Pardon my political views, but I don't see Mrs Clinton as the best role model for anyone...habitual liar, arrogant, condescending, holier than thou attitude, deceitful, back stabber, possible bribery, questionable intelligence (email scandal), questionable morals, questionable ethics. not mention the stories I hear of her behind close doors to her underlings and worker put it mildly, she is a real B.
JoinedPosts by someDUDEinAsmallCubicalSomewhereOverTheRAINBOX
Just a little anecdote illustrating how out of touch the typical JW is
by sir82 inthis weeks book study lesson was on martha, the sister of lazarus.
the chapter in the "imitate their faith" book praised her for being "industrious".. the conductor at our congregation meeting was just positively gushing about how "industrious" modern-day jw women are.. he was so exciting, he could barely get the words out.
following is not an exact quote, but conveys the gist:.
Imagine living in JW's Paradise.
by James Mixon inlets say you are able to go back in time to the first man( their belief adam) 7000 years.. now you are magically transporter back to adam time with the knowledge you have from.
todays world..would you make life a little easier for you and your family???
you may move.
Luckily in a JW paradise you are not immortal - you are just perfect but still mortal. Theoretically, of course.
So in light of that, I would swiftly curse God for such a plight and stick a sharply crafted shiv from a plant husk into my gut to bleed out.
Single Sisters Over A Certain Age Group Getting A Bad Rap
by HiddlesWife ini'm new here; one of my relatives was a member on this forum a few years ago and told me about it.
anyways, as a sister who has been in the org since childhood and now in her late 40's (plus as a woman of color), i have noticed that a number of brothers have an ageist attitude.
they are very accepting of young women under 26 and rejecting women over that age, particularly those in their 30's and over.. is this an unspoken mindset from wthq (specifically from bethel), or is it that quite a number of males (sorry, i'm not sexist here) have this type of mentality?
From the viewpoint of a witless - "Sister so-and-so is already 30 and not married...something must be wrong with her. If she was really a good Christian and chaste and humble and submissive and a goody goody JW wifey, then she would've already been married by now...something must be REALLY wrong with her to be 30 and not married!!!"
Just my 2cents. If your not married by 30, then your done for.
"Circuits with Congregation Details", Effective September 1, 2016. Official Statistical for Dominican Republic, leaked.
by hildebrando inofficial information of congregations, languages, publishers, elders, ministerial servants, pioneers, special pioners, and names of circuit overseers, all in english:.
bonus track in spanish: all outlines for circuit assemblies 2017, and annual pioneer meeting....
Too bad there isn't a column with either SO or P...that would really be something to get excited about. :>
The bitter reality of death
by Bonsai inbeen a lot of death in my life recently.
a close family member died yesterday.
a close friend died 8 weeks ago - both from cancer.
I really liked your post. Thank you for this, and condolences.
If you could speak to your former self, what would you say?
by LoveUniHateExams inif you, knowing ttatt, could go back in time and speak to your former jw self, what would you say to wake yourself up from the wt religion?.
i would speak to my unbaptised publisher self.
at that stage, i believed.
Back in HS -
"It's all a lie. Tap as much booty as you can, because once you get out of school it's a helluva lot harder to tap dat a**"
How Many People are Living a Lie?
by awokenjw inone of the things i often wonder about at the meetings is how many of these people are actually living a lie or sinning in secret?
and more importantly, how do these ones stomach it?
in my case, i have secretly dated and done things disapproved by the wt with a pioneer sister in my congregation for years and we both go to the same meeting twice a week and pretend everything is perfect and nothing has happened.
At the peak of my JW "career", I was a well respected MS + pioneer. My years of pioneering total around 15+, and I was an MS for roughly the same. I was giving public talks and whatever else was requested.
I was also seeing escorts (sometimes on the same day as my public talk) 2-3 times a month, watching extremely sadistic movies (well beyond horror - more masochistic + torture + depicted life-like mass murders + cannibals + ect ...messed up stuff) daily, extreme porn, soft porn, LBGT porn, sadistic porn, violent porn, filthy emails to girls/guys, sexting, extreme sex acts (aka anal sex, TS sex, bondage, many fetishes, ect), whatever the hell I felt like doing really. And I was/am good at hiding it.
Sometimes, before giving talks, I had to see a escort just to clear my mind. At 6PM night of. wore my suit and everything.....I did shower afterwards though...
I have, of course, faded. And I still do the above. But if you saw me on the street you'd think I'm the nicest person and just a regular guy. Clean cut, in good shape, healthy. I actually still look the same...just sometimes grow a beard.
But in truth I'm complete sick f***. And I have accepted it.
Expanding number of DC/RC's
by DwainBowman inaccording to my elder in law, by next year the number of dc/rc's will increase by 143. the size of conventions will get smaller.
the elder in law says the goal is to make them all have around 2,000 or so at each.
they are going to make more manuals detailing each job and it's responsibilities.
At our assembly hall, they stuff us in there like cattle. So it definitely has the the "feel" of being "more" people at each RC. Even the meeting rooms and eating areas upstairs are used.
But you look at the schedule and there is like 10 during the months of June-Aug lool SO FAKE!!! It's definitely a trick to hide the number decrease....
Mark Sanderson Talk re Belgium visit
by Listener inthe degradation of the governing body members continues on.
mark sanderson gives a talk regarding his visit to belgium for the memorial this year and was travelling from korea to munich to brussels, belgium on the day of the belgium terrorist attacks.he cannot wipe the smirk on his face as he relates his experience, with no regard whatsoever of all those unfortunately affected by the attacks.
in fact, he personally found god's hand affecting him personally, allowing him to attend the memorial as planned and a kh dedication.he is that privileged during his flight travels that internet was available to him, enabling him to catch up on current news and to contact branch's.
Jehovah is the God of death, mental abuse, and control. Always has been and always will be.
His minions are just following their God. "He" has no care or sympathy for anyone but Himself. And so do all JW's, especially the GB.
The epitome of arrogance and self-righteousness.
Cart "Witnessing"
by Funchback inbesides being a waste of time for those doing it, and being an easy way for the society to inflate its reports of time spent in the ministry, cart witnessing is also taking up space.
i live in a hot city in brazil.
today, the jws decided to set up their cart in the shady spot of the bus stop, where people going to work have to wait for the bus.. ugh!.
It's easy enough to go with 4-5 blokes, take all the lit, make them move on, then toss it i the trash when they leave.