In my opinion Jehovahs Witnesses already do practice Human Sacrifice.
By letting innocent people adults and children die for want of a blood transfusion, because its what Jehovah wants.
many xtian churches teach that at the end times, human sacrifice will again be instituted.
this is what they say constitutes the "abomination of desolation".. .
following information is from:
In my opinion Jehovahs Witnesses already do practice Human Sacrifice.
By letting innocent people adults and children die for want of a blood transfusion, because its what Jehovah wants.
as most people here know the combined book study allows an evening for "family worship".. the co visits march - august 2009 is really focussing on this.
if a jdub family head doesn't do a full evening of family worship and uses this time to do recreational activities he is as guilty as isrealite who didn't use the sabbath for worship.
the result, will of course be same as the unfaithful isrealite, death!!!!!!!!!
From what I get from JWs I have spoken to when this came in was that it was suggested that the former book study night be used as a "Family Study Night".
But as those who I have spoken to have said they already had a "Family Study Night" on one of the other days, that were free from when they did have the group night. A couple of them said all they did was move the family night to the night the group used to be on. So they still have one less meeting anyway.
One JW said they moved the family study they did have from Friday night to the Tuesday, which was the old group night, this now means they can go out on Friday nights to cinema or elsewhere.
As for Elders visiting everyone to make sure they comply, load of rubbish. If I recall my old congs Elders rightly, they couldn't even manage to do "shepherding calls" once a year.
in the late 1960s and early 1970s, i wrote my study, 1914 and all that.
in it, i stated that at matthew 24 jesus warned his followers against seeing wars, earthquakes and famines as being signs.
i have not wavered from that position, which i have given in my posts here at times.. .
I couldn't find anything about "isaacaustin" either on that thread, even with ctrl-f
this is prompted by a statement made on another thread,that god would still exist even if the borg didn't.. it seems to me that the god of the watchtower only exists within their organization,so their "jehovah" goes down with them,and i say the sooner the better.. my reason for mentioning this is because many times when i was an active witless i had to say to other dubs "i do not worship the same god as you" when they had come out with total bs about armageddon etc.
which was not supported by scripture.. eventually it dawned on my poor slow brain that indeed,i did not worship the god of the wt,so i left.. i think though it is usefull to keep this thought in mind when talking to dubs,and use expressions like "your god does this,or will do ,that...".
they will then perhaps feel the isolation from the true god which is their existence.. love.
I don't use the name when talking with my JW family. I say "our creator" or simply "God". They're going to freak when I finally decide to start saying The Eternal One
They'll freak even more if you start using the name "Jesus"
hello all, i have been lurking, looking, reading, and digesting for around 2 years and it seems the time is right to post.
i recently had one of those moments at the kindom hall where i found myself looking around thinking "am i the only one who gets it, why doesn't anyone else have this puzzled look on their face?".
said during is second talk to the congregation "all of our food, our magazines, and all our wonderful books, and videos come from/through these 9 men".
The C.O. said during is second talk to the congregation "all of our food, our magazines, and all our wonderful books, and videos come from/through these 9 men".
If you have read Barbara Andersons experiences at Bethel.
You would know that is not true. The number of those of the "other sheep" who did a lot of of the publications.
Most of the time all the GB seem to do was give authorisation.
watchtower 1980 15th october questions from readers.
''we can be happy, therefore, for jesus assurance.
that there will be survivors of the generation of 1914. that this generation will not have completely passed away.
Considering that here in Britain that the last member of the armed forces from 1914-1918 has just died at the age of 111.
There can't be many of that "generation" left.
No wonder the WT have to keep juggling with the "generation" teaching, they are running out of those who were of the 1914 generation.
With no one alive from that period then, out goes another of their prophecies. Once more proving them false prophets.
i get the feeling many x-jws are floating about aimlessly and don't join christendom, still living with the jw indoctrinated belief that they are all the work of the devil.
does that make sense?
are they supposed to sit around in small groups in their living rooms reading scripture like ray franz recommended in crisis of conscience?
