I have always woundered that. Also why the bible didn't fortel holocaust, atomic bomb, guns, moon landing, rovers on mars, ect... And doesn't mention Dinasaurs, and creatures way way before them. And the 3 or 4 mass extinctions. The so called propheys that came true can be explaned. People in the org. will say things like, God hides things from the smart ones and reveals it to babes. If you question when is the end comming, they will quote, people will say where is this promised presence of his? If the Bible had mentioned all these things, how could anybody deny that it was from God? But instead it's vague.
JoinedPosts by venting
Why was such a GREAT, GREAT, GREAT thing as Internet not foretold in the Bible?
by Pinku injws claim that even such a small thing as proclaiming 1986 as the international year for peace was foretold in the bible.
this raises the question: why was such a great thing as internet (the influence of which could not even be compared with anything in the history at all) not foretold in the bible?
with internet and tv the world has become literally a global village!.
help! i'm lite on the lingo
by venting inwhat is the borg?
what are dubs?
i know i'm forgetting some.
Too funny! Oh steve2 a vent lets air pass. I have been stuffed with so many spiritual meals, I have to let some air out. You people are the only ones that know what I'm going through. There I vented some more. Ahh feels good.
help! i'm lite on the lingo
by venting inwhat is the borg?
what are dubs?
i know i'm forgetting some.
What is the borg? what are dubs? I know I'm forgetting some. Thanks. venting.
Thanks Phizzy. Thats good advice. When I was taught evolution for the first time in school my teacher didn't belive it. He must have been a creationist. There is so much more evidence now. venting.
My wife is doing a good job pounding the doctrines into my youngest child. You can no longer watch Tinkerbell because many of the very spirirtual sisters say its rooted in the devil. When my kid studies evolution in school this will be a challange to keep the peace. venting.
Dr. Kent Bradly and Dr. Nancy Writebol's healings Prove to me there is a God!
by BucketShopBill ini get tired of using the argument of "the mystery of evil" to attack god but where are we when we see heroic acts of godly courage from great humans like dr. kent bradly and dr. nancy writebols wonderful works of love?
did you listen to dr. kent bradley's concern and loving compassion for west africa?
he's not angry superstitious mobs destroyed several make-shift medical facilities to treat victims of ebola, no, dr. bradly implored the world to "help save west africa".
The work that they do speaks for it self. I'm very pleased that they are healthy again. But I,m always uncomfortable when someone says god did it. So god didn't care about the thousands who died in Africa? I think they are alive because of good doctors and medical science. But I sure could be wrong. venting.
There are some excelent lectures about evolution on you tube. Potholer54 has some funny ones. Those of you who are afraid to read up on this stuff don't have to worry. It won't take away your warm and fuzzy. You can belive in evolution and still belive in god. venting.
In the book, "Is there a Creator who cares about you? on page 9 it says... We invite all who have an open mind to consider this subject. The book " Belief in God and Intellectual Honesty" notes that one who possesses intellectual Honesty" is characterized by a " readiness to scrutinize what one believes to be true and to pay sufficient attention to other evidence available". I believe what the book "Belief in God and Intellectual Honesty" says. But does this advice only apply to non jehovahs wittneses? Aparrently. Why would Jehovahs wittneses scrutinize what they believe when they get there stuff from allmighty god? If they would follow their own advice and study evolution outside the box, they would be surprised how much they would learn. Venting.
Just wanted to encourage people still in the org. to study the theory of evolution in a non jehovahs witness setting. I used to think the evolution book was great. Then came the creation book. But when I placed the creation book with my educated uncle, He told me in very nice way study evolution outside jehovahs witnesses. I was blown away what I learned. I thought I understood evolution. I didn't know jack! The" theory" of evolution could be thought of this way. Lets say there is a car accident. Two cars collide. Police get to the crash. After they help the injured, they study what happened. Messure the lenth of skid marks, the damage to the cars ect.. Now they have a theory. It might not be excactly the way it happened, but close. They know there was an accident. Just like scientists know evolution happened. It is a on going theory. The new dvd near the end says something like.. What happends when we come across other teachings in school like evolution? I think it was the mother who said something like.. who do you think knows more about how things got here, a scientist or all mighty God. What a stupid thing to say. I was embarrassed for them whem I heard that. There, I got it off my chest! venting
Why Do Witnesses Promote A Unhealthy Lifestyle, My COBE weighs 340lbs (5ft 7in).
by BucketShopBill inplease don't take this the wrong way if your battling weight problems, that's not what this thread is meant to talk about.
i am asking this question because jehovah's witnesses claim they have "the best way of life", "god's blessing", "the truth" and are trying to change the habits of healthy people by turning them in to their own makings.
i watched people who were great athletes turn all their muscle in to fat because we would get a elder or circuit overseer make remarks they were spending too much time "working out" and "bodily training is beneficial for little".
I agree completly. They do not promote a healthy life. I don't want to be unkind to people who have a weight problem. Some people can't help it its in their genes. I was over weight for most of my adult life. About 25lbs. Now I have type 2 diabetes. I don't think they would ever come out with a wachtower on over eating. I know some who are over a 100lbs over and they go to all you can eat buffets. I won't judge them, it's there body. But I think it might not be scriptural. But like I said, some can't help it, some can. venting.