I was hoping that this is somewhere I can truly be honest & completely free to be me & not have an agenda. Remember, I work in the biz with the most aberrant people on the planet. It's true. You do get the bests well but it's all extremes, that's for sure. Hah! anyway, whatever. I've learnt one hell of a lot over the last 22 years I've been doing this. Phats. BTW Phats is my alter ego. He's everything I truly feel in my heart but I can only express when there is no aulteria motive other that the full & unexpected fax of any mater. Anyway Peace to you all. Phats out.
Posts by phats
I can't seem to find to much of my history so I guess it got lost somewhere when the platform changed as this is the first time I've seen this design before. Phats.
Thanks guys, Somehow I've managed to go from someone who is doing just what he is told. Whether it is legal or illegal "Holy War" I now do everything I want & live with the support of my lovely wife all the way. She is still very much a good hard working, self sacrificing witness as you could meat & I support her where ever I way. The thing is, I'm free & the Borg has been rendered powerless because I played them at there game. Sorry fore any spell oops. Can't be bothered to go through. sorry.
Hi Everyone, Phats here. I haven't posted for about 2 years as things have been so busy with work + a nervous breakdown along the way so been on meds & all sorts but things but are now beginning to get stronger & the mists are clearing. Business is great with loads of work. (I'm in the music industry) have been for over 20 years. Anyway you are welcome to check my history here to get an idea of my experiences in the Org but I just wanted to catch up & see what's happened over the years. Would love to hear from people. Please. Thats out (for now)
Did you AWAKEN from the JWs by yourself?
by cultBgone ini was thinking about how so many posters here on jwn are frustrated and frantic to help their loved ones get away from the brainwashing of jws, and how much advice is given about how to help family members and loved ones.
i considered my own leaving and that it was internal turmoil based on the teachings getting weirder and child abuse issues, to name just a few, and it made me wonder:.
did you self-awaken or were you assisted by the gentle proddings of a friend or family member?
I held on for years thinking that in some way it was still the truth & the guys in charge were good honest people & it was just imperfect men that needed to be constantly forgiven & excuses made for there errors & personalities.
It was'nt until I was forced to see the total lack of love & honest care even to the point of there being no provision for genuine love that I finally started to see it for what I now believe it to be.....Totally man made with mans agendas & purposes.
After that it was a slippary slope to freedom.
Joined 11/29/2002
by lisavegas420 inyep, i joined 12 years ago today.
just thought i'd do a drive by and a shout out.
i'm still happy to be free.
You're right Lisa, stop the rot! What your parents couldn't or wouldn't do can stop with you. Not perpetuating the situation on to the next generation is the key.
May Dad had major problems showing anything affectionate to anyone. My mum was a proper old stiff up a lip type so not much going on there ether.
When it came to my family I made sure I didn't pass it on to them. Took real effort but all well worth it.
It's the one thing I'm truly proud of doing because it took the greatest effort & yielded the best rewards.
JW 10 Commandments (possibly much more): Thou shalt.....
by androb31 in1. love the org.
your god with all your heart, mind, soul and strength....... 2. listen obey and be blessed..... 3. not wear tight pants...... 4. not not wear colorful socks..... .
others feel free to add to the list.. .
Thou must lie, cheat & cover over ANY wrong doing done by thy god the org & hate thyself if thy feel any regret.
The Big Gotcha!
by kairos inremember getting the sense that when armageddon final comes everyone will "have to know" that it was jehovah?.
the big "told you so".
probably on christmas to boot.... .
Amen, Phizzy!
JW Disfellowshipping Is Cruel
by minimus inthey tell you it's 'loving".
disfellowshipping is cruel punishment.. it is not "christian".. .
Yes Minimus. But is has to be that cruel or it dose'nt work. It's the extremeness if the pain it causes that keep the r&f all in step.
It's what keeps me from shouting out from every rooftop how bad the LO "Loving Organization" really are but I don't. What to do? Go with you're pride & suffer the cruelty? Or Play at there game but maybe lose some self dignity by keeping domed down but free.
If they were to be any way close to humane they would never use the shun gun but. They would have no flock because so many stay in solely because of the fear of being shunned.
It works.... That's all it needs to do & man is it good at it.
Peace, Phats.
hello everyone
by purrpurr ini've been browsing the site for some time as things that the society teach just are not adding up much these days.
by exploring some of the threads on here i'm starting to see why.
a brief bio.
It really shows how the borg instills this fear that they will punish us or we will get into trouble for looking elsewhere rather than the love they pertain to have for there sheep. If they truly loved us I don't think that's the way to show us there love but as they don't they only have the stick left in there arsenal to threaten us with.