The True Church is the body of worshippers who accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour. “The idea goes back to a minority wing of the Puritan party in 17th century England. At the Westminster Assembly (1643) was a group of Independents akin to American Congregationalists. These men had come to the conclusion that the sinful condition of man, even Christian men, made the full and clear grasp of the truth of God an impossibility. Consequently, no single body of beliefs can ever fully represent God’s total demand upon the minds and hearts of believers, and no single body of Christians can claim to be the true church of God without considering other believers in other groups.” “Thus, in the minds of these Puritans, the word denomination implied that a particular body of Christians (let us say, for example the Baptists) was only a portion of the total Christian church called — or denominated — by its particular name, Baptist.” “The denominational idea of the church originally stood for an important biblical truth. The church is one. There is only one Saviour, only one Gospel, only one Spirit, so there can only be one church. Divisions, therefore must be within the one body, not from the body. Otherwise Christ would be divided and that is unthinkable (1 Cor. 1:12-13 ).”² Source: From the book, “What People Ask About The Church ,” by Dale A. Robbins
i had heard recently the wtbs may have changed their policy on the ymca.
it would be helpful to me personally if they have.
i did know of a couple of people in my last congregation who went but i also heard some elders talking against it.
Its another example of their double standards.
You can't be affiliated with the YMCA, but they can with the United Nations.
quite a few of the ex-jw's on this site are either atheist or agnostic.
i figured that it would be interesting if the theist side could make their case for god's existence and then non-theists could either debate the points or concede, depending on the arguments given.. so, if you believe in a god, please tell us your most convincing argument for why we should aswell..
Many ex-JWs still believe in God, in fact I would think more, than don't.
Those of us who became JWs , not brought up as JWs, became one because we had a belief in God.
Just because we made a mistake and discovered we had joined a man-made organisation , doesn't mean we lost that belief.
Many leave the JWs saying they no longer believe in God because of the Watchtower.
Maybe they just covering up the fact that they were taken in by a mind-controlling organisation.
And don't want to admit it.
Its never their gullibility that led them into it.
i guess its time to throw my little story out there.
i keep reading everyones stories and thinking how brave you have all been, coming out of the organisation and facing all the repercussions of doing so.. .
i only last august disassociated myself.
Welcome str8 (you must have the longest name of anyone on here)
I'm not going to say anything the rights or wrongs, about being gay etc. Let just say that in my teens been there done that, got the T-shirt.
But ended up on a different road, married , children etc. Strangely it wasn't becoming a JW that did it either, it sort of just died within me. But it gave me an empathy for those who are gay because of that.
In the past I have had dealings with and helped local JWs who have wanted to leave, for some reason I attract them.
I read that you say you were a Min Servant and pioneer, and you were gay from 15 onwards. (Strange when I read or hear of a JW brother being gay they usually have been a pioneer and/or a MS.)
A couple years ago I had two JW brothers call on me, which took me by surprise. They were in there late 20's, from a local congregation, I knew the families. They were both pioneers, one a MS, (see I told you).
They came to me for support as they were going to reveal they were gay, and disassociating. They had been "gay lovers" since they were 16/17 their "partnership" as pioneers, had been encouraged by their familes, who knew nothing. Over the years they even got a place to live together, telling everyone that it make it easier for them to pioneer from a single base.
But now they had decided that they could no longer keep the pretense up, even if it meant losing their families. The reason they came to me was that they needed someone just to talk to about their life and how they have led this double life and the strain it was causing. Anyway they eventually DA'd and moved away, had a letter about a year later saying they were doing ok.
I'm telling you this so as not tothink you are the only one it has happened to. So many ex-JWs seem to think, whether they are gay or not, thatthey are the only ones its happened to. Then they find a forum like this and discover many other have had the same experience, they are not alone, not without support.
You come here on this forum anytime you need support , we will not condemn you for who you are. You can shout, rage, rant, cry get it out of your system, or just generally chat.
!'m glad that you are making something of your life, despite the hurt you feel because of the JWs and the shunning by your family. Nothing upsets them more than seeing someone who left being happy. Stick with it lad.