a man with too much knowledge.
hi guys and gals,.
its been a long time since i've posted here, i've been caught up with school and work so i've never had the time to post on the forum, but i've still been reading through some articles on here.
now that finals are over i have some time to breath.
"it’s official: secretary of the treasury jack lew has announced that abolitionist harriet tubman will replace president andrew jackson on the $20 bill.
and, while jackson will still reportedly remain on the reverse side of the bill, the move is nonetheless a momentous one.. .
"naturally there are many people who will complain about this decision, but since tubman’s legacy leading slaves to freedom through the underground railroad is beyond reproach, these critics will most likely turn to defending jackson.
... he also adopted a Native American child to look as if wasn't prejudiced.
In his favor (to little to late) he did destroy central banking and not only had a balanced budget but also eliminated the national debt for the last time.
The change on the bill is a good thing.
i responded to someone on another thread, but would love to know this answer.. if a victim adult or child goes to elders and claims they were abused, don't they have to have clergy confidentiality?
so i was told that they encourage the victim to contact authorities , and they contact bethel, but arent there hands tied if the victim does not want to go to authorities?
an elder made the comment to me once.
anyhow i got to thinking today about my days in the borg and the resolutions that would intermittently be made in the announcements for co visit expenses, sending a donation to society www fund etc.
my point is that while i was in (almost thirty two years) i never once saw anyone put up their hand to vote against a resolution that the body of elders proposed.
on a couple of occasions i heard a few hushed murmurs but i never saw one person vote against.
One MS worked those evenings, and he seconded the motion.Maybe he want it set up so he could miss meetings.
i asked him what happened.
he said "him and his wife lived a full theocratic life for jehovah.
doing everything the organization and the traveling brothers told them to do, like work part time, regular pioneer, serve where the need is great.
I see this all the time... except they don't wake up. The local hall is full of them, depending on welfare, disability payments (for imaginary ailments) and any other hand out while spending all their time as aux piosneers etc. Their personal ministry is supported by "satan's system" lol.
someone might have a few dozen rolls of silver quarters, dimes, and halves, a few tubs of rounds, a couple dozen silver bars...not yet but working on it!
i have looked around and i don't see this covered, so i am starting a thread.. 1) the new "blood card" goes beyond being just a "blood card".. 2) a new edict concerning compliance.. pay attention to the changes.. first, the new card is termed "advance decision to refuse specified medical treatment".
the big change with the card itself is that it includes an 'override' of your "power of attorney".
this is huge.
actually, they we found over 100 years ago.
but because so many dinosaur bones have yielded soft tissue, blood cells, dna fragments etc.
, many have predicted (including myself) when all this really broke loose in 2005, that many more similar discoveries would be made simply by going back and cracking open old fossils and having a look inside.
Kyle Butt is a graduate of Freed-Hardeman, where he earned a B.A. with a double major in Bible and Communication, an M.A. in New Testament Studies, and a M.Div. with a concentration in Apologetics. He has authored or co-authored 28 books and done numerous DVD projects. He has been involved in 3 major debates with unbelievers and speaks frequently around the world on Christian Evidences. He has served in the Bible Department at Apologetics Press for the last 16 years and is the editor of the AP children's monthly publication Discovery.Not a scientist.