overhere in Europe we would say... it was nothing more than a storm inĀ a glass of water.
Only a short mediahype about nothing
overhere in Europe we would say... it was nothing more than a storm inĀ a glass of water.
Only a short mediahype about nothing
so, i'm visiting family this week who are all jws.
yesterday, it started with one of them talking about a co giving her some points on time keeping for service.
she is now writing a letter before she drives to service, so she can count her drive time.
@mikey the Daniel book was not on jw.org
i took a hiatus from jwn because the wall started to collapse because i lost several people ive known almost my entire life.
these were people i thought would never die, the lies told by the watchtower is unforgivable!
there was a party i attended keeping a low profile while documenting what was said.
@sanLuis 50 X 4000 = 200,000
i hear many people on this forum say that kh's don't have windows.
but i have never been to one that didn't have windows.
is this only in a certain area or something?.
the no-window story is a hoax.. i have visited Kingdom Halls in dozens of countries on 4 different continents... all had windows
ever since mitt romney turned the spotlight on the lds church a growing tsunami of disaffection has been accelerated and brought to a head.. the lds core faithful members are leaving in increasing numbers such that growth has not simply stagnated in the west but it has actively reversed.
to their credit the church is responding aggressively but not only is it too late, it is an impossible task.
you can only paint sh*t so many ways.
@sir82 no its not 100% true cause the same official letter speaks about building entirely new Kingdom Halls and refurbish a lot of them too. So what is happening is abandoning old/rented buildings and build new ones.
More and more you see that they build new Halls with more than one auditorium or make with 2 or 3 congregations use of one audiorium on different days and times. That only makes sense in areas with a good number of congregations.
It has nothing to do with decline or hollowing out, but is all about ownership, cost reduction and efficiency.
ever since mitt romney turned the spotlight on the lds church a growing tsunami of disaffection has been accelerated and brought to a head.. the lds core faithful members are leaving in increasing numbers such that growth has not simply stagnated in the west but it has actively reversed.
to their credit the church is responding aggressively but not only is it too late, it is an impossible task.
you can only paint sh*t so many ways.
@crazyguy check your facts cause your information is not correct
i took a hiatus from jwn because the wall started to collapse because i lost several people ive known almost my entire life.
these were people i thought would never die, the lies told by the watchtower is unforgivable!
there was a party i attended keeping a low profile while documenting what was said.
Don't count on it. I predict a number of peak publishers of 8.4 Million over service year 2015 and 19.75 million on the memorial
my mom today said the brother behind the children's annimation used to work at pixar.
is that true?
if so, can anyone confirm it?.
see for example the Awake of 2/8 1984 3 articles. He is probably not the only one with the knowhow.
russia's supreme court declares jehovah's witnesses website extremist.
the moscow times.
@metatron i don't know why you start ranting against the U.S.A, i don't live there. But i have been in Russia and the Unites States. If you would ask me a thousand times which country i would prefer and like more i would say .. the U.S.A a 1000 times.
this past october geoffrey jackson told the audience at the watchtower corporate meeting that "they aren't sure who the new king of the north is".. this was applauded as new light.
but if you look up the search terms putin king of the north your won't see jw.org pop up as a top search result.
i checked through the first 100 results and n-o-t-h-i-n-g.. isn't interpretation of prophecy the special territory of the jw's.
@kaik point 3 on your list. Its obvious that you are not living in or near Germany. Cause german overall sentiment is strongly against Russia and their actions in Ukraine. You sound like an idiot by saying that Germany likes it when russia would take over each country on their east.
So who am i to say this? Just a german speaking somebody with a german father... german sisters... dozens of german television channels on tv.. watching german tagesschau everyday (the german main newsprogram),.. living 60 minutes from their border and visiting Germany each month