goingthruthemotions I currently don't believe that the Bible is inerrant. However, The Watchtower Society says that it follows the Bible. Ok, let us play with its own rules. The Witnesses teach that the Great Crowd mentioned in chapter 7 of the book of Revelation, is an earthly class of inferior christians. So, the final destiny of the Great Crowd is the earth. The Governing Body says that the majority of the Witnesses belong to the Great Crowd, so they can't eat the bread and drink the wine in the Lord's Supper, because they are not in the New Covenant. However, this is a pretty lie. If you read the book of Revelation in the original language, you will note that the place in which the Great Crowd is seen, in Rev 7:15, is the sanctuary of the heavenly temple of God. The greek word for sanctuary is NAOS, and this is the final destiny of the Great Crowd according to Rev 7:15, which is in heaven (see Rev 11:19; and Rev 14:17). Nevertheless, the Governing Body is misleading their followers in this issue.
Please, read the following article, which will show you how dishonest is the Watctower Society in this respect :
Feel free to ask me, if you have questions.