It would be the same. It doesn't matter what gender they are they'd still be delusional.
JoinedPosts by UFCFan
Do you think that the Jehovahs Witness religion would be better /worse if their were an equal number of male/female on the G.B.?
by smiddy inof course this is a hypothetical question , it will never happen .?
but what if it did , what do you think the society would be like if it did happen .?.
let your imaginations run wild .
Is the Watchtower Intentionally Trying to Force People to Leave the Organization?
by kneehighmiah inthe leaks from the new november watchtower are alarming.
they will disturb even longtime jws who haven't surrendered all rational thought.
it's become so cult like its scary.
Can anyone link to the leaked watchtower? I want to check this out.
will the jw logo become a flag?
by losingit inwith the unveiling of the new jw logo, and all of the emphasis placed on it , will the borg dare to put it on a flag?
i hope they do!
imagine all whom would wake up with such an act!
Do Jehovah's Witnesses actually HATE?
by clarity indo jehovah's witnesses actually hate?.
hatred (jwfacts).
the direction given in the watchtower goes strongly against christian examples when demanding members hate an apostate.. *.
I don't think the JWs in my congregation know what hating something actually is.
"Before and After" JW Cult Education Pamplets I wish to Make!
by BucketShopBill ini have three stories i would like to tell through a quick message showing the effects of the watchtower, "before i became a jw" and "after i became a jw".
the first would be the real life story of a successful jw business woman who was on track to become ceo of a major s&p 500 company until two jw elderly witnesses weasled their way in to her life.
the second is the happy family everyone loves and all the lives they touch until the cult turns them in to drones.
Good idea. It would be even cooler to leave one of these around the KH and see what happens.
by doneandout inour last midweek meeting was going along as planed, then after the last talk, an elder was called up to say: member x is no longer a jw, please sing.... after the song it was silent (compared to todays were people started talk right away) and the father had his head down with someones hand on his back.
i didn't catch what they were saying, but the pose said: i'm sorry for your loss.. it was a weird night thinking how leaving a religion could couse such sadnness..
Yup. That's why it's going to be hard for me to leave when I'm old enough to live on my own, the few friends I have that are at least semi-real friends would shun me and then I'd have to start over my life from scratch.
JW.Org Blitz
by Theredeemer ini've noticed, partilcularly on instagram, a advertising blitz for by the dubs.
primarily its the younger ones 35 and under vs older ones.
i dont know if its just my friends or everyone but they are obsessed with
Need a Game Plan
by bafh ini'm not sure what is going on at the convention, but i just got a desperate call from a friend wanting me to attend sunday's morning session.
last weekend, my mom invited me too.instead of saying something like, "i'm sorry, but i have no intention of going back," and having them completely freak out - i agreed to go to the sunday morning session.
any recommendations?
IDK if you still need help but my plan was to find other things to think about to keep yourself from getting brainwashed... Sports, politics, whatever, just think of other stuff for most of the time.
If the organization is all about money.....
by Pete Zahut inthen why would they be so insistent about dfing people ?
if it's money the watchtower org is after, it seems like they'd want to hold on to all the members they can.. how would you answer this logic?.
DFing people makes it seem like an exclusive club, and it keeps out people who might say something about TTATT.
I know a bunch of people who are probably just here because they think it's cool to be in the borg.
Do You Ever Think That You "Loved" Jehovah God?
by minimus ini really wonder about that.
just like they say in prayers, that they "love" the governing body---do they really??
I don't love mass murderers.